
Aaron Kwok's wife, Fang Yuan, chasing stars in the UK, is in a good mood to sit in the box with her sisters

author:Peerless melon
Aaron Kwok's wife, Fang Yuan, chasing stars in the UK, is in a good mood to sit in the box with her sisters

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Fang Yuan, the sister-in-law of the king, went to the UK to chase the star Taylor Swift, and the luxury box showed the life of a noblewoman

Fang Yuan, the wife of King Aaron Kwok, shared a set of photos of her watching Taylor Swift's concert in the UK on social platforms, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

Aaron Kwok's wife, Fang Yuan, chasing stars in the UK, is in a good mood to sit in the box with her sisters

Fang Yuan's trip to the UK, in addition to watching the concert, also shopped with her girlfriends, tasted food, and enjoyed a rare leisure time

After marriage, life is as sweet as the beginning, and Fang Yuan lives as a model of a winner in life

Since her public relationship with Aaron Kwok in 2015 and her marriage in 2017, Fang Yuan has gradually faded out of the public eye, concentrating on her husband and children at home, and is now the mother of two lovely daughters, although there has been controversy in the outside world about this marriage with an age difference of 22 years, Fang Yuan has proved her happiness with practical actions, she often shares her warm daily life with her daughter on social platforms, as well as the sweet bits and pieces of celebrating holidays and anniversaries with Aaron Kwok, and breaking the rumors of marriage change, which also makes many netizens sigh that she will have a "bad hand" became a "king bomb" and lived a life winner

Aaron Kwok's wife, Fang Yuan, chasing stars in the UK, is in a good mood to sit in the box with her sisters

As we all know, Aaron Kwok is busy with work and has been busy with concerts and movies in recent years, but even if he is busy at work, he still supports his wife's interests and hobbies, so that she can enjoy life to the fullest, which shows that the husband and wife have a stable relationship and are very affectionate

The appearance of Fang Yuan's sister group attracted attention and netizens ridiculed: The circle of friends of Tianwang's sister-in-law is also full of beauties

In addition to Fang Yuan's noble lady life, the girlfriend group who went to the UK to watch the concert this time also attracted the attention of netizens, as can be seen from the photos, several of Fang Yuan's girlfriends are very good-looking, with good figures, outstanding temperament, and Fang Yuan Standing together is very eye-catching, many netizens have sighed: "Sure enough, good-looking people play with good-looking people", "Tianwang's sister-in-law's circle of friends is also beautiful"

Aaron Kwok's wife, Fang Yuan, chasing stars in the UK, is in a good mood to sit in the box with her sisters

In fact, this is not the first time that Fang Yuan's girlfriend group has attracted attention, Fang Yuan has also shared a photo of the gathering with her girlfriends on social platforms before, which can arouse heated discussions among netizens every time, and everyone has praised Fang Yuan's girlfriend group for its good appearance and good temperament, which can be called "a clear stream in the Internet celebrity circle"

Taylor Swift's concert is hard to find, and Fang Yuan's box viewing is enviable

The Taylor Swift concert that Fang Yuan watched this time is part of his "T E T" world tour, which has been full since the tour started in March, and it is difficult to find a ticket

Aaron Kwok's wife, Fang Yuan, chasing stars in the UK, is in a good mood to sit in the box with her sisters

And Fang Yuan was able to easily get concert tickets, and it was also a box seat with an excellent view, which also made many fans envious, and they left messages saying: "It's good to be rich", "I also want to experience the joy of watching the performance in the box"

After marriage, she is keen to share her life, and Fang Yuan actively operates social platforms

In recent years, Fang Yuan has actively operated a personal social platform, in addition to sharing her daily life with family and friends, she will also post some experiences of fashion wear, beauty and skin care, as well as visiting stores to check in, etc., which has attracted the attention of many fans

Aaron Kwok's wife, Fang Yuan, chasing stars in the UK, is in a good mood to sit in the box with her sisters

Fang Yuan's sharing content is real and down-to-earth, without too much celebrity baggage, showing the true and lovely side of her life, narrowing the distance between her and fans, and also making her gain the favor of many netizens

From an Internet celebrity to a sister-in-law of the king, Fang Yuan has made a low-key transformation and reaped happiness

From an unknown Internet celebrity model, to marrying Aaron Kwok, and becoming a high-profile "sister-in-law", Fang Yuan's experience is not legendary

Today's Fang Yuan, although she is no longer active in the spotlight, she still has her own wonderful, she is keen to share her life, interact with fans, actively manage her own social platform, and also enjoy the happiness of her family, and live a life that many people envy

Celebrities chasing stars are also crazy, Fang Yuan's trip to the UK to realize her dream Taylor concert

Star chasing is nothing new, just like ordinary people, stars will also have their favorite idols, and will spend time and energy on the road to star chasing, just to get one step closer to idols

In order to be able to enjoy the performance of her idol up close, Fang Yuan did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy tickets for the box, and also dressed up carefully, which shows how much she attaches importance to this star-chasing trip, and it can also be seen from the photos she shared on social platforms that Fang Yuan was very excited at the concert scene, sang along throughout the whole process, and enjoyed the happiness of star-chasing with her girlfriends, completely incarnated as a fan girl

Fang Yuan's star-chasing in the UK has sparked heated discussions among netizens: It's good to have money and leisure

Fang Yuan's trip to the UK has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens, some people envy her for being able to have such a favorable living conditions and can chase stars as she wants, and some people think that she still maintains her personal hobbies after marriage, and it is a very happy thing to be able to get the support of her husband

In any case, Fang Yuan's trip to the UK has become a topic of conversation among netizens after dinner, and it also allows us to see a more real and down-to-earth side of celebrity life.

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