
The CBA legend is back! Salary fraud caused controversy, and Zhou Peng sincerely invited to create a new dynasty

author:Xiao Wang Sports broke the news

In this scorching summer, the offseason of the CBA is like a war without gunpowder, full of variables and expectations. The big change in the coach's bench and the turbulence of the player transfer market all indicate that the new season will be a wonderful battle. And at this critical moment, a former legendary player, Sun Tonglin, with amazing determination and perseverance, is ready to return to the court, and use his practical actions to announce to the world - he is still the giant under the basket that cannot be ignored!

The CBA legend is back! Salary fraud caused controversy, and Zhou Peng sincerely invited to create a new dynasty

**First, the curtain of the change of commander has fallen, and the era of young marshals is coming**

As the coaches of the CBA began to choose a new home in the offseason, it was as if the entire league was undergoing a massive reshuffle. Qiu Biao broke up peacefully with Xinjiang and turned around and threw himself into the arms of Shandong; Xinjiang chose the young Liu Wei, hoping that he can lead the team to new vitality in the new season. Not to be outdone, the Shenzhen men's basketball team bid farewell to the old coach Zheng Yonggang and ushered in a new coach - Zhou Peng, who is also the core player of the team. This two-time player and coach has undoubtedly injected new vitality and hope into the Shenzhen men's basketball team.

Watching these young coaches emerge one by one, fans can't help but sigh: a new era of CBA has arrived, and the young coaches will become the new masters of the league. And in this new era, who will emerge as the leader of the trendset?

**Second, the player transfer market is surging, and the whereabouts of national players have become the focus**

The player transfer market is more competitive than the change of the dugout. In the offseason, the contracts of many national players expired, and their whereabouts became the focus of fans. Sun Minghui, Guo Allen, Zhou Qi and others are all top stars in the CBA, and their choices will undoubtedly affect the pattern of the entire league.

The CBA legend is back! Salary fraud caused controversy, and Zhou Peng sincerely invited to create a new dynasty

However, in this transfer market, there are also some veterans who choose to make a comeback, and they have proved with their practical actions that age is not a problem, as long as you have dreams and perseverance, you can regain your own stage.

**Third, Sun Tonglin lost 20 pounds and was determined to return to the game**

Sun Tonglin, this name is not unfamiliar to many fans. He was once a champion member of the Xinjiang men's basketball team and a legend in the CBA. However, after joining BEWG, he gradually faded out of people's sight due to injuries and other reasons. However, this summer, he announced a shocking news with his actions - he is going to lose 20 pounds and return to the game!

Sun Tonglin has made great efforts to achieve this goal. He strictly controlled his diet, intensified his training, and even brought in professional nutritionists and trainers to help him. After a summer of hard work, he finally managed to lose 20 pounds and regain his former flexibility and agility.

The CBA legend is back! Salary fraud caused controversy, and Zhou Peng sincerely invited to create a new dynasty

**Fourth, Beijing Enterprises was pitted miserably, but Sun Tonglin is a winner in life**

When it comes to Sun Tonglin, we have to mention his experience in BEWG. When he joined BEWG with a 4-year contract of 32 million, it attracted widespread attention and controversy. After all, in the CBA, it is rare for an interior player to get such a high salary. However, after joining North Control, he has not been able to play his level due to injuries and other reasons, and all his statistics have declined, averaging only 2 points and 2 rebounds per game. Such a performance made BEWG feel very disappointed and helpless, and finally had to choose to terminate the contract with him and pay liquidated damages.

However, for Sun Tonglin, he became the biggest winner in this turmoil. Not only did he earn a high salary for a few years, but he also managed to recover his health and prepare to return to the ring. Such an experience can't help but make people sigh: life is really full of variables and surprises!

**5. Zhou Peng sincerely invites to join the new dynasty of Shenzhen men's basketball team**

The CBA legend is back! Salary fraud caused controversy, and Zhou Peng sincerely invited to create a new dynasty

When Sun Tonglin was preparing to make a comeback, Zhou Peng, the new coach of the Shenzhen men's basketball team, also extended an olive branch to him. As the core player and coach of the Shenzhen men's basketball team, Zhou Peng has a clear plan and expectations for the future of the team. He believes that the addition of Sun Tonglin will bring more vitality and strength to the team and help the team achieve better results in the new season.

For Zhou Peng's invitation, Sun Tonglin also expressed his gratitude and excitement. He believes that being able to return to the Shenzhen men's basketball team is like coming home, which makes him feel very cordial and warm. At the same time, he also said that he will go all out to contribute to the team and help the team achieve new glory.

With the addition of Sun Tonglin, the strength of the Shenzhen men's basketball team will be further improved. As the leader and coach of the team, Zhou Peng will also lead the team towards new goals. I believe that in the near future, the Shenzhen men's basketball team will become a strong team in the CBA, and a new dynasty is just around the corner!

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