
Satisfaction Evaluation! Is it formalism or bureaucracy? In fact, the masses are also disgusted

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

This paper discusses the existing problems and effective methods that should be adopted for the current "satisfaction" assessment, and emphasizes the importance of science and pragmatism. It mentions the key points of questionnaire design, the needs of the test subjects, openness and transparency, etc. Want to know how to make a truly effective "satisfaction" measurement? Let's look down!

Satisfaction Evaluation! Is it formalism or bureaucracy? In fact, the masses are also disgusted

Scientific and reasonable "satisfaction" assessment

In recent years, the "satisfaction" evaluation has gradually become an indispensable and important part of social governance and organizational management, all kinds of questionnaire surveys emerge in an endless stream, and the services of relevant departments are also evaluated from time to time, but what makes people wonder is that even in the case of everyone is not satisfied, the result is always that all members say that they are very satisfied, what is the reason behind this?

In fact, the root of the problem lies in the fact that many of the so-called "satisfaction" evaluations are not really scientific and reasonable, and in many cases even become formalism.

Satisfaction Evaluation! Is it formalism or bureaucracy? In fact, the masses are also disgusted

Valid "satisfaction" assessments

In order to achieve a truly effective "satisfaction" assessment, it is necessary to achieve clear and clear goals, only when the goals are clear, the questionnaire design can be more targeted, and the evaluation results can be more real and effective.

On top of that, you need to really take into account the needs of the test taker, because if the assessment doesn't focus on the real feelings and needs of the test taker, then the assessment results are meaningless.

The questionnaire design also needs to be very careful, so that there should be no ambiguity and confusion, and the options should fully and accurately reflect the real feelings of the test subjects.

In the assessment process, it is necessary to be open and transparent, and only by letting the test subjects fully understand the purpose and process of the assessment can the authenticity and validity of the results be ensured.

When analyzing and using the assessment results, we should also fully consider the actual situation, and if there is a problem, we must have the courage to admit it and take improvement measures in time to continuously improve the quality of service.

Satisfaction Evaluation! Is it formalism or bureaucracy? In fact, the masses are also disgusted

Pay attention to science and pragmatism

Only by paying full attention to the scientific and pragmatic design, implementation and application of "satisfaction" assessment can we truly play its due role and promote work improvement and service quality.

In many cases, "satisfaction" assessments tend to be formalistic.

In order to cope with the superiors and the assessment, many units simply take out a questionnaire to fill out, and do not care about what the test subjects are satisfied with or dissatisfied.

The questionnaire design is even more frustrating, and some can even be said to be obviously guided design.

When you are asked, "Are you satisfied with our work?" When you are not satisfied with them, you will subconsciously choose "satisfied" because there is no other option.

But in fact, we know very well that a person who has not heard our hearts cannot really make us feel "satisfied".

In many cases, the test subjects choose "satisfied" only because it is the only option they can choose.

In some cases, we can even see that satisfaction reviews are too frequent, and a unit may take it out once a month for everyone to fill out.

Then such a frequency obviously makes people doubt the authenticity of the results, because who can guarantee that there will be so many things that you will feel "satisfied" with every month?

In order to cope with the inspection and assessment, some places directly told the person in charge of the unit to fill in the questionnaire by themselves.

If you can't even do this basic integrity, then what is there to talk about serving people's livelihood?

Satisfaction Evaluation! Is it formalism or bureaucracy? In fact, the masses are also disgusted

Effective use of results analysis

Despite all the shortcomings and problems, the "satisfaction" assessment does play an important role in the social governance and organizational management of the large eastern countries.

However, we should also be fully aware that the "satisfaction" assessment is only a means to collect questions and suggestions, not the end of the problem.

Many units often only use the assessment results as decorations, without further analysis and application, and there are no corresponding improvement measures.

In this way, the "satisfaction" assessment loses its value and meaning.

In fact, what really matters is not what options the subjects choose to express their attitudes and opinions, but what kind of problems and needs are hidden behind them.

Without further analysis and mining of the assessment results, blindly conducting ranking statistics or score comparisons will not solve the substantive problems.

Only by in-depth analysis of the reasons behind the selection of test subjects can we identify the problem and take corresponding measures to improve.

What's more, the "satisfaction" assessment result is not the only criterion, and all factors need to be considered when making decisions.

If "satisfaction" is taken as the only basis for decision-making, and only cares about catering to the taste of the test subject to improve "satisfaction", while ignoring the characteristics and internal requirements of the work itself, then the interests of the masses will be harmed in the end.

Satisfaction Evaluation! Is it formalism or bureaucracy? In fact, the masses are also disgusted


This paper discusses the current situation and countermeasures of "satisfaction" assessment, and emphasizes that real and effective assessment should focus on the real needs of the test subjects and avoid formalism. After reading it, people feel deeply reflected, scientific and reasonable evaluation can truly improve the quality of service and promote the improvement of work. What do you think about the "Satisfaction" assessment? Come and leave a message to share!