
Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

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Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

This game is so burning!

Although our Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia 79-96 in the end, the whole process of the game was simply a colorful movie plot, which made people's hearts beat faster and their palms sweated!

First of all, let's talk about the five incredible!

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

Imagine that our little sisters faced such a strong Australian team, and they actually narrowed the gap in the game for a while, making them feel the pressure!

This situation is even more exciting than the movie, every offense and every defense is like a wonderful drama, and the whole audience follows the ups and downs of the plot, this kind of game is called exciting!

Then, do you want to mention the three-point shot at that crucial moment? I was like crazy watching the score, and suddenly our player hit a super long three-pointer!

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

This ignited the atmosphere, and the audience cheered loudly, it was like the climax of the movie, exciting!

The excitement at that time was no less than the thrill of fighting the boss, and it was the charm of basketball!

Secondly, there are two absolutely indisputable facts to tell you.

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

First of all, the strength of the Australian U18 women's basketball team is indeed not covered, it was the champion last year, and this year it went all the way to the finals, which is simply the king of the basketball world.

In the face of such an opponent, our little sisters tried their best, but they still needed more experience and skills.

However, after our Chinese U18 women's basketball team has Zhang Ziyu, its strength has become stronger and stronger, and it will definitely be stronger in the future!

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

After the first quarter, the Chinese team fell behind, don't be discouraged!

It's just a warm-up, there's still a lot of time to turn the tables around!

At the beginning of the second quarter, Hu Yifan and Xu Peilin scored one after another to chase the score closer, but Australia's Sears and Bobangi were like playing chicken blood, and they frequently returned colors, and the Chinese team temporarily fell behind, which was a little embarrassing.

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

After halftime, Zhang Ziyu finally showed her true strength!

She is simply a superwoman on the field, scoring consecutive points to lead the Chinese team to continue chasing points, full of tension and passion on and off the court.

But unfortunately, the Australian team's counterattack should not be underestimated, they maintained the lead, we are a little bit of pressure!

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

Although we lost this game, our girls really did their best!

From falling behind at the beginning to catching up at the end, their hard work and team spirit are admirable.

This spirit not only shines on the basketball court, but also is worth learning from in life!

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

No matter how difficult it is, as long as you do your best and don't give up, there will always be a chance to turn the tables!

The final of the Australian team was really a competition until the last minute!

Although we lost the game, there are two indisputable facts that stand out to me!

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

First of all, the teamwork that our players showed on the pitch was really speechless!

The coordination on the offensive end is simply tacit, and you don't need to look at the eyes to pass the ball around, just like a billiard, it's a super spectacular scene!

Secondly, Australia's strength is indeed too strong!

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

Their fast break is accurate and ruthless, and their accurate shooting is simply eye-catching!

That speed and accuracy are simply a gift from God, and they are not ordinary at all!

Overall, although they did not win the game in the end, this game showed the true strength and great potential of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team.

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

Every player is giving their all and doing their best!

Their perseverance is amazing!

This game is not only a game for them, but also a valuable growth experience.

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

Every minute and every second on the field is accumulating experience and confidence for future competitions!

Our Chinese U18 women's basketball team, come on!

There is still a long way to go, as long as we unite as one and work hard, we will definitely be able to achieve better results in the international arena!

Shock! China's U18 women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, produced 5 incredible 2 indisputable facts

Believe in yourself and we're the best!

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