
The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

author:Peerless melon
The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

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Life and death rescue on the snowy plateau

Qinghai Sanjiangyuan, this vast and mysterious land, the arrival of winter is always earlier than other places, at the end of November, the cold wind whistling through, the mountains and rivers have long been covered by ice and snow, the former green grassland has become a white snowfield, only the undulating mountains in the distance, under the sunshine, glowing with silver light, the old herdsman Zada, more than 50 years old, walking on the snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow, the biting cold wind blows on his face, like a knife cut pain, but he can't care about these, He was attached to his two cows, which he depended on for survival, and he had lost them the other day, and he had to find them

The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

With many years of herding experience, Zada walked hard in the snow, he carefully identified the surrounding environment, hoping to find a trace of the herd's activity, time passed by minute by second, Zada's hopes were gradually shattered, just when he was about to give up, a faint cow cry came from a distance, he immediately cheered up, followed the direction of the sound, in a sheltered bush, he saw a female yak lying in a pool of blood, and a newborn calf next to it, shivering

The special friendship between herders and calves

Zada took a closer look and recognized that this was a cow that had been lost a few days ago, but it was no longer breathing, apparently it had suffered an accident during the production process, looking at the dying calf, Zada's heart was full of pity, he knew that if he left it here, there was only a dead end, so he did not hesitate to take off his coat, wrapped the calf, and carried it back to his pasture

The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

Zada, who returned to the pasture, took care of the calf like his own child, he named it "Qiangba", fed it with a bottle every day to drink goat's milk, and often carried it outdoors to bask in the sun, under the careful care of Zada, Qiangba quickly recovered his health, and grew very strong, far more than the calves of the same age, Qiangba's food is getting bigger and bigger, and often drinks the milk prepared by Zada to the point that there is not a drop left

The wild is untamable

With the passage of time, Qiangba gradually grows up, and the wildness of its body is gradually revealed, Qiangba's body size is much larger than that of ordinary yaks, and a pair of horns are also extraordinarily thick, it often rampages on the pasture, using its horns to top other yaks, causing the herd to panic, Zada knows that Qiangba's body flows with the blood of wild yaks, its wildness is innate, and it is almost impossible to completely tame it

The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

Although Jampa is wild and untamable, he is very close to Zada, he seems to know that Zada saved his life, so he obeys Zada's words, and every morning, Jampa will run to Zada's tent, arch his head to the tent, and make a "moo" cry to get Zada up

The battle between the bull and the king is changing generations

When Qiangba was two years old, a major event happened in the pasture: the dominance of the cattle king "Lao Hei", an old cow that Zada had raised for many years, was challenged, with a huge size and fierce temperament, and had always been the king of the herd

The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

And the challenge is Qiangba, although Qiangba is young, but it inherits the excellent genes of wild yaks, and its size and strength are far beyond Lao Hei, and finally, after a fierce battle, Qiangba defeated Lao Hei and became the new bull king

The style of a king who lives in isolation

Qiangba, who became the queen of the cow, did not stay in the herd all day like Lao Hei, it does not seem to be satisfied with the status quo, it longs for a larger territory and a freer life

The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

On a full moon night, Jampa left the pasture, and with a few cows, he disappeared into the depths of the vast grassland, and Zada knew that Jampa belonged to nature, and it would eventually return to its place

The wolves are coming, life and death are at stake

Time flies, a few years have passed in the blink of an eye, and in recent years, the climate in the Sanjiangyuan region has become extremely harsh, the winter comes earlier and lasts longer, and the food on the grassland is becoming less and less, and in order to survive, the wolves began to frequently attack the herdsmen's cattle and sheep

The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

One night, a pack of hungry wolves surrounded Zada's pasture, howling fiercely, their green eyes shining greedily in the night, and the cattle were awakened by the howl of the wolves, and they fled in terror, and the ranch was thrown into chaos

The king returns to turn the tide

At the critical moment, there were heavy footsteps in the distance, and the ground trembled slightly, and the wolves seemed to feel threatened, they stopped their attacks, and turned their heads to look in the direction from which the sound came

The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

I saw a huge black yak, leading a group of wild yaks, rushing out of the darkness, this black yak was the Qiangba who left the pasture back then

The appearance of Qiangba made the wolves suddenly confused, and Qiangba led the bison herd and launched a fierce attack on the wolves, and they used their huge horns to knock the wolves to pieces

Gratitude and friendship are deep

Eventually, the wolves were driven away by Jampa, and the ranch returned to calm, and Jampa walked up to Zada and gently rubbed his head against Zada's shoulder, as if to comfort him, as if telling about his experience outside in the past few years

The old herdsman rescued the bison calf, and a few years later the herdsman was besieged by wolves, and he led the herd to kill the wolves to repay the favor

Zada stroked Qiangba's horns, tears of excitement, he knew that Qiangba was here to repay his kindness, and it would never forget who gave it a second life, who gave it a warm home

Since then, Jampa and his bison herd have stayed near the pasture, silently guarding Zada and his herd, becoming the most loyal guardians of this grassland, and the story of Zada and Jampa has also become a good story in the mouths of local herdsmen, telling the sincere and touching friendship between humans and animals

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