
News! Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, died and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed during the game, suspected of having his sister posted

author:Bishoujo Soshi

Tragic! Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old national badminton player, suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed on the court when he participated in the Asian Youth Badminton Championships, and finally passed away tragically. This bad news shocked the entire badminton world. Among the many regrets, there are also doubts about whether the on-site treatment is timely. What are the doubts about this incident? Let's dive in.

News! Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, died and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed during the game, suspected of having his sister posted

Zhang Zhijie, born in 2007, has been inseparable from badminton since he was a child. With his exceptional talent and hard work, he won numerous honors as a teenager and was selected for the national youth team in 2023. He should have made great achievements, but in this Asian Youth Championship, he encountered the biggest disaster in his life.

News! Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, died and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed during the game, suspected of having his sister posted

When the game was 11-11 in the first game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed, and the scene was heart-wrenching. The coaches and staff on the sidelines were a little overwhelmed at first, and it was not until the coach asked that the medical staff rushed to the rescue. However, in the end, Zhang Zhijie left his beloved arena forever.

News! Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, died and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed during the game, suspected of having his sister posted

According to the announcement of the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Federation, "he was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes". In just two minutes, what happened? Why is treatment so slow? These questions were also echoed in Zhang Zhijie's suspected sister's questioning post.

News! Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, died and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed during the game, suspected of having his sister posted

In her post, she said that the rescue at the scene was not timely, which caused many people to question. After all, in a big event like this, medical teams are supposed to be on standby for any eventuality. However, the truth is that precious rescue time has been wasted.

News! Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, died and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed during the game, suspected of having his sister posted

In the face of the loss of life at the age of 17 and the collapse of a family, the response given by the organizers is obviously unconvincing. Zhang Zhijie's family undoubtedly needs a reasonable explanation and a convincing answer.

This incident once again sounded the alarm bell of medical security for sports events. The safety of athletes should always come first. Any negligence and slackness can lead to irreparable tragedy. This not only requires deep reflection by the organizers, but also requires the joint efforts of the entire sports community to improve emergency plans, strengthen medical security, and create a safe and reliable competitive environment for athletes.

News! Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, died and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed during the game, suspected of having his sister posted

Zhang Zhijie's death is a loss for the entire badminton world. His young life, which should have bloomed more brilliantly, stayed forever at this sad moment. We should not only remember him, but also reflect on the problems exposed behind it. Only by learning lessons and constantly improving can we avoid a recurrence of tragedy. Let's work together to create a safer and more secure competitive arena for all athletes chasing their dreams. Zhang Zhijie, go all the way, there is no pain in heaven, only endless shuttlecocks are waiting for you!