
If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

author:Sports billion u one oh i

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Since the famous novelist Jin Yong described the character of Ouyang Feng as an exotic beauty of great stature, it is only natural that television and film adaptations seek to accurately reflect this image. However, the casting choices often disappointed fans, who felt that the performers did not fit the original description.

First of all, it should be noted that Ouyang Feng's physical description is quite precise in Jin Yong's writings: "tall, dressed in white, with a hooked nose and deep eyes, a dark complexion, a proud appearance and a piercing gaze like a blade". His son Ouyang Ke is also depicted as "elegant-faced and martial-looking". This clearly suggests that the "Unequalled Five" should be made up of actors with distinctive traits and imposing stature.

However, the first adaptations, such as the one in 1976 with Yang Ze-lin or the one in 1983 with Zhu Tie-hao, chose performers with more conventional physique, without any real exoticism. It was only from the 2000s onwards that directors focused on finding actors who corresponded more closely to the original description.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

The 2003 adaptation with You Yong, tall and athletic, was rather well received. But it was really with Xu Jingjiang in 2008 that we came close to the ideal, with his imposing stature of 1.88m and his marked features. Finally, in 2017, Hei Zi was able to give a new interpretation of the character, combining brute force and moral nuances.

However, it is undoubtedly Gao Weiguang, in the recent 2022 adaptation, who seems to have best captured the essence of Ouyang Feng. Tall at 1.91m, with the physique of a model, he perfectly embodies the "handsome exotic male" described by Jin Yong. With his princely allure and magnetic charisma, he was able to give the character an aesthetic and sensual dimension that was missing from previous versions.

Beyond simple physical considerations, Gao Weiguang was also able to bring a new nuance to the role, making it less caricatured than some previous interpretations. Son Ouyang Feng is no longer just a one-dimensional villain, but a complex character, both ambitious and filled with a form of nobility.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Thus, the choice of Gao Weiguang seems to be the most faithful to Jin Yong's original vision. With his charisma and singular beauty, he was able to bring the "West Poison" to life in a way that was both epic and intimate, fulfilling the expectations of the most demanding fans. This is undoubtedly Ouyang Feng's most striking performance to date.

As a fan of Jin Yong's novels, it is undoubtedly an exciting thing to see the ideal image of Ouyang Feng in his mind on the screen. However, among the many adaptations, it is not easy to find an actor who perfectly fits the role positioning of the "beautiful man in the Western Regions" described in the novel.

From the early Hong Kong drama version to the mainland adaptation in recent years, the image building of Ouyang Feng's character has always been a hot topic of concern for the audience. Which actor best embodies the unique charm of this character?

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

In the 2022 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Gao Weiguang, who plays Ouyang Feng, undoubtedly gives the audience a refreshing feeling. His tall and straight figure and deep facial features do coincide with the description in Jin Yong's original work.

Compared with the interpretations of some previous actors, the image of Ouyang Feng created by Gao Weiguang is more exotic and kingly. His outstanding appearance and powerful aura well show the "beautiful man of the Western Regions" characteristics of this character.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Weiguang was not born to be such an actor with outstanding temperament. In previous idol dramas, he actually played more of the role of some heroic and fearless "domineering presidents". But in this adaptation of "Shooting the Condor", he perfectly interpreted the complex character of Ouyang Feng.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

From the ruthless and vicious to the tenderness hidden deep in his heart, Gao Weiguang has an excellent performance when playing Ouyang Feng. He is not only tall, but also noble, giving people an unapproachable sense of coldness, but he can show the delicate softness of his heart at critical moments. This kind of accurate grasp of the role undoubtedly plumps up the character image of Ouyang Feng.

Of course, there are still some challenges to completely replicate the image of the "beautiful man in the Western Regions" in Jin Yong's original work. For example, Gao Weiguang is not completely mixed-race and lacks some more obvious exotic characteristics. But on the whole, the temperament and charm he shows are very close to the description in the novel.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Compared with some previous practices of stiffening the role and adding aging characteristics, the image of Ouyang Feng presented by Gao Weiguang is undoubtedly closer to the original work, and it is easier for the audience to have a sense of substitution. His tall and upright, deep and heroic appearance is perfectly integrated with the complex personality traits of the heart, giving people an elusive charm.

Especially when he came dressed in white and riding a white horse, that kind of king-like momentum was simply Ouyang Feng himself in Jin Yong's novel. It can be said that Gao Weiguang's outstanding performance this time has filled some of the regrets that existed in the previous adaptation of this character.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Not only that, when Gao Weiguang played Ouyang Feng, he also gave people a feeling that was different from the previous version. He shaped the character from a simple villain to a more three-dimensional and complex character.

Under Gao Weiguang's interpretation, Ouyang Feng no longer seems to be as simple as just a "Western Poison". He is ambitious and ruthless, but he hides a hint of tenderness and a sense of justice. This in-depth portrayal of the character makes this image, which was once regarded as pure evil, more fleshed out and three-dimensional.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Perhaps it is precisely because of Gao Weiguang's excellent acting skills that the audience has a more complicated feeling about this version of Ouyang Feng. It's no longer a simple dislike or liking, but more thinking and exploration of the character's inner world.

This is undoubtedly a new interpretation of the charm of Jin Yong's novels. After all, the uniqueness of Ouyang Feng's character is that he is both evil and noble, brutal and warm, cold and not lacking in a sense of justice. And Gao Weiguang's brilliant interpretation captures this complexity.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

It can be said that Gao Weiguang has successfully created an image of Ouyang Feng that is closest to Jin Yong's original work so far. Whether it is in terms of external characteristics or internal character portrayal, he has handed over a beautiful answer sheet. This not only satisfies the expectations of fans, but also adds a new charm to this classic novel.

It is this faithful restoration of the spirit of the original work, coupled with excellent acting performance, that makes Gao Weiguang's version of Ouyang Feng one of the most watched screen images in recent years. His excellent interpretation not only gave the audience a new understanding of this classic character, but also injected a strong audience appeal into this adaptation.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

There is no doubt that Gao Weiguang's superb acting skills this time have once again contributed to his acting career and won wide acclaim for himself. Not only did he prove his ability to create a character with depth and charisma, but he also gave the audience a more positive impression of him as well.

I believe that with this outstanding performance, Gao Weiguang will have more wonderful performances in the film and television industry in the future. As an excellent and powerful actor, he has proven that he not only has excellent appearance, but also has deep internal skills. I believe that he will have more surprising works in the future and make more contributions to the cause of film and television art.