
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, why did Moldova not return to its homeland? The reason is only six words

author:Sports billion u one oh i

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, why did Moldova not return to its homeland? The reason is only six words

Moldova's historical dilemma

The history of Moldova dates back to the Dacian period in the Middle Ages. This ancient people once established their own country here. However, as fate would have it, the land had gone through a long period of division and unification. Eventually, it became a union republic of the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moldova gained independence, but whether it could return to its native Romania has always puzzled the small country. The reason is only six words: "Russia's blocking". What's going on here?

A lost homeland

The history of Moldova dates back to the ancient Dacian period. The Dacians are one of the oldest peoples in Europe who once established their own state on this land. Later, due to the Mongol invasion, this unified nation split into three parts, namely the Moldovans, Wallachians, and Transylvanians.

These three parts changed over the centuries before the Wallachians and Transylvanians eventually formed Romania. Moldova, on the other hand, was briefly part of Romania after World War I. This is the true homeland of Moldova.

However, due to the strategic importance of Moldova, Russia has been eyeing Moldova since the 18th century. Russia annexed Moldova several times, bringing it into the Russian Empire. Eventually, during the Soviet era, Moldova became a union republic of the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, why did Moldova not return to its homeland? The reason is only six words

Artemis Gandu Eminescu is a well-known poet in Moldova. In one of his poems, he described Moldova as follows: "Dear Motherland, you are my destiny, the dark rose garden, you are my pain and joy." These sentimental words express the Moldovans' attachment to this hot land.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moldova finally gained independence. This is a godsend to return to the motherland of Romania and realize the dream of the unification of this ancient people. However, Russia's obstruction has made this dream come to naught.

Russia's blocking

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moldova immediately said that it would return to Romania. This is undoubtedly reasonable, as Moldova and Romania are culturally and historically homogeneous and full of deep roots.

However, at the time when Moldova and Romania were negotiating reunification, Russia intervened and harshly prevented the return of Moldova. Russia even occupied the most developed and important Dezuo region of Moldova.

From a strategic point of view, Russia does not want to see Moldova annexed to Romania. Because Moldova, as Russia's only route to the south, has an important strategic position for Russia.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, why did Moldova not return to its homeland? The reason is only six words

At the same time, Russia does not want to see a strong Romania, as this could threaten Russian influence in Eastern Europe. So Russia categorically does not allow Moldova to return to its homeland.

The reunification plan of Moldova and Romania, obstructed by Russia, could only be put on hold for the time being. Despite this, Romania continues to strengthen its trade and economic ties with Moldova and provides substantial assistance to Moldova. Gradually, more and more Moldovans supported the return to Romania.

However, under the influence of Russia, the president of Moldova has repeatedly emphasized his loyalty to Russia and said that he will not join the Western camp and will not return to Romania. Under the control of Russia, Moldova can only get poorer and poorer.

Russia intervened forcefully, putting to naught plans for the reunification of Moldova and Romania. This is undoubtedly a tragic end. A nation divided by geopolitics has not been able to achieve reunification, and can only watch its motherland go further and further.

Reconstruct the destiny of the country

The fate of Moldova after independence is closely linked to Russia's obstruction. Russia has never relinquished control of the region, which is the key to Moldova's inability to return unified.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, why did Moldova not return to its homeland? The reason is only six words

But even in the face of such a dilemma, Moldova is actively seeking a breakthrough. On the one hand, it has been strengthening ties with the European Union, trying to gain support from the West. On the other hand, it is also constantly improving its relations with Romania and seeking economic cooperation between the two countries.

Moldovan President Germain Primakov once said frankly that Moldova hopes to achieve national construction and economic and social development through cooperation with the European Union, and eventually achieve peaceful reunification with Romania. This is clearly a kind of complementary diplomacy for Russia.

In addition, Moldova is also trying to strengthen its own defense capabilities and increase its bargaining chips in foreign negotiations. In 2016, Moldova signed a military cooperation agreement with Romania, which undoubtedly strengthened Moldova's military strength.

Despite the difficulties, the Moldovan people have not given up their faith in reshaping the country's destiny. They know very well that only by stepping out of the shadow of Russia can they truly realize peaceful reunification with the motherland and realize the dream of this ancient nation.


Moldova's history is full of ups and downs, from the ancient Dacians to the independent state of today, it has always been torn between division and unity. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moldova would have had the opportunity to return to its true homeland, Romania, but

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, why did Moldova not return to its homeland? The reason is only six words

Moldova's historical dilemma

Moldova's independence gave it the opportunity to return to Romania, but unfortunately, this dream was shattered by Russia's tough obstruction. Moldova can only struggle under the influence of Russia, and its state-building and economic development are limited.

Despite being constrained by Russia's geopolitical game, Moldova is still looking for a way to change its destiny. On the one hand, it has strengthened its cooperation with the European Union and enlisted the support of the West, and on the other hand, it has been continuously improving its relations with Romania and seeking economic cooperation between the two countries.

At the same time, Moldova is also actively strengthening its own defense capabilities to increase its bargaining chips in the negotiations. In 2016, Moldova signed a military cooperation agreement with Romania, which undoubtedly significantly strengthened Moldova's military strength.

Although the outlook is still not optimistic, the people of Moldova have not given up their faith in rebuilding the country's destiny. They know very well that only by stepping out of the shadow of Russia can they truly realize peaceful reunification with the motherland and realize the dream of this ancient nation.

Although history is difficult, the patriotic fervor of the Moldovan people has never retreated. They are working tirelessly to reshape the destiny of their countries, and believe that one day, Moldova and Romania will be able to reconcile and realize the century-old dream of the two peoples.

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