
The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

author:Bearded view

The "little secret" in the textbook: the memories of youth that were scribbled by us in those years

Do you remember how many of our little secrets and laughter were hidden in that textbook when you were a student? Whenever we open the yellowed pages, those familiar illustrations and graffiti seem to bring us back to that innocent era.

So, what kind of youth memories does the graffiti in the textbook carry? Today, let's go back to the past and explore the stories behind those "broken" textbook illustrations.

1. The "little painters" in the textbooks

When we were students, textbooks were our closest companions. However, in addition to learning knowledge, they have also become a stage for us to be creative.

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

From the anime-style "Takasugi Shinsuke Du Fu" to the sports-style "No. 24 Jersey" illustrations, to the romantic "Beach Beauty" and the heartbeat style "Sitting on the Beauty" screen, these graffiti-like textbook illustrations undoubtedly show the endless imagination and creativity of the students.

1. Anime style: Du Fu transforms into Shinsuke Takasugi

That classmate is really talented, and he actually painted Du Fu as Takasugi Shinsuke in "Gintama". The purple coat and handsome hairstyle really have a little taste.

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

However, netizens ridiculed, this is the old Takasugi Shinsuke, right? Having said that, the creativity of the students is beyond imagination, and it would be great if they put that mind to studying!

2. Sporty style: the unforgettable "No. 24 jersey"

Kobe Bryant is the idol of many students who love basketball! Seeing the illustrations in the textbook, the student couldn't help but draw the No. 24 jersey, as if making the sunny and handsome basketball boy jump on the paper. This illustration makes more sense because of this.

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

3. Romantic style: beach, beauty, bikini

Has this classmate watched too many idol dramas? Du Fu has also become a cool and dazzling old man, accompanied by graceful beauties. It's really sunglasses, no one loves it! However, this student has to be careful, thinking all day long, the teacher is going to invite parents!

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

4. Heartbeat style: sit on a beautiful woman and have a heart that is not disturbed

This illustration is really blushing and heartbeat! The female teacher blushed after reading it.

However, this student is also really talented, and he draws such a serious text illustration so vividly and interestingly. But I still have to remind you: watch videos on your mobile phone less, and study hard when you are a student!

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

Second, the youth memories behind the graffiti

These doodled textbook illustrations not only show the creativity and imagination of the students, but also carry their youthful memories and emotions. Every time we open these textbooks, those familiar pictures and graffiti will remind us of those carefree and dream-filled days.

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

3. How can parents correctly guide their children's painting talents?

Seeing children doodling in textbooks can make parents worry or get angry. But in fact, this is the manifestation of children's imagination and creativity. As parents, how should we properly guide our children's talent for drawing?

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

1. Don't blame and criticize, encourage support

When you see graffiti in textbooks, parents should not blindly criticize their children. Instead, they should be encouraged to use their creativity and imagination. You can set aside time for them to draw or buy some doodle books for them to create. Excessive restraint will only make the child worse.

2. Dig deep into the inner potential and develop it into a specialty

If children really have the talent and interest in drawing, parents can dig deep into their inner potential and try to develop their talents. This will not only give them an edge in their studies, but also lay a solid foundation for their future development.

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

3. Make children aware of the importance of reading

Of course, we also need to make children deeply aware of the importance of reading. Tell them that only by studying hard can they change their destiny and future. At the same time, it is also necessary to make them understand that textbooks are objects for imparting knowledge, and that historical figures should be cherished and respected.

4. Cherish your youth and study hard

Time flies. The student years are our most precious youth time, and it is also an important stage for us to learn knowledge and exercise our abilities.

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

We should cherish this time, study hard, and constantly improve our overall quality and competitiveness. At the same time, we should also cherish every page and every graffiti in the textbook, because they are all witnesses of our youthful memories.


Back to that innocent era, we seem to see those "broken" textbook illustrations and those carefree and dream-filled days.

The textbook illustrations that were played by the scumbag, especially the last one, the female teacher's face turned red!

Let's cherish our youth together, study hard, and lay a solid foundation for our future dreams! And those doodled textbook illustrations will always become the best memories and source of strength in our hearts.