
Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!


Friends, have you heard a shocking piece of news recently? A property owner actually cut the safety rope of a worker working at height on the street! Fortunately, the worker adopted the "double rope and double insurance" operation method, otherwise this cut would have killed him. It's really tiger poison that is still there, and human lives are at stake!

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

Here's the thing, recently in a community in Chongqing, four workers were working and maintaining at a height of the 32nd floor. Everything seems ordinary, but who would have thought that an owner would actually use a man's safety rope on the roof of the building and cut one of the safety ropes.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

Fortunately, these four workers used the "double rope and double insurance" mode in the standard operation, and each of them was tied with two safety ropes. So although they were attacked for no reason, everyone still had a safety rope as a safeguard. This is to avoid greater harm and threat.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

Such an unbelievable scene could startle everyone present at the time. Everyone quickly called the police, and it didn't take long for the police to arrive at the scene and escort the owner away.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

What kind of person is so ruthless that he takes the risk to cut the safety rope of a worker working at height? It turned out that the owner explained it like this - he claimed that the roof of the building was his personal private domain, and that the workers working there would be tantamount to invading his private space, so he did so.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

Are you saying this is ridiculous? Although the roof is used and managed by the owner, it is clear that no one can regard it as their own "kingdom" and unreasonably obstruct necessary maintenance work. What's more, there is no field that can override the safety of human life!

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

Even if the worker's work has some impact on the owner, the owner should solve the problem through legitimate means, rather than arbitrarily and recklessly taking such dangerous actions against the lives of others.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

What is infuriating is that this major safety accident that almost caused casualties, but the property company seems to have no precautions and countermeasures for this.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

When a work team is working at height, it should be supervised by property personnel throughout the process, and emergency measures can be taken as soon as possible in case of accidents. But in this incident, the property company was in a state of complete dereliction of duty and silence, where did the workers' lives go?

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

Not only that, as a working team, the workers failed to arrange special ground staff to monitor the whole process when working at height, and there was no first aid at critical moments, resulting in a passive situation.

In the final analysis, such tragedies can only be avoided if both sides are fully prepared before the operation, implement various safety measures, and have emergency response and help mechanisms as the backing.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

In the end, the incident ended with the police turning the owner away and the owner taking the initiative to compensate. It is only a superficial conclusion, and it does not seem to have aroused enough attention and reflection.

We hope that the relevant departments and enterprises can learn profound lessons from this thrilling incident, strictly and meticulously implement all kinds of safety and security measures for high-altitude work, so that workers can work at height without worries and devote themselves to their work.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

At the same time, it is also hoped that the general public will deeply understand the importance of life safety. No matter what the occasion or any situation we encounter, we should first escort life in the spirit of humanitarianism, instead of blindly pursuing those short-sighted selfish interests. Only by abandoning narrow-mindedness and bigotry can people build a harmonious and beautiful scene of mutual help and harmonious coexistence.

Punish! The owner cut the safety rope of the workers on the 32nd floor, but fortunately the double rope people are fine, and they have been reconciled!

Let's work together to create an absolutely safe and fearless working environment for aerial workers! Maintain the bottom line of safety related to life, and jointly create a civilized and friendly urban environment, so that everyone can breathe, rest and work freely in this world, and compose the best hymn to life and career.

(Disclaimer: The content of this article, videos, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet and are for reference only!) If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting!! )

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