
Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

author:Little fish loves gossip
Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday celebration is a luxurious feast. To commemorate this special day, he spared no expense in chartering a luxury cruise ship and invited many family and friends to join the event. The lights on the cruise ship are shining brightly, reflecting the joyful atmosphere. The presence of her mother Zhang Lan and her newlywed wife Ma Xiaomei added a bit of warmth and affection to the party. In this convivial atmosphere, every detail has been carefully arranged to ensure that every guest can enjoy this unforgettable evening.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions
Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

The climax of the birthday party is undoubtedly the cake cutting part. Ma Xiaomei gave the first cake to her mother-in-law Zhang Lan, which not only showed her respect for her elders, but also showed the warm scene of family harmony. Zhang Lan smiled and smeared the cake on Ma Xiaomei's eyebrows, implying blessings and love. There was constant laughter and a warm atmosphere that pushed the whole party to its climax.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

Birthday wishes and stress

However, a small episode at the party sparked a lot of speculation. When making a wish, Wang Xiaofei said loudly: "I hope to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible!" This wish instantly caused laughter and applause from the audience, but it also made people wonder if Ma Xiaomei was pregnant? Although there have been many media speculations about her pregnancy, judging from the photos of the day, her lower abdomen is still flat, which makes this suspense even more confusing. Did Ma Xiaomei feel a lot of pressure in the face of such attention and speculation? This invisible pressure is perhaps the most unbearable part of her facing the public.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions
Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions
Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions
Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

Wang Xiaofei's love for children

As we all know, Wang Xiaofei likes children very much, especially the two children born to his ex-wife Da S, he has been taking care of them with all his heart. In order to better spend time with the children, he even rented a house in Taipei so that he could visit them at any time. Especially her daughter Xiao Yue'er, who was raised by Wang Xiaofei since she was a child, and the deep relationship between father and daughter is touching. He often shares his moments with his children on social media, and behind the heartwarming images is his deep love for them.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

However, with his marriage to Ma Xiaomei, there is also concern whether this paternity will change. As the new stepmother, how to integrate into the family and build a good relationship with the children will be a huge challenge for her. Whether she can find her place in this new family, while also making the children feel loved and cared for, is a question that everyone who cares about their family is concerned about.

The mother-child relationship and the material needs of the child

Wang Xiaofei had previously revealed that the material needs put forward by his children and him. Xiao Yue'er directly asked Wang Xiaofei for a house, and 8-year-old Wang Xijiu said that he wanted to inherit his father's company. Whether these words are really the voices of the children, or are they influenced by Big S, makes people think deeply.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions
Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

Zhang Lan did not respond directly to these requests, but subtly changed the subject, proposing to take her eldest grandson to study in Shanghai, hoping to cultivate his interest in learning in a better environment. This proposal was supported by Wang Xiaofei, but it also made people worry about whether children would be exposed to the complexities and conflicting interests of the adult world too early in such a complex family environment.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

Family disputes and the division of property

The dispute between Wang Xiaofei and Da S has been going on for a long time, and since the two divorced, the dispute over alimony and alimony has not stopped. Wang Xiaofei once publicly posted the alimony bill she paid, and said that she was unwilling to pay for the living expenses of Da S and her current husband. This protracted tug-of-war left him physically and mentally exhausted. Eventually, with the support of his newlywed wife, Ma Xiaomei, he decided to solve the problem through legal means and finally gained the right to visit his children freely.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

However, this does not mean the end of the strife. Big S seems to have deeper plans. She not only sued Wang Xiaofei many times, but also showed strong demands on the distribution of property. Even after Wang Xiaofei announced her remarriage, she still tried to exert pressure through her children and try to obtain more benefits. Growing up in such an environment raises concerns about whether they have been exposed to the complexities and conflicting interests of the adult world at an early age.

The education and influence of Big S on children is also an issue that cannot be ignored. She has always emphasized the importance of education and hopes to help children become talents through strict discipline. However, it is a question worth pondering whether excessive stress can have a negative impact on children's mental health.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and the pressure was put on her newlywed wife, and the goals of her children exposed Big S's ambitions

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's new life

Wang Xiaofei's marriage to Ma Xiaomei seems to have brought him new hope and emotional support for life. In his birthday wishes, his anticipation for a new life and his longing for his family are obvious. Although the future is full of unknowns and challenges, he and Ma Xiaomei face it together, believing that they can find a new path that belongs to them.

In her new marriage, Wang Xiaofei showed more maturity and a sense of responsibility. He not only has to face disputes with Big S, but also has to deal with the relationship with his children, and at the same time manage his marriage with Ma Xiaomei. These challenges are a new test for him. He needs to deal with every problem with a more mature mindset in order to find true happiness.

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