
In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

In the world of film and television dramas, goofs seem to have become a special cultural phenomenon. While the audience enjoys the plot, they are also happy to look for those flaws that are inadvertently revealed. These small mistakes, sometimes even become the talk of everyone after dinner, adding a lot of fun. But then again, if the goofs are too obvious, it's not as simple as having fun, and it may cause the audience to complain and even question the quality of the whole work.

First of all, let's talk about what a goofs are. To put it simply, it is those small mistakes that do not conform to the plot during the filming process for various reasons. For example, a modern object that suddenly appears in a costume drama, or a modern building that should not exist in the background during a character's dialogue. These small details, if handled properly, can actually become easter eggs that the audience is looking for and increase the interest of watching.

But here's the problem, if these goofs are too conspicuous, it's a different story entirely. Imagine you're immersed in an exciting police movie and suddenly see a police gun filled with toy bullets, or a character in a historical drama who pulls out his smartphone. At this time, the audience's first reaction may not be to laugh, but to frown, thinking to themselves: "This crew is too unprofessional!" ”

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

The reason why goofs cause the audience to complain is largely because they destroy the audience's immersion. When watching film and television dramas, the audience hopes to be fully immersed in the plot and enjoy the immersive feeling. Once this immersion is broken, the audience will be disappointed and even the evaluation of the whole show will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, the goofs may also reflect the lax rigor of the crew. A good film and television drama should strive for perfection in every detail. If even the basic props, costumes, and scenes can be wrong, then the audience will inevitably wonder if the crew has problems in other aspects. This kind of questioning is undoubtedly very unfavorable to the reputation and evaluation of film and television dramas.

Of course, we can't generalize. Sometimes, some goofs may be caused by technical limitations or limitations of shooting conditions, in which case the audience can usually understand. But the point is that the crew should try to avoid these obvious mistakes and, if they do occur, fix them in post-production, rather than let them go.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

In general, goofs are a double-edged sword in film and television dramas. Used well, it can be a source of fun for the audience; If it is not used well, it may become the focus of the audience's complaints and questions. As the producer of film and television dramas, while pursuing artistic expression, we should pay more attention to the polishing of details, and strive to bring the audience a perfect viewing experience. After all, a film and television drama without goofs can be called a real boutique.

Costume dramas, as the name suggests, are TV dramas that reflect ancient life and historical events. But sometimes, there are unexpected modern objects in these episodes that make people laugh and cry. Let's talk about these ridiculous goofs today and see how they "cross" in costume dramas.

The first thing to mention is "Journey to the West", this classic has an irreplaceable position in the hearts of many people. But even such a classic can't escape the teasing of the goofs shot. I remember one time, Sun Wukong was wielding a golden hoop stick, but a bicycle appeared in the background. This is really surprising, after all, in the Tang Dynasty, the modern means of transportation such as bicycles could not have existed. The sudden appearance of such a modern item not only spoils the audience's perception, but also makes people doubt the professionalism of the crew.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

Let's talk about "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", a TV series set in the Three Kingdoms period, it stands to reason that it should be full of gunsmoke and heroic pride of the ancient battlefield. But who would have thought that in a scene depicting the Battle of Chibi, a small car "crossed" to the battlefield. This can't help but make people ask, is this car a reinforcement sent by Cao Cao? The emergence of this modern means of transportation is not only a drama, but also a great disrespect for history.

Next is "The Legend of Zhen Huan", a TV series set in the harem of the Qing Dynasty, which was once all the rage. But in the play, attentive viewers discover the presence of the camera. This is really ironic, after all, in the Qing Dynasty, such a high-tech product as a camera was impossible. The emergence of this kind of modern equipment is undoubtedly a great challenge to the rigor of costume dramas.

The appearance of these goofs, although sometimes they can bring some unexpected jokes to the audience, but more often, they expose all kinds of omissions in the production process of the crew. The charm of costume drama lies in its ability to lead the audience through time and space to experience ancient life and culture. And the sudden appearance of modern objects is undoubtedly a disruption of this experience.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

When the crew is making costume dramas, they should pay more attention to the restoration and respect of the historical background. Every prop and every scene should go through rigorous research and screening to ensure that they match the background of the story. Only in this way can the audience really feel the atmosphere of antiquity in the process of watching, instead of being disturbed by these ridiculous goofs.

Of course, we should also understand that making a costume drama is a huge project, and it is inevitable that there will be some omissions. But the key is that the crew should correct these problems in time after discovering them, rather than letting them go. Only in this way can the quality of the work be guaranteed and win the recognition and respect of the audience.

In general, the goofs in costume dramas, although sometimes they can bring some fun, more often than not, they are a warning. They remind us that we should maintain a respectful and rigorous attitude towards history, whether in the production or watching of costume dramas. Only in this way can costume dramas truly become a bridge connecting the past and the present, so that the audience can learn knowledge and feel the charm of culture while appreciating it.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

Let's talk about those ridiculous goofs today, especially those that are obviously illogical, they are particularly absurd because they go against common sense.

Let's talk about "Dream of Red Mansions" first, this work is a treasure in the history of literature, and it has also received widespread attention after being adapted into a TV series. However, the use of some props is surprising. For example, the delicate porcelain and antiques described in the original book have been transformed into modern plastic products in the TV series. This not only confuses the audience, but also makes people feel that the crew does not respect the original book enough. After all, the restoration of these details is crucial to show the life background of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu. The inappropriate use of props not only destroys the artistic conception of the original work, but also affects the audience's perception.

Let's talk about the work "Hurricane", An Xin in the play is a very popular character, but there is a scene in the play that makes people cry and laugh. When An Xin was drinking soy milk, the soy milk in the cup was automatically refilled. This is absolutely impossible to happen in real life, unless he has superpowers. This kind of ridiculous goofs not only makes people play, but also makes people feel that the crew is not careful enough in handling the details.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

There are also modern items in costume dramas, such as mobile phones, watches, etc., which are modern technology products that could not exist in ancient times. When these items appear in costume dramas, the audience's first reaction is often surprise, followed by disappointment. This kind of goofs is undoubtedly an insult to the audience's IQ and a disrespect for ancient culture.

The appearance of these goofs reflects some problems that the crew may have in the production process. For example, the understanding of the original work is not deep enough, the historical background is not studied enough, or there is not enough attention during the filming process. If these issues are not addressed, they can affect the overall quality of the work and may even lead to the audience's disgust with the work.

Of course, we should also see that making a TV series is a complex job that involves many links and details. The crew will inevitably have some omissions during the filming process. However, once these problems are discovered, the crew should correct them in time, rather than letting them go. Only in this way can the quality of the work be guaranteed and win the recognition of the audience.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

Overall, these illogical goofs, although sometimes they can bring some unexpected jokes to the audience, more often than not, they are a warning. They remind us that we should maintain a respectful and rigorous attitude towards the work when making and watching TV series. Only in this way can TV dramas truly become the carrier of art, so that the audience can learn knowledge and feel the charm of culture while appreciating it.

In TV dramas, lines are an important means to shape characters and promote the plot. But sometimes, some lines are particularly abrupt because they are illogical or inconsistent with the situation, and even make people laugh and cry.

Take "Flying Immortals" as an example, the character of the Jade Emperor said a line in the play: "This baby's eyebrows are so good-looking." But the problem is that when babies are born, their eyebrows are usually faint or barely visible. The words of the Jade Emperor not only violated common sense, but also confused the audience. The appearance of this kind of line is undoubtedly a kind of destruction of the character's image, and it also affects the rationality of the plot.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

For example, in the Anti-Japanese War drama, some characters' lines are like prophets, revealing the development of the plot in advance. For example, a character says before the battle starts, "We're going to win this fight." This kind of line, although it may be to enhance the tension of the plot, seems too straightforward and far-fetched. After all, the outcome of a war is often full of variables, and this kind of "spoiler" lines in advance can easily make the audience feel out of drama.

There are also those modern dramas where the dialogue between the characters can sometimes be illogical. For example, two characters are discussing a person they have never met, but suddenly say the person's detailed characteristics and background. This kind of line is obviously to promote the development of the plot, but it ignores that the transmission of information between the characters should be logical and grounded.

These lines that are illogical or out of step with the situation reflect possible problems in the screenwriter's creative process. For example, the character's personality and emotions are not accurately grasped, the logic of the plot development is not considered enough, or there is a lack of sufficient life experience and observation when writing lines.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

Of course, we should also realize that creating a TV series is a challenging job. Screenwriters need to consider many factors in the creative process, and sometimes there will inevitably be some omissions. However, once these problems are discovered, the crew should correct them in time, rather than letting them go. Only in this way can the quality of the work be guaranteed and win the recognition of the audience.

In general, these illogical or situational lines, while sometimes they can bring some unexpected jokes to the audience, more often than not, they are a warning. They remind us that we should maintain a respectful and rigorous attitude towards the work when creating and enjoying TV dramas. Only in this way can TV dramas truly become the carrier of art, so that the audience can learn knowledge and feel the charm of culture while appreciating it. At the same time, these lines also remind the screenwriter and director that they need to pay more attention to details when creating, and strive to make each line stand up to scrutiny and conform to the character's personality and situational development.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

Goofs, these three words can be said to be ubiquitous in the world of film and television dramas. They arise for a variety of reasons, sometimes they make people laugh and cry, and sometimes they can't help but complain. Let's take a good look at how these goofs came about today and what impact they have on the audience's experience.

First of all, the crew's carelessness may be a major reason for the emergence of goofs. During the filming process, if the crew does not pay enough attention to the details and does not fully prepare the props, costumes, scenes and other elements, it is easy to have a goof. For example, modern items that suddenly appear in costume dramas, and props used by characters in modern dramas that do not match the background of the era, etc. These situations are often due to the lack of sufficient professionalism and rigor of the crew in the production process.

Secondly, the technical means cannot keep up, which may also lead to the emergence of goofs. With the improvement of the audience's requirements for the quality of film and television dramas, some traditional shooting methods may no longer be able to meet the demand. For example, the lack of special effects technology may cause some scenes to look unrealistic; Mistakes in editing techniques may cause logical confusion in the plot. These technical problems, if not solved in time, will be reflected in the form of goofs in the finished film.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

Moreover, sometimes the crew deliberately creates some goofs in order to attract attention. In some commercial blockbusters, in order to attract the audience's attention and increase the topicality, the crew may deliberately set up some obvious mistakes. Although this strategy can attract attention in the short term, in the long run, it may have a negative impact on the reputation and image of the work.

The impact of goofs on the viewer's experience cannot be ignored. For some small goofs that do not affect the understanding of the plot, the audience may choose to be tolerant and understanding. After all, people are not sages, who can do nothing, and the crew will inevitably have some omissions during the filming process. Moreover, these small flaws can sometimes become a source of fun for the audience and increase the interest of watching.

However, for those goofs that obviously violate common sense and affect the logic of the plot, the audience may not be able to bear it. These goofs will make the audience feel out of the drama and even question the quality of the work. Especially for those viewers who have an in-depth understanding of the original book or history, these goofs are even more difficult to accept. Not only do they disrupt the viewer's immersion, but they also affect the overall quality of the work.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

In general, the production of goofs is a complex issue, involving many aspects such as the professionalism, technical means, and market strategy of the crew. As viewers, we should be tolerant and understanding of some small, non-impacting goofs. But at the same time, the crew should also strengthen the control of details, improve the production level, and minimize the appearance of goofs. Only in this way can the quality of the work be guaranteed and win the recognition and love of the audience. And for those goofs deliberately created in order to attract attention, we should remain vigilant and avoid being confused by such shoddy marketing methods. After all, really good works don't need to rely on these little tricks to attract audiences.

Goofs, this vignette that appears from time to time in film and television dramas, can sometimes really bring some unexpected fun to the audience. But at the same time, they also expose some problems in film and television production, which deserve our deep consideration and improvement.

First of all, the goofs reflect a disrespect for history to a certain extent. In some costume dramas, we can often see some modern items, such as mobile phones, watches, cars, etc., which are obviously inconsistent with the background of the times, which not only makes the audience feel abrupt, but also disrespectful to history. History is serious, and when we create costume dramas, we should restore the true face of history as much as possible, rather than tampering with it at will in pursuit of the so-called "modernity".

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

Secondly, the goofs also expose the neglect of details. In the production process of film and television dramas, every detail is crucial. From the selection of props, the matching of costumes, to the layout of the scene, and the writing of lines, every link needs to be carefully polished. However, some crews tend to ignore these details in order to save costs or pursue speed, leading to the appearance of goofs. This neglect of details not only affects the quality of the work, but also makes the audience question the professional ability of the crew.

Moreover, the goofs may also reflect the crew's neglect of the logic of the plot. In some episodes, the character's words and actions are clearly out of line with the situation, such as when the character suddenly knows something when it's impossible, or says something illogical when it's out of place. This neglect of the logic of the plot not only confuses the audience, but also destroys the coherence and credibility of the plot.

In addition, the appearance of goofs may also be related to the technical level of the crew. With the development of science and technology, the audience has higher and higher requirements for the visual effects of film and television dramas. However, some crews couldn't keep up with the technical means, resulting in rough special effects production, blunt scene switching, and even some obvious technical errors. These problems not only affected the audience's perception, but also exposed the crew's technical shortcomings.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

Overall, while goofs provide entertainment to the audience to a certain extent, they also expose some problems in film and television production. These problems, including the disrespect for history, the neglect of details, the neglect of the logic of the plot, and the lack of technical level, are all worthy of our reflection and improvement. As practitioners in the film and television industry, we should treat every production link with a more rigorous attitude, constantly improve our professional level, and strive to bring better works to the audience. At the same time, as an audience, we should also look at these goofs with a more tolerant attitude, give the crew more understanding and support, and jointly promote the development and progress of the film and television industry.

In ancient times, it was okay to wear black silk, and I couldn't bear to eat hamburgers, and the one who sprayed wolfberries really took the audience for stupidity

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