
Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

author:Pen and ink bookish


Hong Kong's rich woman Jojo is about to come to Xiaokui's house, and they all say that people are in good spirits when they are happy, but Xiaokui is a little sullen and reluctant.

SpongeBob asks if Kui agrees to be with Jojo, and he rubs his hands and says casually: "Yes, but I'm not sure if we're together."

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

SpongeBob SquarePants was dumbfounded when he heard this, he couldn't believe his ears, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and asked Xiao Kui again if he could marry Jojo this year, Xiao Kui shook his head and said that he was not sure yet, and the matter had not yet been decided.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Xiao Kui's ambiguous attitude not only shocked SpongeBob SquarePants, but tens of millions of netizens were also confused, not knowing what Xiao Kui wanted to sing?

In fact, Xiao Kui's implication is that Jojo can come to my house, but I can't guarantee that I will marry JoJo.

I wonder what Jojo will think after watching the video?

In fact, Jojo has no way out, Juankui's love is not that the two of them are willingly together, but that she likes Xiaokui wishfully, and she wants to be with Xiaokui without hesitation, and it is destined not to be smooth sailing.

There are many netizens who think that Juankui's love is a script, why does the rich and good-looking Jojo desperately pursue a poor boy who has nothing? Even in the face of other people's cynicism, she doesn't give up, it doesn't make sense for her to do this, unless it's a script that has been arranged for a long time.

Whether Juankui's love is a script or not, everyone will know after reading this article patiently.

Inquire about it

As we all know, Brother Hai was heartbroken for Juankui's love, so he went to Xiaokui's house for this matter and asked Xiaokui's family separately, but Xiaokui's mother, Xiaokui and Xiaokui's sister basically agreed that Jojo came to Xiaokui's house.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

However, for the matchmaker Hai Ge, Xiao Kui's family agreeing to Jojo coming over does not mean that the dust has settled and everything is fine, and it is necessary to confirm with Xiao Kui again, even if the two break up unhappily in the future, it has nothing to do with Hai Ge.

So, Brother Hai went to Xiao Kui's house for the second time for this matter, and confirmed the matter to Xiao Kui's family again.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Brother Hai first asked Xiaokui's mother if she welcomed Jojo from afar, and Xiaokui's mother said that she was welcome to come, as long as Xiaokui agreed to her coming.

Brother Hai continued to ask Xiaokui's mother: You have always been worried that Jojo will not be able to have children, do you still have concerns about this?

Xiaokui's mother forced a smile: Don't worry, don't worry about him, as long as he agrees.

To be honest, Xiaokui's mother has changed her attitude from a few days ago when she agrees to Jojo's door, and her attitude has changed too quickly, which is not reasonable at all. She said that she didn't care about it, but it was helpless sadness.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Probably thinking that it would be embarrassing to continue asking, Brother Hai hurriedly ended the conversation with his aunt and pulled Xiao Kui aside to ask.

Brother Hai asked Xiaokui directly: Would you like to have a boyfriend and girlfriend with A Juanwen?

Xiaokui: I originally intended to have a boyfriend and girlfriend with her.

Brother Hai: Would you like her to come to your house and live with you?

Xiaokui: Very willingly.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Brother Hai in the video smiled at the camera and said: Did you hear it brothers, last time some netizens thought that Xiao Kui was forced to agree, Xiao Kui said it himself, did anyone force you?

Xiaokui: No, absolutely not.

Brother Hai: Then I'm relieved, netizens are also relieved, last time you went to Shangrao with Ajuan, did you promise Ajuan anything?

Xiaokui: No promises.

Brother Hai: Ajuan said that you like her very much.

Xiaokui: Absolutely not.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Brother Hai: Then Ajuan said that you like her, which is different from what I said, she said that you like her very much, but you don't dare to show it in front of me.

Xiaokui: Absolutely not, she may have thought so in her heart, or she may have heard netizens say so.

Brother Hai: Do you absolutely dislike her, or have you never said you like her.

Xiaokui: I didn't say I liked her.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Brother Hai: To tell you the truth, don't play Tai Chi with me, did you say that you liked her when you were in Shangrao?

Xiaokui: When I was in Shangrao, the two of them chatted on their mobile phones, and I sent me I miss you.

Brother Hai: Do you know what that sentence I miss you?

Xiaokui: I have a liking for her.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Brother Hai: Do you want her to come over?

Xiaokui: I hope she will come and have a look.

So Brother Hai called Jojo: Xiao Kui is by my side now, last time I was in Shangrao, did Xiao Kui send you a message saying that I miss you.

Jojo: yes, I did.

Brother Hai: Did Xiaokui say that he liked you in front of you?

Jojo: When I was in the global village, I said that when I was in the video, I said that when I was with her, it was the feeling of first love.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Brother Hai: Xiaokui also told me that the next time you come back, the two of you will no longer be sisters and brothers, but boyfriend and girlfriend in a relationship.

Brother Hai brought the phone to Xiao Kui's mouth, and Xiao Kui said: Ajuan, I hope you come back soon!

After talking to Jojo on the phone, Brother Hai said to Xiaokui: I'm really happy for you, you have such a woman who loves you, and you have no regrets in your life.

Xiaokui: Thank you, Brother Hai.

Brother Hai: You don't need to thank me, just build a house well, treat Ajuan well, treat your mother well, and work hard.

Views of all parties

Jojo in the comment area thanked Brother Hai very much, saying that he was grateful to Brother Hai for being our matchmaker, reassuring Aunt and Xiaokui that we would be able to meet soon.

Brother Hai said that there are lovers who will eventually become married, and I am happy for you.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Netizens also have different opinions, some people think that Jojo is too old to have children, and it is not suitable to marry Xiaokui; Some people are puzzled, Jojo is a very good woman, why did he take a fancy to Xiaokui and not marry him?

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

There is a netizen's point of view is very interesting, he said that Brother Hai was no longer in Jiangxi in the past few months, Xiaokui and his family didn't think about it for a few months, as soon as Brother Hai came back, Xiaokui and his family's thinking completely changed, no wonder the previous netizens said that it was not possible, and Brother Hai said a word.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

There is a netizen who thinks that Xiao Kui likes Jojo, don't look at Xiao Kui Mu is silent, but deep down he loves Juanjuan, but he is not good at expressing it, love is really subtle!

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Seek the truth

There are two most controversial questions about Juankui's love, the first question is whether Jojo and Xiaokui are really in love with each other, and the second question is whether Juankui's love is a script.

Let's analyze the first question first, do Jojo and Xiaokui love each other?

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Jojo has always said that he likes Xiao Kui, but Xiao Kui has never said that he likes JoJo.

Regarding whether Xiao Kui likes Jojo or not, Hai Ge has asked Xiao Kui this question in several recent videos, and the reason why he takes the trouble to ask this question over and over again is because he is afraid that netizens will misunderstand.

The blind date of "Gangkui Love" failed, and many netizens thought that it was Brother Hai because Brother Hai didn't want Jojo and Xiaokui to be together.

Next, Brother Hai supported "Hong Kong Kui Love", and many netizens thought that Xiao Kui didn't like Jojo, but Brother Hai ignored Xiao Kui's feelings and insisted on letting the two of them reunite.

In order to clarify that these problems have nothing to do with him, Brother Hai, who has always been misunderstood, can only tell everyone through Xiao Kui's explanation that how Juankui's love ends has nothing to do with him, he is a human being, not a god, and cannot control everything.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

In all fairness, whether Jojo can be with Xiaokui or not really has nothing to do with Brother Hai, he is just a matchmaker, and there is no guarantee that the men and women who use him as matchmakers will be together, let alone grow old together.

For example, in the love of Juankui, if Xiaokui's family does not accept Jojo, Brother Hai will not take into account the feelings of Xiaokui's mother and sister and forcibly pull Lang to match, besides, Brother Hai and Xiaokui's family are still in a relationship with each other, so they naturally have to respect the opinions of Xiaokui's family.

Although Jojo is older, she is a very good and attractive woman, and it is reasonable for Xiaokui to like her.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

However, whether Jojo likes Xiaokui as she said has always been very controversial, many netizens think that she is loyal and honest to Xiaokui, and many netizens think that she is interested in Xiaokui's traffic, as for what the truth is, it can only be seen by the benevolent and the wise.

In fact, not only many netizens expressed doubts about whether Jojo really likes Xiaokui, but also the smart and capable Haige and the silent Xiaokui.

Because of suspicion, the aftermath of "Hong Kong Kui Love" that tens of millions of netizens paid attention to, Jojo and Xiaokui separated and reunited after a blind date, and only reunited a few months later.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

In the last video of Brother Hai's measurement of the earth, regarding the question of whether Jojo likes Xiao Kui, Xiao Kui launched a soul torture question to Jojo.

Xiaokui: Sister Juan, I still don't understand, what is worthy of your liking in me? I think you can find someone who really loves you.

JoJo: There are very few people who are not honest in real life, and I think it's very practical to be with you.

Xiaokui: There are a lot of honest people, why did you choose me? Besides, I'm stupid and can't speak, what do you like about me? Besides, I don't have any money.

Jojo: I have my own savings, so I don't worry that you don't have money to spend, you don't have money, so you won't learn badly. I met you on Douyin and I think you are very down-to-earth. We talked a lot, and I also tested you, I said don't spend my money, use your money, you can raise me, you agreed, I think you have a good character, you say you are not worthy of me, the more you say this, the more I think you have a good character.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

As a result, Xiaokui was completely moved by JoJo, let go of all his concerns, and said in front of Hai Ge and tens of millions of netizens that he was willing to be with JoJo.

Jojo on the other side of the phone had mixed feelings and couldn't help crying.

That scene also touched tens of millions of netizens......

Regarding whether Juankui's love is a script or not, I can only say that the possibility is very small.

Because I believe that the kind-hearted Brother Hai will not do this for the sake of Xiaokui's mother, and will not joke about the lifelong events of this old mother and son.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

Brother Hai sincerely helped Xiao Kui, whether it was to help Xiao Kui build a villa or help Xiao Kui find a partner, Brother Hai had put in a lot of effort.

If we think that Juankui's love is a script, it is not only disrespectful to Xiaokui's mother and Brother Hai, but also disrespectful to this heavy love!


After several months of ups and downs, Juankui's love, which has been concerned by tens of millions of netizens, has finally come to a successful end. However, the love story about them is not over, but has just begun.

Xiaokui's villa is about to be built, and Jojo will come to Jiangxi soon, despite this, there are still many people who doubt this relationship and think that they will break up.

As outsiders, there is no need to doubt the two of them, everything is as it is, whether the shoes fit their feet or not, only the feet know, Jojo and Xiao Kui are not suitable together, only they know best.

Xiao Kui confesses his true love to Jojo, JoJo wants to hold a wedding, and Hai Ge assures that Hong Kong Kui's love is not a script

In fact, the couples that Brother Hai matched before were all very happy, such as Lily and Erlang, Second Brother and Xiao Shen, Erla and Nana all had a good life, becoming a model in Brother Hai's blind date show.

Therefore, as long as Jojo and Xiaokui can respect and love each other and stand together through thick and thin, the relationship between husband and wife will not be bad. With the help of Brother Hai's team, Xiao Kui will counterattack and become the next second brother.

I really hope that Juankui's love can be dry and rotten and never break up; I really hope that there are lovers in the world who will eventually become married!