
Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

author:Stir-fried tomatoes with tomatoes

Text: Stir-fried tomatoes with tomatoes

Edited with tomatoes and fried tomatoes

The recent entertainment industry can be described as turbulent, with many newcomers.

Wang Xingyue, this kid, with his outstanding performance in "Ink Rain and Clouds", has become popular all the way and his popularity has soared.

But after this became popular, trouble also came, and the hot searches were like the serial cannons, one after another.

No, recently because of a jaw dropping incident, he was pushed to the forefront of public opinion - it was rumored on the Internet that he bought erotic underwear for his ex-girlfriend! As soon as this incident broke out, the Internet exploded, and the hearts of fans were also up and down.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

Today, let's take a good look at this matter.

On the 30th of last month, the words "Wang Xingyue QQNY" rushed to the first place in the hot search.

Do you know what these letters mean? Pinyin abbreviation of "erotic underwear"! That's a lot of fun.

It is said that a vast number of netizens with magical powers found his Taobao account through Wang Xingyue's mobile phone number.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

Some of the products in the stores that he pays attention to in this account can match the private clothes he usually wears.

What's even worse is that I also found that this account has bought a lot of so-called "erotic underwear".

When this thing starts, it's a big deal.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

Netizens also found that this account quickly changed its settings and closed the footprints it had visited.

This series of operations has cast a veil of mystery over this matter.

Just based on a mobile phone number and a similar account name, it is determined that this Taobao account is Wang Xingyue's, can this be reliable? I think the evidence is clearly insufficient! This mobile phone number may be able to be recalled, and the one with a similar account name is even more grasped.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

Some people deduce that Wang Xingyue registered a Taobao account at the age of 12 based on Taoling, isn't this nonsense? Most of the 12-year-old children are still immersed in school, how can they have the mind and energy to do this.

Besides, the registration and use of Taobao accounts is complicated now, and it is simply unreasonable to register at the age of 12.

Let's talk about the so-called record of buying erotic underwear, I think, this is maliciously interpreted by some people.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

Maybe it's just ordinary clothes, which are used by people with ulterior motives to make a big fuss and deliberately mislead the public.

It seems to me that this is a strange thing from beginning to end.

In the entertainment industry, sometimes you really can't listen to the wind or the rain.

Wang Xingyue's journey has not been easy, and he has finally made some achievements, if he is ruined by this kind of shadowless thing, how wronged! Let's eat melons, we still have to keep a clear head, don't be used as a gun, we have to let the truth come out, we can't wronged the good guys, and we can't let the bad guys go.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

Wang Xingyue, this kid is really making great progress on the road of acting! The works that participated in the show were more exciting than the other.

Take "Ink Rain and Clouds" as an example, the popularity during the broadcast soared like a rocket, and the number of broadcasts easily broke hundreds of millions.

and "In the Blizzard", which also impressed countless audiences for his acting skills.

He not only shines in TV dramas, but also appears on the stage of many important galas.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

In terms of awards, people have not lost them.

It's really not easy to say that this kid is working hard in the entertainment industry, but he is always haunted by all kinds of scandals.

The previous scandals with such and such an actress were purely over-interpreted, and there was no evidence of a real hammer at all.

But those rumors spread with a nose and eyes, and he suffered a lot of grievances.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

This "erotic underwear" incident is even more excessive, it is completely an unprovoked attack, and it is made out of nothing.

He is filming and working as he should, but he has to endure such an unwarranted disaster, who can feel better?

As Wang Xingyue's popularity grew, his commercial value also skyrocketed.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

This is enough to show his strong influence and appeal in the business field, those brands can be very sophisticated, and they will not find people to cooperate with, which is all because of Wang Xingyue's potential and strength.

In this entertainment industry, rumors are like a flood of beasts, which can drown an artist if you are not careful.

We must resolutely resist these rumors, and we must not let them run rampant and undermine the public order and good customs of the entertainment industry.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

For a hard-working artist like Wang Xingyue, we should give more understanding and support, and don't follow the rumors at every turn.

How much sweat and effort they have put in to bring us good works can't make them chill.

We have to work together to create a fair and friendly environment for their development, so that they can give us more wonderful performances with peace of mind.

Hot search number one! Taobao account was picked! Wang Xingyue was exposed to buying erotic underwear? The follow-up action hammered him up

In short, along the way, Wang Xingyue has experienced ups and downs, but he has never given up.

As viewers and fans, we must believe in him and support him.

I also hope that the entertainment industry can become cleaner and cleaner, so that truly talented and hard-working artists can have a sky of their own.

I look forward to Wang Xingyue bringing us more surprises in the future, proving ourselves with strength, and letting those rumors be self-defeating! #头条创作挑战赛#

【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or personal infringement, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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