
The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

author:Every day the text of the collection

In an ordinary family in 1989, Zhou Peng was born. He has had a special love for basketball since he was a child and has shown great talent in the sport. Seeing their son's love, his parents made a lifelong decision when he was 8 years old - to send him to Dandong Private Guanxing Sports School for professional basketball training.

Zhou Peng's basketball talent was quickly discovered, and everyone felt that he had unlimited potential. In 2004, Zhou Peng, who was only 15 years old, was invited to the Liaoning youth team, but the training environment here was not good.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

The veteran player bullied Zhou Peng, he had to swallow his anger, which made his heart full of anger and dissatisfaction with his teammates, he began to train unintentionally, and his skills stagnated because of this, and the coach really couldn't stand it, so he could only let his family take him away.

It was at this moment that the opportunity came. In March 2004, after learning the news, the Guangdong Hongyuan Youth Team made a special trip to Dandong and promised Zhou Peng's parents that they would do their best to train him to become an excellent basketball player.

In this way, 16-year-old Zhou Peng left his hometown and came to the unfamiliar Guangzhou alone.

When he first arrived in Guangdong Hongyuan, Zhou Peng found that the training atmosphere here was completely different from before. The rigorous training environment allowed him to put his heart and soul into it, and he quickly made a name for himself in the team.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

After only a month of rigorous training, Zhou Peng was selected for the national youth team and began to participate in various basketball competitions at home and abroad.

Zhou Peng quickly rose to prominence during his time in the national youth team. In 2005, he became the captain of the national youth team, leading the team to win many competitions, including the Asian Youth Championships, and was hailed as a veritable "scoring champion".

In 2006, Zhou Peng, who was only 17 years old, joined the Guangdong Hongyuan First Team with Chen Jianghua and Liu Xiaoyu, and they were known as the "Hongyuan Three Less". They officially embarked on the basketball journey of the CBA, and Zhou Peng's career began.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

1 Zhou Peng stood on the court of the CBA, his eyes flashed with determination, he understood that this was just the beginning of his basketball career, and there was a bigger stage waiting for him in the future.

In 2007, 19-year-old Zhou Peng ushered in a turning point in his career. With his outstanding performance in the CBA, he was selected by the then head coach of the national team, Younas, and officially entered the Chinese men's basketball training team.

Although he did not shine at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, this experience made Zhou Peng more determined to establish himself in the national team.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

At the 2009 Asian Championships in Tianjin, Zhou Peng made his debut for the national team, averaging 11.2 points per game in four qualifying games. This experience made Zhou Peng feel the supreme glory of fighting for the country, and also realized that he still had huge room for improvement.

In 2010, Coach Deng Huade gained insight into Zhou Peng's basketball talent and recruited him into his team. Under the guidance of the new coach, Zhou Peng has participated in the World Championships in Turkey and the Asian Games in Guangzhou.

Although he is one of the youngest players in the team, Zhou Peng has always been humble enough to learn from the veterans and work hard to improve his skills and game experience.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

After hard work, Zhou Peng finally got the reward. In 2012, he was selected for the Chinese men's basketball team for the London Olympics. Standing on the Olympic stage, Zhou Peng is full of pride and responsibility, and knows that he has a great responsibility - to win glory for the country.

However, the journey of the Chinese men's basketball team was not smooth, especially in the 2013 Philippine Asian Championships, Zhou Peng averaged only 9.7 points and 4 rebounds per game, which made the Chinese men's basketball team urgently need the injection of fresh blood.

At this critical moment, Gong Luming took over as the head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team and made a major change to the team. As the oldest player in the team, Zhou Peng was appointed captain of the team, a responsibility that made him both excited and apprehensive.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

He knew that the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

Despite the setback at the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon, Zhou Peng was not discouraged. He led the young Chinese men's basketball team to persevere, and finally achieved a counterattack at the 2015 Asian Championships in Changsha. In the crucial battle with South Korea, Zhou Peng scored 14 points in a row to help the team successfully reverse.

Zhou Peng has become the core from a rookie, and from a player to a captain who grows in the core. His journey with the national team has witnessed his growth and transformation. No matter every game, or every setback, he gradually became mature and strong.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

Zhou Peng, standing on the court, his eyes shone with endless desire for victory, and he knew that his basketball dream continued.

In 2005, Zhou Peng, who was only 16 years old at the time, had just started his basketball career, but by chance, his fate changed. At a basketball event, he met Liu Mei, who is also a basketball player.

Liu Mei is not only an excellent women's basketball player, but also a tall beauty with a height of 1.88 meters.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

After careful consideration, Zhou Peng mustered up the courage to send a straightforward and sincere text message to Liu Mei, unabashedly expressing his love for her. Liu Mei was moved by Zhou Peng's sincerity and decided to give this relationship a chance.

Since then, the two have started a romantic and sweet love life.

In the next six years, Zhou Peng and Liu Mei's relationship gradually warmed up, they supported each other, grew together, experienced the ups and downs of the game together, and also shared the bits and pieces of life.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

Liu Mei became Zhou Peng's staunch backing, and no matter what difficulties he encountered, she was always the first to stand up and support him.

In 2012, after six years of long-distance love, Zhou Peng and Liu Mei finally registered their marriage in Dongguan. The family originally hoped that they would hold the wedding as soon as possible, but the wedding was postponed because Zhou Peng was going to participate in the London Olympics.

It wasn't until Valentine's Day on February 14, 2013 that Zhou Peng and Liu Mei held a grand wedding in the presence of relatives and friends. This special day became the most unforgettable moment of their lives.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

When Zhou Peng saw Liu Mei in a wedding dress, his eyes were full of affection, and he knew that he had found the most important other half of his life.

After marriage, their relationship remained close, and soon there was a crystallization of love. The birth of a son and a daughter made this small family more complete. In order to better take care of her family and children, Liu Mei chose to give up the basketball career she loved and devote all her energy to her family.

She not only takes care of the children's daily life, but also often takes them to the scene to cheer for Zhou Peng.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

Since 2018, the relationship between Zhou Peng and Liu Mei has become increasingly deep, and it has become an enviable romantic love story on the basketball court, carrying a beautiful story of the family supporting each other and growing together.

As Zhou Peng grew older and gained experience, his position in the Chinese men's basketball team became more and more important. In 2014, at the age of 25, Zhou Peng was appointed captain of the Chinese men's basketball team, ushering in another important moment in his career.

After becoming the captain, the burden on Zhou Peng's shoulders became heavier, and he knew that he had a great responsibility.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

However, Zhou Peng soon faced a serious challenge after taking on the role of captain. At the 2014 Incheon Asian Games, the Chinese men's basketball team suffered a historic defeat. Not only did the team lose to Japan in the Asian Games for the first time, but they also lost to Iran in the subsequent matches, setting the worst record in the Asian Games basketball competition.

Zhou Peng only had 7.7 points and 2.4 rebounds per game, which was far below his normal level.

The new captain Zhou Peng was frustrated after this defeat and not only had to take responsibility for the team's defeat, but also faced doubts and criticism from the outside world. However, he was not defeated and realised that as captain, he had to step up in the face of adversity and lead the team back to confidence.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

After the loss, Zhou Peng trained harder, while also constantly encouraging and motivating his teammates. He knows that in order to achieve good results on the international stage, the team needs more hard work and running-in.

The hard work paid off, and at the 2015 Changsha Asian Championships, the Chinese men's basketball team finally saw hope. In the crucial match against South Korea, when the team was in trouble, Zhou Peng took the initiative to step up.

His three-point shot stabilized the team's position and controlled the point difference In the course of the game, Zhou Peng scored 14 points in a row to help the Chinese team complete a turnaround against the wind.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

The moment the whistle blew to the end of the game, Zhou Peng clenched his fists excitedly, this hard-won victory was not only a salvation for the team, but also a testament to his ability as a captain.

In the stands, the audience sang "Singing the Motherland" in unison, and the players on the field cheered and celebrated this hard-won victory.

However, at this moment of victory, careful people found that Zhou Peng's brows were slightly furrowed. As a dutiful captain, he has just led the team to an important victory; But as a husband and father who cares about the family, he has another greater concern in his heart.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

At this time, Zhou Peng was facing a difficult choice, which became one of the most challenging moments in his career.

During the 2015 Asian Championships in Changsha, Zhou Peng was leading the team to fight for the championship, but unexpectedly, a thunderbolt came from the blue - his daughter suddenly fell seriously ill and was rushed to the intensive care unit.

This news made Zhou Peng instantly wake up from the joy of victory.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

Zhou Peng's wife, Liu Mei, wanted to hide the news from her husband and let him prepare for the competition wholeheartedly. She is well aware of the importance of this competition for Zhou Peng and the Chinese men's basketball team. Despite this, as her daughter's condition became more and more serious, Liu Mei still reluctantly called Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng, who learned the news, felt his heart like a knife. He is faced with an unprecedented dilemma: should he stay in the ring and fight for his country, or should he immediately rush home to accompany his ailing daughter? This choice tormented him.

As the captain of the country, he shoulders the responsibility of leading the team to good results; At the same time, as a father, how could he ignore his daughter in a critical moment?

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

After a painful struggle, with the understanding and support of the head coach, Zhou Peng decided to go back to Guangdong to visit his young daughter first. He understands that this decision could take a toll on the team's morale and affect the performance of the game, however, he cannot afford to ignore his responsibilities as a father.

The next 24 hours became the most difficult moment in Zhou Peng's life. He rushed back to Guangdong with a knife in his heart and rushed to the hospital as soon as possible. In the ward, looking at his daughter lying on the hospital bed, Zhou Peng's heart was about to break.

He carefully discussed his daughter's condition and treatment plan with the doctor, hoping to make her recover as soon as possible.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

Fortunately, my daughter's condition took a turn for the better. After ensuring the safety of his daughter, Zhou Peng immediately set off to return to the arena and re-enter the game. During these 24 hours of running, Zhou Peng's eyes were full of fatigue, but more of perseverance.

He knew that he had to fulfill his duties as the captain of the national team and fulfill his father's obligations.

This 24-hour experience is the most memorable moment for Zhou Peng, both in his career and personal life, and it also gives him a deeper understanding of the road of balancing family and career.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

In Zhou Peng's basketball career, his wife Liu Mei has always acted as his strong backing. In order to fully support her husband's career, she resolutely gave up her basketball career and devoted all her energy to her family.

She not only took care of a pair of children, but also often took the children to the scene to cheer for Zhou Peng, becoming the most loyal supporter in the stands.

Whenever Zhou Peng felt depressed because of a setback, his wife Liu Mei was always the first to give him comfort and encouragement, whether he failed or was injured. During those days when Zhou Peng was injured, Liu Mei took care of him carefully and helped him tide over the difficulties.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

It is precisely because of his wife's understanding and support that Zhou Peng can devote himself to the basketball career and achieve great results on the court.

Zhou Peng's efforts paid off. He has signed big contracts many times, which has made the family's living conditions better and better. At the same time, Zhou Peng did not forget his wife's silent dedication, and he always expressed his gratitude with practical actions.

On this year's Valentine's Day, 34-year-old Zhou Peng bought an expensive bracelet and gave it to Liu Mei to thank her for her dedication and companionship over the years. This act of love adds to the romance of their 18-year love story.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

Zhou Peng also shared the happy photos of a family of four on the Internet, which aroused the envy and blessings of many netizens.

Today's Zhou Peng is not only outstanding on the court, but also happy in family life. The relationship between him and Liu Mei has become deeper and deeper under the test of time. Their story is not only a romance on the basketball court, but also a warm family legend about mutual support and growing together.

Zhou Peng and Liu Mei truly interpret the home of basketball through their actions, and their stories make people understand that in career and family, as long as they trust and support each other, they can find the perfect balance.

The wife of the 34-year-old men's basketball captain Zhou Peng is a 1.88-meter women's basketball beauty, and she has been in love for 18 years and gave birth to a pair of children

I believe that in the days to come, Zhou Peng's family will continue to write their happy chapter and go through more years of love together.

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