
"I met an honest man, my parents are satisfied, should I marry?" Someone came to give you a heads-up


Hey, when it comes to the pressure of marriage and love, it's really a headache. At the age of 30, you may be at a crossroads in your life. The voices around you may be saying, "It's time to get married", "It's time to have children", and this kind of pressure can really make people breathless sometimes.

First of all, the pressures of society are invisible, yet pervasive. You see, turn on the TV, all kinds of marriage and love programs emerge in endlessly, as if the whole society is telling you that if you don't get married at the age of 30, you will be outdated. Walking down the street and seeing those sweet couples, there may be a trace of envy in my heart, but more anxiety. "Shouldn't I find a companion too?" Such thoughts may pop up from time to time.

Again, the pressure on the family is even more direct. During the New Year's holidays, family gatherings, the greetings of the seven aunts and eight aunts always can't avoid this topic. "When are you going to bring someone home?" "Look at Xiao Wang next door, two years younger than you, the child will play soy sauce." These words, which sound like concern, are more stressful. You may be thinking, "Am I really going to pick up my pace?" "

"I met an honest man, my parents are satisfied, should I marry?" Someone came to give you a heads-up

Also, the issue of childbearing age, which is also a point of anxiety. Medically speaking, the best age for women to have children is 25 to 30 years old, after which the risk of childbirth increases. This makes you wonder, "Am I going to miss out on the best time to have a baby?" This worry can sometimes translate into a sense of urgency, making you more anxious and impatient in the process of finding a partner.

However, we must also realize that everyone's pace of life is different. Some people may have met the right person early, while others may need more time. Being 30 years old does not mean that your life must follow a certain established trajectory. You have your own career, you have your own interests, you have your own dreams, and these are all important parts of your life.

Moreover, today's society is becoming more and more open, and the concept of marriage and love is constantly updated. More and more people are beginning to accept late marriage, or even not marriage. They believe that marriage is not a necessary way to go in life, but a choice. If you haven't met the right person yet, don't push yourself. Because, being with an unsuitable person can be more painful than being single.

"I met an honest man, my parents are satisfied, should I marry?" Someone came to give you a heads-up

Therefore, in the face of the pressure of marriage and love, we must learn to adjust our mentality. Don't be swayed by outside voices and trust your choices. At the same time, you should also actively broaden your social circle, participate in more activities, and meet more people. Maybe your other person is waiting for you around the next corner.

In closing, I would like to say that no matter what lifestyle you choose, remember that happiness is your own, not someone else's. Don't ignore your inner voice because of external pressure. Remember, your happiness is the most important thing.

Heck, when it comes to first acquaintances, it was a really exciting and stressful time. Imagine that you met a man of the same age through a friend's introduction. He has average conditions, but he is honest, which is really a valuable quality in modern society. Honest people give people the feeling of being down-to-earth and reliable, unlike those who talk flatteringly, which makes people feel bottomless.

The first time you meet, it may be in a café or a quiet restaurant. He arrived early, sitting by the window, with a book in his hand, looking serious and focused. As soon as you enter the door, you notice him and nod yourself in your heart, "Well, this person looks quite reliable." "

"I met an honest man, my parents are satisfied, should I marry?" Someone came to give you a heads-up

Once you're seated, you start chatting. He doesn't speak fast or slow, and his voice is gentle, giving people a very comfortable feeling. He has no exaggerated gestures, no excessive words, just so plain, but it is very pleasant to listen to. You talk about work, life, hobbies, and find that you have a lot in common with each other. This tacit understanding makes your favorability for him skyrocket.

When you get home, you tell your parents about him. After listening to your description, my parents also thought that this young man was good. What they value is not his economic conditions, but his character and character. In their opinion, an honest and reliable person is the right person to marry. After all, marriage is a lifelong affair, not a spur of the moment.

The support of your parents makes you have a better impression of him. You have always trusted their vision. They always look at people accurately. Moreover, they are more concerned about your happiness than anyone else. Being recognized by them shows that this person does have his strengths.

"I met an honest man, my parents are satisfied, should I marry?" Someone came to give you a heads-up

Of course, you also understand that first impressions are important, but it takes time to get to know a person. You need more contact, more communication, to really get to know him. You're planning your next date, maybe going to the movies, or going hiking together. Through these shared activities, you can get to know each other on a deeper level.

In the process, you also need to maintain your independence and individuality. Don't ignore your feelings because of your parents' approval. After all, this is your own life, your happiness, and you need to grasp it yourself. At the same time, it also depends on whether he can accept your personality and whether he is willing to grow with you and face future challenges together.

In short, the first acquaintance is just the beginning. Your story still has a long way to go. But as long as both parties are sincere and attentive, I believe that this relationship will have a good development.

Heck, this difference in values and lifestyles can be a real headache sometimes. Imagine that you and this man have significantly different interests and hobbies. For example, you may be a literary and artistic youth who likes to go to art exhibitions and concerts, and enjoy the spiritual nourishment brought by those arts. As for him, he may not be very interested in these things, preferring to stay at home, watch TV, and play games.

This difference is slowly manifested in the usual relationship. For example, if you propose to go to an art exhibition on the weekend, he might say, "Oh, that's boring, you might as well rest at home." When you hear something like that, you may feel a little uncomfortable, "Isn't art so unrespectable?" "

For example, you also have different views on consumption. You may feel that life needs some sense of ritual, and occasionally treat yourself, buy something you like, or go to some atmospheric places to consume, which is an attitude towards life. And he may be more pragmatic, thinking that money should be spent on the edge, and unnecessary expenses can be saved.

This difference in consumption concepts may cause some small frictions in daily life. For example, if you buy a piece of clothing you like and show it to him with joy, he says, "It's too expensive and it's not cost-effective." Hearing such words may make you feel a little disappointed or even a little repulsed.

These grievances and rejections may not be obvious at first, but over time, they will slowly accumulate and become hidden dangers in your relationship. You might start to question, "Are we really the right fit?" "Are our values too far apart?"

However, we must also see that everyone has their own lifestyle and values, which are determined by many factors such as their growth environment and educational background. We can't force others to live exactly what we want, and we don't want to lose ourselves in order to fit in with others.

In the face of such conflicts, what we need to do is communication and understanding. First of all, be honest about your thoughts and feelings, let him know what your interests mean to you, and what values are behind your consumption view. At the same time, give him the opportunity to listen to his thoughts and understand why he has such a view of consumption.

In this process, we must learn to be respectful and tolerant. Respect his interests and choices, while also sticking to his own position. We can try to find some common ground, for example, although he doesn't like to see art exhibitions, maybe we can go to a movie together; Although he pays attention to practicality, he may be able to enjoy the small fortunes of life together on a special day.

In short, differences in values and lifestyles are problems that can be encountered in every relationship. We need to face it with communication, understanding and tolerance, and find a way to get along with each other. Only in this way can we make the relationship more harmonious and go further.

Marriage, this topic is really love-hate at the same time. You are standing at this crossroads of life, and your heart is full of mixed feelings. The pressure from your parents and the outside world is like a mountain on your shoulders, leaving you confused about whether or not to marry this man. Your heart seems to be saying "no", but you don't want to disappoint your parents, this contradictory mood is really tangled.

Parents always say, "We're here for your good," and they want you to settle down, have a home, and have something to rely on. They watch you grow up day by day, and the worries and expectations in their hearts are self-evident. They want you to find a good home and live a happy life. However, when you face this man, there is always some uncertainty and resistance in your heart.

You might be thinking, "Do I really know him?" Are we really suitable? When you are together, although there are happy times, those differences in values and lifestyles are always like a thorn that your heart from time to time. You worry about whether you will regret it in the future if you enter into marriage so hastily.

And you don't want to disappoint your parents either. You can feel their expectations of you, their love for you. You don't want to see their disappointed eyes, you don't want to hear their words of concern. This kind of pressure sometimes makes you want to escape, want to give up your persistence.

But you also have to ask yourself, "What is my happiness?" Is it true that happiness is only achieved if we live according to our parents' expectations? Or should true happiness be chosen and pursued according to one's own heart?

In this moment of confusion, you need to calm down and think well. You can sit down with your parents and talk openly about your thoughts and feelings. Tell them about your worries, your confusion, your resistance. Maybe they'll give you some advice, maybe they'll understand your choice.

At the same time, you can also have a deeper communication with this man. Find out what he thinks, what he plans for the future, and what he expects from your relationship. See if you can agree on certain issues and work for the common well-being.

Marriage is not child's play, it is related to the happiness of your life. Before making a decision, you need to give yourself enough time to think and feel. Don't ignore your inner voice because of external pressure. Remember, your happiness is the most important thing.

In the process, you may encounter difficulties and there will be a lot of uncertainty. But as long as you are brave enough to face your heart and stick to your choices, one day, you will find your own happiness.

My dear, marriage is not a child's play, it is related to the happiness and joy of your life. Miss Yu wants to remind you here that when we get married, we must first do it for ourselves, not to meet the expectations of our parents. Although your parents must be well-intentioned and hope that you will have a good home, we must understand that only we know whether the shoes fit or not.

You see, two people want to live together for a lifetime, whether the three views are incompatible, and whether their interests are similar or not, these are particularly important. If you ignore these things just to cater to your parents' wishes, then there may be a lot of unhappiness and contradictions in the future.

For example, if you like literature and art, you like to go to art exhibitions, or go to concerts, but he may not be interested in these things and prefer to stay at home. There is no right or wrong in itself, but if you have a big disagreement on this and neither of you is willing to compromise, then over time, that difference can become a divide.

For example, you may like to be extravagant once in a while and enjoy life, while he may be more frugal and feel that he should spend his money wisely. This difference in consumption concepts, if not handled well, may also become a problem between you.

Miss Yu advises you to think about these issues before making a decision. You can ask yourself, "Am I really willing to spend my life with this person?" Can I accept our differences? Can we grow together and solve problems together? "

If you feel hesitant and uncertain, don't push yourself. After all, marriage is not a game, and you can't say you can do it all over again. In your life, you have the right to choose the lifestyle that suits you best.

Of course, that's not to say you have to completely ignore your parents' opinions. Their life experiences, their care and love, are invaluable. You can listen to them, but the final decision is based on your heart.

It is everyone's right to pursue happiness that is truly right for them. Don't give up on your choice because of outside pressure. Remember, your happiness is the most important thing. You deserve a marriage full of love and understanding, not a union full of contradictions and unhappiness.

So, my dear, whatever your final choice is, remember, follow your heart. Don't be afraid to make a choice, and don't be afraid to face the outcome. As long as you are brave enough to pursue your own happiness, one day, you will find the person who can make you smile the sweetest.