
Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

author:Mr. Liu in the south of the city

The track and field championships in the United States and Jamaica staged an incredible battle of speed! Marseille-Russell of the United States and Accra of Jamaica won the championships in 12.25 seconds and 12.28 seconds respectively, leaving everyone's jaws dropped.

The night before, our Wu Yanni ran the best time of her career in Rizhao, Shandong Province - 12.74 seconds, winning the domestic championship, but after a night, the speed of others was like stepping on Hot Wheels!

Let's talk about this competition first, the competition in the United States is really tense and exciting, and it makes people's palms sweat.

Marseille Russell, a post-00 girl from the University of Kentucky, ran 12.25 seconds at once, this speed, I ask you if you are afraid! And the opponents Alesa Johnson and Stark also struggled with their lives, and both achieved a time of 12.31 seconds.

This result is also top in the world.

It is estimated that the veteran Ali has to cry in her heart, although she tried her best, she could only stop fourth with a time of 13.37 seconds, and she didn't even get a ticket to the Paris Olympics.

Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

Think about it, after so many years of sweat and tears, I was finally slapped on the beach by the young back waves, and the mood can be imagined.

In other words, in such a battlefield where there are many masters, people run a time of less than 12.30 seconds, you can get it directly, and you don't even want to enter the top three in less than 13 seconds, this competition is really cruel.

Looking at Jamaica, Accra won the championship with a time of 12.28 seconds, which was another brilliant result in the history of Jamaican athletics.

This little girl is young, and the future is bright.

The second and third places were 12.53 seconds and 12.61 seconds respectively, which can break the national record in our China.

Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

Therefore, this competition is really a master's trick and exciting.

At this moment, we can't help but ask, why can people run so fast? Is it different from the snacks to the rice? Haha, of course not.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is still talent and excessive training.

It's like watching a movie, we are excited to watch it, but if we really want to go to the battlefield, we have to run desperately when we are hungry and tired, what a lot of perseverance and courage!

Look at our Wu Yanni, who won the domestic championship time of 12.74 seconds, and put it in the competition between the United States and Jamaica, although she only ranked eighth and sixth, but this is already her personal best.

Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

We also have to applaud her, because this step-by-step progress is all earned by her sweat and hard work.

This time it was improved by 0.02 seconds, which may not seem like much, but the effort behind it is simply unimaginable.

Speaking of which, I thought of the question: Is there really a day when the women's 100m hurdles can run under 12 seconds? It's not impossible.

After all, world records are a process of being broken.

Toby Amusan's 12.12 seconds at the World Championships in Eugene last year was already terrifying, and it is said that she can sometimes run 12.05 seconds, and the wind speed almost threatens to send her to the sky.

Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

But it was an isolated case, and it still amazed us.

But if it breaks 12 seconds in the future, it will be really surprising again.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the story behind each athlete.

For example, Accra, although she is young, there must be a lot of bitterness behind her, and such a young person's achievements are so outstanding, I don't know how many veterans feel pressure.

Think about Ali again, 35 years old, still fighting, this spirit is really admirable.

Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

Life is like this, if you don't work hard, you have to be surpassed; No matter how hard you work and how hard you work, you may be compared to others.

But that's the beauty of competitive sports, anything is possible!

Everyone may think that Wu Yanni is a little less interesting than others this time.

But don't be discouraged, look at our lads who have finally made their mark on the world stage through such a step-by-step struggle.

Every effort will not be in vain, as long as we continue to improve, one day, we will also stand on the top of the world.

Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

At that time, our results may also be able to stun others.

The results of the United States and Jamaica this time are amazing, but behind them is hard work and super willpower.

Although our Wu Yanni is almost meaningless for the time being, as long as she continues to work hard and persevere, she will catch up one day.

This competition gave us a wake-up call, and also a wake-up call for Wu Yanni: only by making continuous progress can we be invincible.

Back in real life, whether it's a game on the sports field or a struggle in our own lives, the truth is actually the same.

Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

Only by constantly working hard and constantly surpassing oneself can we truly realize our dreams.

Every step, every effort, is the driving force for us to move forward.

No matter how difficult it is, as long as the belief in your heart is not extinguished, you will definitely be able to achieve your goal.

The performance of the United States and Jamaica in this tournament is indeed awe-inspiring, but that doesn't mean we don't have hope.

As long as we continue to persist and go on with confidence, there will definitely be a place for us on the stage in the future! The game continues, and the arena of life never stops.

Overnight, Wu Yanni and her peers accelerated again, and the American champion soared 12.25 seconds, and the Jamaican champion flew 12.28 seconds

Let's cheer for Wu Yanni and all the people who work hard! Let's continue to talk about Wu Yanni, this girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

From how many windy and sunny training grounds and sleepless nights she has had when she started practicing track and field, it feels sad to think about it.

No, she fought all the way and finally won her best time of 12.74 seconds in Rizhao, Shandong.

Although there is still a gap between this result and those top masters, it is already her progress.

As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and every small step is a foreshadowing of a big step in the future.

Looking back at this fierce showdown between the United States and Jamaica, it is really jaw-dropping.

Marseille Russell led the way, and the young girl from the University of Kentucky, who was less than 20 years old, won the championship with a galloping speed.

The intensity and hard work behind her can be imagined, otherwise how could she be so strong at the age of 20.

Looking at Accra, this young player from Jamaica has a time of 12.28 seconds.

really responded to that sentence, not afraid of god-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates.

In the face of such a strong opponent, every player did their best and did not slack off.

Every minute and second, or even a fraction of a second, is the result of countless practices and hard work on the field.

If you think about it, Ali, a 35-year-old veteran, can still run 13.37 seconds, what a great thing.

For so many years, her dedication and perseverance to the cause of athletics are worthy of respect.

Although she failed to enter the Paris Olympics this time, this disappointment is certainly inevitable, but her spirit and perseverance are still admirable.

The veteran doesn't die, but fades away, and her story continues to inspire more young athletes.

Speaking of which, we can't ignore the stories and efforts behind each player.

Just like Wu Yanni, for this breakthrough, I don't know how much sweat she shed on the training ground and how many times she fell.

Every time she makes progress, she deserves our encouragement and applause.

Although there is still a gap between her and the top masters, as long as she continues to work hard and keep training, I believe she can also stand on the world stage one day.

This competition also provided us with a lot to think about.

The brutality of competitive sports is far more intense than we think.

The masters are like clouds, and every player is gritting his teeth and running desperately.

A fraction of a second off your score could mean you are eliminated.

Therefore, maintaining high-intensity training and constantly breaking through themselves is a compulsory course for every athlete.

Let's think about it again, those players who have won honors on the world stage, their stories and sweat are also worthy of our learning and admiration.

Toby Amusan's performance at last year's World Championships in Eugene was like a flying immortal.

Every second of breakthrough is full of drama and tension, and the amount of training behind these is unimaginable.

In the future, there may be more records to be broken.

Can the women's 100m hurdles run under 12 seconds? This may be a question in the minds of many people.

Although no one has done it yet, every crazy record we see is the result of breaking through ourselves and limits again and again.

I believe that in the future, new miracles will definitely appear.

Speaking of which, I think of each of us in our own lives.

The hard work and hard work in the arena are like every step in our daily work, we are constantly working hard and making progress in our own little world.

Although sometimes it feels like the future is bleak, if you persevere, one day, you will see the dawn of your dreams.

Therefore, I also want to say to all those who are struggling in their field: don't be discouraged and don't give up.

Looking at the stories of these top athletes, we also need to draw strength from them and continue to run on our own tracks.

Perhaps, our progress is not as amazing as theirs, but every step counts, accumulating energy for our dreams.

Wu Yanni still has a long way to go, but she has already proven herself through competition after competition.

I hope that she can see her more in the future field, and I also hope that everyone who has a dream can run the best results on their own track.

After watching this race, whether it is Marseille Russell's 12.25 seconds, or Accra's 12.28 seconds, or Ali's tenacity and unyielding, we all feel the charm and cruelty of competitive sports.

The world is always changing, and anything is possible.

Only by continuing to work hard will we have a better future.

Let's stay tuned to the track and field arena and look forward to more miracles to happen! Every competition is a baptism and shock to the soul.

May all athletes run the most beautiful results on their own tracks, and may our lives be like them, full of passion and strength!

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