
Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

author:Fun and entertainment

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In the just-concluded Asian Cup women's basketball U18 finals, a fierce competition came to an end, and the Chinese U18 women's basketball team finally lost to the Australian women's basketball team with a score of 79-96, and could only regrettably lift the runner-up trophy.

This game can be called a battle full of passion and regret. Zhang Ziyu, the center of the Chinese women's basketball team, shines like a bright star on the court. She scored 42 points on 18-of-36 shooting and grabbed 14 rebounds. That posture, that momentum, as if every jump, every shot has the momentum of breaking bamboo.

Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

It is a pity that although Zhang Ziyu is so brave, he still cannot lead the team to defeat a strong opponent and win the championship. At the end of the game, she hugged her head and cried on the bench, and those sad tears made everyone who saw it feel distressed. How she longs for victory, how she wants to use her strength to bring glory to the team, but in the end, she can only face this cruel end.

And in this game, another player who has attracted much attention, Wang Jiaxin, her performance is a big surprise. Wearing the number 8 jersey and captaining the team, her performance on the field was disastrous. He didn't grab a single rebound on 2-of-11 shooting, scoring a measly 6 points.

Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

Anyone who watched this game knows that Wang Jiaxin's behavior in the game is extremely unreasonable. She chose to play alone many times, completely ignoring Zhang Ziyu's eagerness to ask for the ball on the inside. Zhang Ziyu has an obvious advantage on the inside, but Wang Jiaxin just ignores it, just takes the ball and does it himself, and then hits the iron again and again.

Especially at the critical moment of the game, it was precisely because she did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu for several consecutive rounds and chose to shoot blindly, which caused the Australian team to take the opportunity to make the score bigger and bigger. It is no exaggeration to say that she has an unshirkable responsibility for the defeat of the Chinese women's basketball team this time.

Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

After the game, something even more unexpected happened. When the runner-up Chinese women's basketball team took a photo with the Australian team, Wang Jiaxin, as the captain, actually raised a selfie stick, stood in the C position of the two teams, and took a selfie with a smile. There was no trace of sadness or guilt on her face that caused her team to lose the championship due to her poor performance.

This act was like a spark falling into a dynamite keg, instantly igniting the pent-up anger in the hearts of the fans, and the fire could be described as raging and difficult to contain. Everyone could no longer hold back the dissatisfaction in their hearts, and expressed their indignation through various channels.

Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

Some netizens were simply furious, and said angrily: "Today's celebration banquet in Australia, Captain No. 8 should not hold a banquet if he does not go to Australia, this is purely their hero." The sarcasm and sarcasm in these words are like sharp blades, stabbing straight at Wang Jiaxin. seems to be in the eyes of this netizen, Wang Jiaxin's poor performance in the game is simply giving points to the Australian team, and she is an invisible "helper" of the opposing team.

Some netizens were even more outspoken, and their tone was full of disappointment and accusations: "When Zhang Ziyu was present, as the captain, not only did he play the iron crazily, but he also didn't pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu, let her run back and forth, wasting her physical strength in vain, she was simply an undercover agent on the other side." In the opinion of this netizen, Zhang Ziyu has a huge advantage and scoring opportunities on the inside, but Wang Jiaxin, as the captain, ignores all this, stubbornly chooses to shoot by himself, and frequently misses.

Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

This not only led to the inefficiency of the team's attack, but also made Zhang Ziyu's bitter wait on the inside come to naught, and he could only run back and forth helplessly, consuming precious physical strength in vain. In the eyes of netizens, this kind of behavior is simply a harm to the team, which makes people wonder if she did it on purpose, and whether she is an "undercover agent" planted by the Australian team in the Chinese team.

The anger and accusations of many fans poured in like a tide, and every word was full of regret for the result of the game and extreme dissatisfaction with Wang Jiaxin's performance. They can't understand Wang Jiaxin's various unreasonable decisions and poor performances in the game, and they can't accept that she can still take selfies casually after the game, without the slightest guilt and reflection. This series of remarks not only reflects the fans' high interest and love for the game, but also highlights their high expectations for the team and their difficulty in accepting defeat.

Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

Opinions on the defeat in this game are not one-sided. In the midst of the accusations against Wang Jiaxin, some people also put forward different views and thoughts. Some people believe that it may be biased to blame Wang Jiaxin for all the blame. Basketball is a team sport, and winning or losing is not just about the performance of one individual. Team cooperation, tactical execution, other team members play and many other factors all affect the final outcome of the game.

Those who hold this view point out that it is impossible to ignore the problems that other players may have in the game. Maybe there are holes in the defensive end, maybe there is not enough tacit understanding in coordination, or maybe there is no effective support at critical moments. Just because Wang Jiaxin's performance is relatively bad, we can't completely ignore the possible shortcomings of the team as a whole.

Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

However, even with such voices, more people still firmly believe that Wang Jiaxin, as the captain, her poor performance in the game and her inappropriate behavior after the game are really unacceptable. Captain, this role tends to carry more responsibilities and expectations in the team. Not only does she need to show great skills and leadership on the field, but she also needs to inspire and lead her teammates mentally.

But Wang Jiaxin's many unreasonable shot choices in the game, ignoring Zhang Ziyu's inside ball, and continuous iron and non-passing at critical moments made the team miss many opportunities that could turn the situation around. After the game, when the whole team was immersed in the sadness of the loss, she took a selfie with a smile on her face, which was undoubtedly a disregard for the team's honor and the efforts of her teammates, which seriously hurt the feelings of the fans and made everyone question her leadership and team consciousness greatly.

Teammates frantically hit the iron and didn't pass the ball, after Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, he hugged his head and cried, and the fans fried the pot!

So, although some people tried to look at the reasons for the defeat from a more comprehensive perspective, the criticism and accusations that Wang Jiaxin endured in this turmoil still occupied the mainstream. This also reflects people's high expectations and strict requirements for the performance of core team members at critical moments.

So, is the culprit of the loss the No. 8 captain Wang Jiaxin? This issue has sparked heated debate. Perhaps, this will require us to think more deeply about teamwork, individual responsibility, and what sportsmanship really means. But in any case, this game left a deep impression on us, and it also made us full of expectations and worries about the future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

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