
The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

author:Lonely photographer


Recently, Ms. Deng, from Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, reported a complex issue about her late husband's bank account. She found that her husband had more than 130,000 yuan in his account at the Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China before his death. After obtaining a notarization of inheritance, Ms. Tang tried to withdraw these funds from the account several times, but were unsuccessful.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

Upon further investigation, Ms. Tang found in other branches that her husband's account had been closed and his deposits had been withdrawn. The discovery left her confused and uneasy, and she subsequently turned to the media and banks for an explanation.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

In this regard, on June 30, the Ankang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China made an official response. The bank explained that Ms. Deng's husband had opened a card-for-money account with the bank. The bank card for this account was used until June 2018, when the balance of the account had dropped to zero. In addition, the passbook did not have a timely updated record of access and withdrawal, so the $133,900 shown in the passbook was only the deposit amount at the time of account opening and was not the actual available balance. The bank staff failed to accurately identify this and mistakenly mistook the balance on the passbook as the funds available in the account, thus creating a misunderstanding of Ms. Tang.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

Agricultural Bank of China Ankang Branch apologized for this series of misunderstandings and mistakes, and promised to seriously deal with the relevant responsible persons and take measures to prevent similar problems from happening again. Ms Tang expressed concern about the bank's response and looked forward to further explanations and appropriate solutions.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

Regarding the dispute over Ms. Deng's estate, Gao Chang, vice president of the Pingli County branch, said on June 27 that the incident had been taken over by the Ankang branch, a superior agency, and said that it was inconvenient for him to be interviewed.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

Then, on June 28, Gao Zonglin, the director of the office of the Ankang branch, issued a statement on the matter. He confirmed that the cause of the incident was an operational error by the bank's staff. Ko assured the public that the issue is being dealt with positively and stressed that the bank will take the necessary measures to ensure that such incidents do not happen again, while also working to protect the rights and interests of customers.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

The problems faced by Ms. Tang in handling her late husband's estate have raised public concerns and questions: Where did that deposit go? Is there a bank insider who misappropriates it? Or is there some other unrevealed truth hidden behind it? As a financial institution, the bank's primary responsibility should be to ensure the safety of customer funds. Unfortunately, the bank's handling in this incident not only failed to protect the client's property, but also increased Ms. Tang's distress and financial losses.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

In the face of this situation, the transparency and responsibility of banks are particularly important. For Ms. Deng, this is not only a matter of property damage, but also a serious test of trust in the banking system. The incident also reminded the banking industry of the importance of internal management and customer service, as well as the need to act swiftly and impartially to ensure that the interests of all customers are properly handled when dealing with customer complaints.

Ms. Tang revealed that when she was unable to find her passbook, she was confronted with a solution proposed by a bank staff that seemed to solve the problem and made people suspicious. "You can open a new account and transfer the funds from your old account to the new account. ”

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

However, what is worrying is that soon after this suggestion was made, more than 130,000 yuan in Ms. Deng's original account mysteriously disappeared. This has raised further questions about the transparency and integrity of banks' operations, while also highlighting the responsibilities of financial institutions when dealing with customer funds.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

This incident is not only about the safety of funds, but also about the trust of customers in the banking system. In order to protect the interests of customers and the reputation of banks, transparent and standardized operations are crucial. In addition, such incidents are a reminder of the need for banks and customers to remain vigilant, especially when dealing with operations involving large sums of money, ensuring that all processes are clear and verifiable to prevent possible misuse or misconduct.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

As the situation progressed, the bank's attitude also changed significantly, from initial apology to prevarication. On June 27, the vice president of the branch of the Agricultural Bank of Pingli County only said indifferently that the matter was being handled by the higher-level branch. However, the response received from the superior branch on June 28 was laughable, saying that "the staff made a mistake and miscounted the amount, and there was not that much balance in the account". However, the bank failed to provide a clear explanation of the specific balance of the account.

This explanation is obviously unconvincing. The notarial deed and acknowledgment slip in Ms. Deng's hand clearly recorded the amount of the account, and the bank's sudden claim of "mistake" seemed far-fetched. In this context, the behavior of banks, which are widely regarded as the most reliable financial institutions, is frustrating and ironic.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

In this controversy over deposits, Ms. Tang is undoubtedly in a weaker position. Her experience not only reflects the problems that can exist in banking operations, but also highlights the challenges faced by ordinary customers when dealing with financial institutions. For banks, this is an issue that must be addressed squarely to ensure transparency and accountability in order to rebuild public trust and ensure customer rights.

The fact that the incident took place in 2022 but has not been brought to light until now shows that individuals are indeed very limited in the face of a large system. The fact that the bank has not yet provided a clear explanation or solution for so long has undoubtedly exacerbated Ms. Tang's predicament. Fortunately, however, the power of public opinion remains, providing a way for ordinary people to speak out.

Once this incident was made public on the Internet, it immediately attracted widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life. The mysterious disappearance of the woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposits has become the focus of public opinion and has inspired a strong response from netizens. This focus not only shows society's need for fairness and justice, but also underscores the importance of information transparency and accountability of financial institutions in modern society.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

This broad public focus may also push relevant departments to be more proactive in addressing issues, showing that in the digital age, while individuals may feel powerless, collective voices can be a powerful force for change. It is also a reminder to all institutions, especially financial institutions, that they need higher standards and stricter scrutiny in their operations and customer service processes to safeguard the rights and trust of their customers.

In an interview with Gao, from the Ankang branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, he mentioned: "It's true, our staff read the wrong amount and filled in the wrong amount during the processing process. At present, we are communicating with Ms. Deng's family and suggesting that they can resolve the issue through legal means. ”

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

When the reporter further asked about the actual balance in the account, Gao seemed a little hesitant, and only replied vaguely: "Anyway, it's not so much money." ”

The reporter then asked about the cancellation of the account, and Gao explained: "This problem must be handled in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and the account cannot be cancelled at will." ”

This dialogue reflects the bank's opacity and prevarication in handling the matter, making the resolution of the matter more complicated and difficult. At the same time, Gao's answer also exposed the bank's problems in customer service and internal management, and exacerbated the public's doubts about the legitimacy of the bank's operation. This situation calls on financial institutions to be more transparent and ensure the professionalism and responsibility of their staff in order to avoid the recurrence of such incidents and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of customers.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

In an interview with reporters, Ms. Deng said that the dispute with the Agricultural Bank of China has been basically resolved. The bank has formally apologized to her and has taken certain remedial measures. "I don't want to respond to this issue more, but I still appreciate everyone's concern and support." She said.

The bank responded to the "deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and was cancelled", apologized to the depositor's family and dealt with it seriously

At the same time, a person in charge of the Ankang branch of the Agricultural Bank of China also explained the matter. He pointed out that the bank has taken serious action against the responsible persons involved in the case in accordance with relevant regulations. In addition, the bank also plans to strengthen the business training of employees, especially to improve the business skills and service quality of front office staff. Such measures are aimed at avoiding the recurrence of similar problems in the future and ensuring the quality of banking services and the trust of customers.

This shows that although this incident has caused a lot of trouble to Ms. Deng, it has also prompted banking institutions to pay attention to internal management and service quality improvement to prevent similar incidents from happening again, and it also shows the bank's commitment to protecting the rights and interests of customers.

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