
Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

author:Strange birds talk about the past and the present
Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future
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Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

In the complex online world, a beautiful and moving woman quietly rises, her appearance is stunning, and her slender figure is the envy of countless women.

However, when she begins to tell her story, it surprises everyone - it turns out that she used to be a boy.

The influencer named Li You not only publicly admitted to his sex reassignment surgery, but also admitted that he experienced pain for up to two months after the operation. What's even more surprising is that she also said that she hopes to have her own children in the future.

Li You's journey of transformation is not only a story about self-identity, but also a life journey full of controversy and courage. Her experience has sparked deep thinking about issues such as gender identity and social inclusion.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

Li You's story begins when she was still "him". As a handsome, thin young man, Li You opened his own shop on Taobao.

In order to attract more customers, he began to try his hand at working as a womenswear model, a decision that inadvertently began his journey of identity exploration.

At first, women's clothing was only worn for work needs. However, as time went on, Li You found himself enjoying the experience more and more. Every time he changes into a carefully selected dress and puts on exquisite makeup, he seems to shine like never before in the mirror.

With the increase of online fans, Li You appeared in the public eye more frequently as a woman. He began to seriously study skincare and makeup techniques, trying to make himself look more like a real woman.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

In the process, Li You gradually realized that the identity of a woman seemed to be more in line with his heart's desire.

However, this journey of discovery has not been easy. As a well-known Internet celebrity, Li You once had a relationship entanglement with another Internet celebrity, Li Anran.

Li You's psychological changes are also reflected in his appearance. He is paying more and more attention to maintenance, especially the skin of his face. This made him more feminine when he wore women's clothes, and it also made him gain more attention and love on the Internet.

As time went on, Li You began to frequently appear in front of fans and viewers as a "woman". Each appearance sparked heated discussions, with some admiring his beauty and others questioning his motives.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

In the face of various voices, Li You began to think deeply about his true identity and future path.

After repeated thinking and struggles, Li You finally made a decision that changed his life - he wanted to become the real "she". This decision is not only a change in appearance, but also a redefinition of one's identity.

Li You's story shows the confusion, struggle, and courage that a person experiences in the process of finding his true self.

Li You made up her mind to undergo sex reassignment surgery, which was undoubtedly the most challenging decision of her life. She knows that this means saying goodbye to her past self completely, facing social doubts, and maybe even losing some family and friends.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

But Li You's eyes flashed with determination, and she believed that only in this way could she truly live her inner self.

The process of sex reassignment surgery was far more arduous than Li You imagined. In the two months after surgery, she experienced unspeakable pain. Every time the dressing is changed, every subtle action is like a desperate struggle against pain.

However, every time she sees her gradually changing self in the mirror, all the pain becomes worth it. This pain is not only physical, but also psychologically immense.

However, the real challenge is yet to come. When Lee Yu appeared in public as a brand-new woman, questions and criticism poured in. Some accused her of being "delirious", suspected that she suffered from "female fetish", and some thought that she was transgender just to gain attention.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

These remarks poked Li You's heart like a sharp knife, but she didn't back down.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Li You chose to face it calmly. She bravely stood up and openly admitted the fact that she was transgender. In order to prove his sincerity, Li You took a series of actions.

She posted a certificate of surgery and a photo of the dressing change tool as a way to prove that she had indeed undergone sex reassignment surgery. What's even more surprising is that she also posted a photo wearing only underwear, directly showing her former male characteristics, so as to dispel everyone's doubts.

This candor and courage touched many people. Li You's eyes were full of firmness and confidence, as if announcing to the world: This is the real me, and I am proud of myself.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

Her actions are not only proving herself, but also speaking up for all transgender people.

Li You also publicly refuted those doubters, saying that he would enter the marriage hall in the future, have his own children, and build a happy family. Her words were heartfelt and moving, making it clear that if you decide to have children, you should create a complete and harmonious family environment for them in advance, not as a single mother as she is now.

This far-reaching remark shows Li You's vision and plan for his future life.

Although he still faces a lot of controversy, Li You's courage has won the respect and support of more and more people. Her story also made more people think: In this pluralistic society, should we give everyone the freedom to choose their own life? Li You's experience is not only a person's transformation, but also a test of social tolerance.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

Over time, Li You's influence in the online world has grown. Her appearance is more and more stunning, compared to the past, it can be said that she is like two people. Many have praised her for being as beautiful as Liu Yifei, and this striking change has sparked more discussions about the definition of beauty and gender identity.

Li You's story teaches us that it takes a lot of courage to pursue your true self, but that courage will eventually lead to transformation and rebirth. Her experience is not only a personal victory, but also an impact and change in social concepts.

In a public interview, Li You smiled and shared her hopes for the future. She expressed her hope that one day she will be able to enter the palace of marriage and form a happy family.

The desire itself is not special, but it is full of challenges and courage for a transgender person.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

What's even more surprising is that Li You also expressed his desire to have his own children. "If I decide to have children, I will create a complete and harmonious family environment for them," she said sincerely.

Li You's eyes were full of tenderness, "I don't want my child to be born in a single-parent family. These remarks not only show the importance she attaches to her family, but also reflect her deep understanding of responsibility.

These ideas of Li You have sparked a wide range of discussions. Some applauded her courage and determination, believing that it embodied the right of transgender people to pursue a normal life; There have also been doubts about the possibility of transgender people having children, sparking discussions about medical ethics.

But in any case, Li You's words reveal his love for life and expectations for the future, and this positive attitude has infected many people. Her story tells us that no matter what changes we go through, the yearning and pursuit of a better life is eternal.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

Li You's courage and determination have brought hope and strength to many people who are in a state of confusion. Her experience proves that everyone has the right to pursue happiness in their hearts, no matter how different the path may seem.

After sex reassignment surgery, Li You is like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, and her transformation amazed everyone's attention. What was once a handsome boy has now become a beautiful woman.

Li You's facial features are breathtakingly exquisite, his skin is fair and delicate, and his eyes reveal a feminine femininity. Many netizens exclaimed that her appearance could even be comparable to the popular star Liu Yifei.

However, Lee Yu's charm is not just in her face. Her figure is even more stunning. The slender waist is like a willow, with exquisite curves, which perfectly interprets what it means to be "more feminine than a woman".

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

On social media, Li You generously showed off his figure, and every photo attracted countless admiration and envy.

Li You's charm is not limited to her appearance, her speech and demeanor exude a unique temperament, which has both the gentleness and grace of a woman, but also a touch of strength and confidence.

This unique charm makes her stand out in the complex online world and become the envy of many women.

Over time, Li You's influence grew. Every one of her posts can spark heated discussions, and her outfits and makeup have become the object of imitation by many fans.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

From obscurity to today's Internet celebrity, Li You's transformation is not only a change in appearance, but also a process of self-realization.

Li You's story tells us that beauty is not only external, but more importantly, inner self-confidence and courage. Her journey of transformation is not only for personal growth, but also for society to provide an opportunity to think about gender identity and personal value.

Li You used his own experience to prove that everyone has the right to pursue the beauty in their hearts, no matter what form this beauty takes.

Li You's story has sparked widespread discussion in society and brought new attention to the situation of transgender people. On the one hand, more and more people are beginning to understand and support the choice of transgender people, believing that everyone has the right to pursue self-identity.

Li You: admitted that the sex reassignment was successful, said that he had pain for 2 months after surgery, and claimed that he would have a baby in the future

They see Li as commendable for her courage and that her story offers hope to others in similar predicaments.

On the other hand, there have also been concerns about the ethics of sex reassignment surgery, questioning whether it will cause confusion about gender perceptions in society. There are concerns that this may affect young people's understanding of gender, while others question the necessity and safety of sex reassignment surgery.

This case also raises questions about social inclusion. Will we be able to embrace those who are different from the mainstream in a more open and understanding manner? Li You's story tells us that no matter what path you choose in life, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and bravely pursue your inner voice.

In this diverse world, perhaps what we need is not to cling to stereotypes, but to learn to appreciate each unique beauty and respect everyone's choices.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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