

author:Little Sister Library

My boyfriend is worth tens of millions, but he likes to live in low-rent housing.

In the name of it, I will see if I will live.

turned his head and threw millions for his good brother's girlfriend, and let me be generous.

I sneered and took the hand of hundreds of millions of bamboo horses.

Who doesn't have a true love?

I sent my best friend home and accidentally bumped into Song Tingxu.

The woman he was holding was a little familiar.

"Brother Tingxu, I heard that you and Sister Tangtang have been living in low-rent housing, is it appropriate for me to live here?"

"You're pregnant, so you deserve to live better. Sugar and sugar are generous, not counted.

"I've already helped Liang Zi pay back the two million, so don't meet him in the future."

I remember.

Liang Zi is a good brother of Song Tingxu.

The woman in front of her is called Bai Xue.

It's Liang Zi's girlfriend.

I used to have a few meals with Song Tingxu and his brothers.

Song Tingxu has always taken good care of this Bai Xue.

Dare to love is the drunkard's intention, not in wine.

The best friend was angry, but rushed up to teach Song Tingxu and Bai Xue a lesson.

I rushed to stop it.

Song Tingxu frowned, very dissatisfied.

"Tangtang, I just told Xiaoxue that you are generous, you disappointed me too much!

"But don't worry, although my true love is Xiaoxue, for the sake of you being with me for so many years and living a good life, I will still marry you!"

Bai Xue leaned on Song Tingxu's arms, teary eyes.

"Yes, Sister Sugar Candy, I won't fight with you."

I was so sick that I almost threw up the overnight meal.

My best friend couldn't help but beat him up for me.

I grabbed my best friend again.

"It's hard for you to be so compromised.

"In that case, you should be wronged."


Song Tingxu and I met at the freshman orientation party.

At that time, he had just obtained a graduate school.

The elegant bookish anger on my body made me fall in love at first sight.

After orientation, I began to pursue him.

Two whole years.

Delivering food and water finally touched him.

After graduating with a Ph.D., he stayed on to teach.

It has become the white moonlight in the hearts of countless female students.

He said that his parents were both dead and his family was not doing well.

I'm afraid that I'll be wronged, and I want to get married in a few years.

I didn't think much of it.

After graduating from university, he has been living in a low-rent house with him.

The low-rent housing environment is poor and the road is long.

But as soon as he wanted to save money to buy me a house, I kept putting up with it.

Who would have thought that in the end, he became the one who deserved to suffer.

"Sugar Candy, you don't have to divide that? Keep him for the New Year?"

The best friend was furious.

"What's the hurry, it's just like that, it's too cheap for them."

My best friend suddenly came to her senses, "What are you going to do?"


In the evening I went to a private dining room that I hadn't been to for a long time.

Use Song Tingxu to put it here to me as a sign of loyalty.

One meal cost Song Tingxu two months' salary.

In fact, that's my normal consumption.

In order to take care of Song Tingxu's dignity all these years, he has endured it.

It didn't take long for Song Tingxu to arrive.

He was furious and ready to flip the table.

I stepped back from the table before him and reminded:

"That's two months' salary."

He stopped with his head full of bruises.

It's funny.

"I said I would marry you! What else are you fussing about?"

He looked so angry and ruined, as if it was a great thing to be able to marry him.

"If you give someone else a villa, it's two million casually.

"Give me a low-rent house, why don't I make trouble?

"You should be glad that I'm messing with you here, otherwise you will start messing up and coveting the reputation of your brother and woman, do you still want to mix in school?"

Song Tingxu's face finally changed.

He softened his voice.

"Sugar Candy, what do you have to argue with Bai Xue?

"Her parents are street stalls, and they don't have a job themselves, so they can't get on the stage at all.

"I can't marry her in my life, it's just fun.

"I am the youngest professor in the country, with an annual salary of one million, and you are also working in a large factory, so we are the most right.

"Well, didn't you always want me to see your parents? Let's arrange it this week, shall we?"


Six years together.

I offered several times to let Song Tingxu and I go home to meet my parents.

He refused.

He always said that we have a long way to go, and we are not in a hurry.

But I know that he is afraid that after he has seen it, he will have to go home with me for dinner during the New Year's holidays.

Gifts will also be prepared when the time comes.

But he'll know if he's been there once.

At school, the person who helped him get a job as a professor was my little aunt.

The big factory I work for is owned by my family.

The difficult investor he talks about is my brother.

And he is a poor household in my family's mouth where both parents died.

I couldn't help but laugh.


"How do you want me to introduce you?" My boyfriend who took my brother's wife?"

"Bai Xue is not Liang Zi's wife yet! And I'm not telling you, I'm just having fun with her!"

Song Tingxu shouted angrily.

"Let's improve my living conditions first, it doesn't make sense that all the money I saved will be spent on Xiao Sanhua."

Song Tingxu looked at me disappointedly.

It seems like I'm the one at fault.

I ignored him and walked into the hotel next door.

Opened a suite.

Song Tingxu woke up like a dream and wanted to get his salary card back.

was stopped outside by the hotel security.


"Tang Tang! If you do this again, we'll break up!

"Do you think I can't do anything about it?

"Tomorrow I go to school to change my card, you still won't be able to use it!

"I'll call the police again, and you'll have to give me back all the money you used!"

He is like a clown who jumps off the beam, revealing his ugly face.

I couldn't help but ask myself.

What have I liked about Song Tingxu over the years?


"Break up? You are worthy of mentioning it too?"

I took a bath.

Lying on the hotel bed, I still feel angry.

simply sent the photos of Song Tingxu and Bai Xue to the family group.

Big brother was the first to jump out.

"Damn, it's scum on my sugar baby, see if I don't kill him!"

The second brother followed.

"Wait for me, Sugar Baby, I'll be back."

Mom, Dad, aunts and uncles were also very annoyed.

I want to give Song Tingxu some color.

I hurriedly stopped everyone.

"You don't have to do anything out of your way, just cancel the preferential treatment for him.

"Teach Song Tingxu a lesson, I want to do it myself."

Although fellow relatives are still very angry, they all show respect for me.


I moved into a single-family apartment that my parents had prepared for me.

The daily commute to work takes only 10 minutes.

On the third day of moving to the apartment, I received a message from Song Tingxu.

[Almost, Tang Tang, my patience is limited. 】

I almost laughed.

I really don't know where he got his sense of superiority.

But I quickly understood.

[Your family is a small business, it is not easy to raise you.

[With me, we are a strong alliance, if you are sensible, you should know what to take care of and what not to manage. 】

After knowing that Song Tingxu's parents died.

After the family only has tens of millions of assets.

I'm afraid of irritating his pride.

I just told him that my family had a small business.

Unexpectedly, he took it seriously.

He may never know.

What he calls a strong combination.

My brother called it poverty alleviation.

I casually dragged him into the blacklist and continued to work.

After getting off work at noon, Song Tingxu actually came to the company to pick me up.

He has not met in a thousand years and has taken a gaudy rose.

"Tang Tang, let's get the certificate.

"Look, if I say I'll marry you, I'll marry you."

Pedestrians and passing colleagues looked at him like monkeys.

Song Tingxu was annoyed and angry, and shouted at the people:

"What do you see? Haven't you ever seen a good man, have you?

"I'm scared to death when I say it!"

The crowd was speechless again.

Song Tingxu didn't notice it at all.

He took my hand.

"Tangtang, I have a net worth of tens of millions, and my future is bright.

"It's just one of the houses for Whitesnow.

"As long as you are obedient, my money can be spent on you."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh? I have to thank you for the money I saved?"

Song Tingxu was a little uncomfortable.

"Sugar Candy, you know, the last thing I like about you is that.

"Too strong! There is no princess life, and there is a princess disease!

"If you are a little like snow and are willing to rely on me, I can't find anyone else.

"But for the sake of you having been with me for so many years, it can be regarded as keeping to yourself, and I can give you a house after you get married."

"A house?"

Song Tingxu gritted his teeth: "Two sets at most."

"Just my name?"


I nodded, "You can do it, besides, you gave someone else two million, you have to give me four million."

Song Tingxu was furious again and shouted at me.

"Don't think I want to marry you and you can do whatever you want."

"Then never again."

I beckoned the driver to drive over.

was stopped again by Song Tingxu.

"You've won!" He glared at me in a rough voice, "If it weren't for the fact that this time the investors are particularly interested in reputation, I will definitely not let you take advantage of it!"

I just didn't hear him complain.

"You gave it voluntarily, didn't you?"

He gritted his teeth, "Yes!"


I asked Song Tingxu to go through the formalities and sent him away.

Behind him was laughter.

It's Fu Zhaolin.

My neighbor is also my little brother of Zhuma.

Two years older than me.

Study abroad after graduating from high school.

Just came back last year.

He stood behind me and looked at me condescendingly.

"It's just such a dog thing, all these years, you haven't even looked at me?"

I couldn't help but glare at him.

said that Song Tingxu was a dog.

He's not a good thing himself.

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved watching my jokes.

"Two houses, four million, will trick you?

"I'll give out twenty houses, 40 million, how about you don't marry him?"

"Not good!"

I shook him angrily.

Get into the car.

Of course, I didn't plan to marry Song Tingxu.

But every penny I have paid for Song Tingxu in the past six years and every penny I have saved.

You can't just leave it at that.

I'm not short of that money.

But I can't allow anyone else to insult me with this money.


Song Tingxu's speed was much faster than I thought.

When he came to me again.

We've even had people move our stuff from low-rent housing to new housing.

But I'm in the past tense.

Snow is also there.

She leaned on Song Tingxu's arms.

Song Tingxu's hand had already touched the bottom of her skirt.

Seeing me, Song Tingxu stood up casually.

"During this time, Bai Xue lived with us first.

"She's pregnant, and you can cook deliciously, just in time to take care of her.

"Don't worry, Bai Xue's child is not mine, I just like Bai Xue as a person. When she's better, let her move out. In the future, the child she gives birth to will not fight for our property."

I checked the four million that had been credited to my account.

and the authenticity of the two house books.

Confirm that it is correct, I am facing Song Tingxu is two big pockets.

"You're really a toad leaning on a frog, and you don't dress like flowers!

"The Qing Dynasty has fallen to the outside world, do you still want to hug left and right?

"Give me this set of pure love warriors, do you still want me to serve the confinement of the junior? When you dream of watching a play, you think it is beautiful!"

Song Tingxu was beaten.

"Tang Tang! You are crazy! You still dare to hit me! I'm going to break up with you!"

"Points! Whoever doesn't divide is the dog!"

I took the book in my hand, turned around and left!


"Give me back the house! Give me back the money!"

"Why should I pay back something that I gave voluntarily?"

I handed the house book to the director of the welfare home who came with me.

"Four million, I'll have someone transfer it to your orphanage.

"These two houses were also donated to the welfare home for free, hoping to help more children."

The director of the welfare home nodded repeatedly.

"On behalf of our children, I would like to thank Miss Tang!"

"Our donation agreement is working now, isn't it?"


Song Tingxu roared and almost fainted.

"Tang Tang! I warn you, we break up! Break up!"

I was speechless, "Didn't we break up already? I don't need you to remind me three or two times."

A man walked up the Ferrari at the door.

It was Fu Zhaolin.

"Broke up?

"Love's number plate is finally my turn?"

Song Tingxu ran forward.

Pointing at Fu Zhaolin and shouting.

"Who is he?"

Song Tingxu's appearance made me feel extremely ridiculous.

I didn't want to do anything, but it came to an end.

I still couldn't help but grab Fu Zhaolin's hand and shake it.

"My Takema-sama, my true love."

"Is he true love? So what am I?"

"Cannon fodder." Fu Zhaolin said it for me.

I got into Fu Zhaolin's Ferrari.

As soon as I got in the car, I shook off Fu Zhaolin's hand.

We know each other well.

But I've never given him any love number plates.

Not to mention true love.


"Throw it away after using it? It's ruthless."

The man rubbed it on my head.

My hair was crumpled and messy.

I couldn't help but kick him twice.

It's a pity that this man is hard.

His face didn't change, but my feet hurt.

Song Tingxu chased after the car in annoyance.

One foot was careless, and he fell heavily to the ground.

I withdrew my gaze and asked Fu Zhaolin to send me to the company.

The car drove up the other way.

"Fu Zhaolin?"

"I'm all true love, can't I have a little privilege?"

I'm starting to regret the I just had.

But not worried about what he would do to me.

Fu Zhaolin took me to see a prosperous fireworks.

When I left, I was asked if I was in a better mood.

I smiled and didn't speak.

In fact, I come from a prominent family and have outstanding abilities.

Losing me to death is Song Tingxu's loss.

And me.

Both from the family side and from the personal side.

All have enough time and ability to bear this small failure.


It's not bad to be cared for.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."


I don't know if I never thought I would have true love.

Song Tingxu frequently came to the company to find me.

"Two suites, four million, you say donate, donate! That's all money! Will you live at all!

"I'll tell you Tang Tang, you have to give me an explanation!

"Otherwise, don't think I'll marry you!"

"Is it an honor to marry you? Just two suites and four million have to be explained to you? What is there to explain?

"She can see you because of the smoke from your ancestral grave!"

also appears frequently, as well as Fu Zhaolin.

I talk about business.

He met by chance.

I'm off work.

He passed by.

I participate in events.

He was likewise invited.

The two gatherings, he did not fall once.

Sima Zhao's heart.


"So you've never had me in your heart?"

Song Tingxu made a fuss at the door.

It was clear that he did the wrong thing first, and now he is like me who is ungrateful.

"Didn't you break up?"

"It's me, but why do you ......?"

Song Tingxu pointed at me, and then pointed at Fu Zhaolin.

"You're a woman, and you're going to be in the twilight! Playing with my feelings!"

"It's just a man, what is he doing with all this fuss."

I leaned back.

Fu Zhaolin naturally supported me.

It was like I was leaning into his arms.

With an identity like me, it's understandable to be a queen of the sea.

All in all.

In the past, all kinds of favoritism were for Song Tingxu.

But he wanted to disgust me.

That's sorry.

"Song Tingxu, be generous, you disappoint me too much.

"No matter what, I really loved you, otherwise just like you, how many I want to find, it's not a matter of beckoning?

"I've put down my body and favored you for so many years, and you should be content too."

I waved my hand and asked the security guard to handle him.

Turned his head and asked Fu Zhaolin.

"Is there something going on in a moment?"

"Listen to your call at any time."

"That...... Let's have a meal together?"

"I'll arrange it."

Fu Zhaolin grabbed me by the waist and put me in the car.

Not far away, there was an argument between the security guard and Song Tingxu.

"You don't know who that is, do you?

"That's the eldest lady of our Tang Group.

"It's your blessing to see you, and if you want to blame you, blame yourself for being blind!"


I like the private tea restaurant.

Fu Zhaolin intimately peeled the crab for me.

Eyebrows and eyes are lowered.

There is no half of the arrogant appearance of youth.

"Why me?"

After knowing each other for more than 20 years, I never thought that Fu Zhaolin would like me.

The man's face was awkward.

I didn't speak for a long time.

I couldn't help but kick him, "Talk."

Fu Zhaolin gave me a conniving look.

He didn't answer, but asked me:

"Do you know why I went abroad after graduating from high school?"

I thought about it.

Then shake your head.

In my memory, Fu Zhaolin's departure abroad was a particularly sudden and hasty thing.

"I'm afraid that if I stay in the country, I'll be a beast."

I was stunned.

The gaze crashed into the man's awkward, burning gaze.

Like a deer caught in headlights.

"You...... If I'm not mistaken, I wasn't an adult at that time......

"Eat quickly, or it will get cold."

Fu Zhaolin pushed the packed crab meat in front of me.

"But I really didn't expect you to have such a bad eyesight."

I couldn't help but kick him again: "Fu Zhaolin!"

"Yes, my princess."


Loved someone with all his heart and soul for six years.

For Fu Zhaolin, it is impossible for me not to be moved.

But made me fall in love with him immediately.

Nor realistic.

After all, feelings are not like faucets.

Turn it on when you want, turn it off when you want to.

When we parted, I said to him, "I still need time before I can slowly come out."

"I'll be with you."

"Isn't that okay?"

"Tang Xiaotang, you have to adapt, you were born in my life."

Someone who is strong.

Forcibly occupied my guest room.

They invaded my kitchen again.

It's starting to happen to me more often than before.

"Tang Xiaotang, you have to remember, I will always be in the place where you can see as soon as you turn around and raise your eyes, within reach."

On my birthday, Fu Zhaolin said his declaration of love to me.

I tugged at his tie with the strength of the wine.

"Then you have to know that I'm not the woman you recruit and linger with.

"I'm a person who holds a grudge."

He let me bite his Adam's apple.

Let out a sigh of excitement.

"Kill me."


It wasn't he who was killed.

It's me.


I was woken up from my sleep as I was sore and aching.

I haven't had time to have a seizure yet.

The man's big hand slapped me on the back.

He kissed me on the cheek soothingly.

"I'll take a look, and you go back to sleep."

He casually put on a pair of pants and went out.

I opened the door and smiled.

"Yo, ex-husband?"

Song Tingxu was full of alcohol.

His eyes were bloodshot and frighteningly red.

Where is there still half of the bookish anger that used to be?

The moment he saw Fu Zhao's presence clearly, he couldn't help but shout.

"How are you? What about Tang Sugar? Let her come out to me!"

He looked behind Fu Zhaolin, but was attracted by the clothes that were thrown all over the ground.

Red floor-length skirt, lace-trimmed underwear, intercolored stockings.

Men's shirts, crumpled ties, messy trousers......

Song Tingxu couldn't understand what this meant.

He was trembling all over.

Swinging his fist, he smashed it towards Fu Zhaolin.

But before it fell on the person, he was unloaded by Fu Zhaolin.

Wrapped his arms around his neck and took them out.

"If you have something to say, don't disturb my wife's sleep."

Song Tingxu roared angrily.

"Tang Tang is mine!"

He was carried out like a chicken by Fu Zhaolin.

Fu Zhaolin smiled and said, "Didn't you announce your breakup with her a long time ago?

"Breaking up doesn't allow others to find the second spring, Professor Song, you crooked-necked tree, you manage too much."

"I was angry at that! Let Tang Tang come out and see me!"

"Even if you don't have the strength."

Song Tingxu's face was pale and pale.

Ugly and embarrassing.

He jumped to his feet and shouted under my window.

"Tang Tang, I've already disposed of Bai Xue!

"As long as you come back, I can still marry you......

Before the marriage word was finished, he fell heavily and ate.

"What are you?

"Is it commendable to marry you?

"If it's a clown, hide it for me, don't come out all day to brush up on your presence.

"See her? Are you worthy?"

The last word fell, and Fu Zhaolin pulled Song Tingxu's hair.

A punch slammed into his face.

"My pampered little princess, you dare to humiliate her."


Song Tingxu appeared in front of me with a higher frequency than before.

Not for me, though.

It's for the background and capital behind me.

He chased him as I used to chase him.

Be very courteous to me.

The face of the once scholarly spirit was breezy and moonlight.

At this time, it was full of philistines and calculations.

It makes me sick.

I was annoyed by him.

I checked it out and found out.

Song Tingxu only cared about messing with Bai Xue some time ago.

The data and progress reports that came out were not up to standard.

Big Brother divested.

Song Tingxu is doing pharmaceutical research.

Personally, he couldn't compare to another researcher in the same department.

There is no access to school funding and grants.

It can only pull enterprises to invest.


"You're going to hold on! Don't be tricked back by the scumbag."

My best friend reminded me.

"Of course not."

I smiled.

I'm the person who holds the most grudges.


In June, graduation season arrived.

I am an investor in the Tang Group.

and outstanding graduates.

Go back and speak.

Song Tingxu heard the news from nowhere.

I rushed over too.

"Sugar Candy, you see, I've got your favorite lemonade for you.

"I've already disposed of the snow, and I was joking with you before, so don't be serious, okay?"

I didn't bother to look at him both standing and standing.

Ask the Vice Chancellor in charge of reception.

"This is also a great representative today?"

The vice principal hurriedly explained.

By the way, let Song Tingxu take away.

At the end of the event, the Vice-Chancellor added:

"The Tang Group has cooperated with our school for so long, if Miss Tang has any opinions, she must tell them directly."

"As a former student, I sincerely hope that my alma mater will get better and better.

"As an investor, I also hope that the cooperation with my alma mater will become more and more smooth, and every research will be successful.

"There are no rules, no rules. Whether it is in terms of teaching quality or research, we will be more relieved if our alma mater can pay more attention to it."

"Understood, understood."

The vice principal held my hand and personally put me in the car.


The car drove out of his alma mater.

I looked at the driver, who had changed people.

Fu Zhaolin.

He laughed arrogantly and proudly.

I was speechless, "Are you so?"