
Boil! How good is the return of Chang'e-6! Some countries have already begun to return Chinese cultural relics!

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

Chang'e-6's space journey not only brought back lunar soil samples, but also demonstrated the country's great achievements in the space industry. The aerospace industry is not only a scientific and technological development, but also a scenic line to show the country's image. Want to know how the Chang'e-6 mission can show its soft power and lead the world, and how it can open up more international cooperation? Check out the details!

Boil! How good is the return of Chang'e-6! Some countries have already begun to return Chinese cultural relics!

Chang'e-6's journey into space

Boil! How good is the return of Chang'e-6! Some countries have already begun to return Chinese cultural relics!

Since the successful launch of Chang'e-6, domestic and foreign eyes have been closely watching it. Especially after Chang'e-6 successfully brought back lunar soil samples, heated discussions from all walks of life have reached their peak. The successful landing of the astronauts' return capsule marks the successful conclusion of this journey to the moon. But what really excited was the lunar soil samples it carried on the way back. If the safe return of astronauts is the biggest gain of this space activity, then the return of lunar soil samples is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough in scientific research.

Although the number of lunar soil samples is not large, their value is immeasurable. In previous space activities, we have brought back lunar soil samples many times, but they were all collected from the front side of the moon. And this time, the landing site chosen by Chang'e-6 turned out to be the far side of the moon. Although the two may not seem much different on the surface, they are like two completely different planets to scientific researchers.

The far side of the moon has never been interfered with, so the lunar soil there is better able to retain information about the moon's birth. If this information is successfully interpreted, it will be of great significance for human exploration of the universe and revealing the history of the birth of the solar system. From a scientific and technological point of view, the Chang'e-6 mission can be said to be a complete success. But from a higher perspective, its success is of great significance to the country, and even affects the perception of international public opinion.

Boil! How good is the return of Chang'e-6! Some countries have already begun to return Chinese cultural relics!

The aerospace industry has achieved the country's image

As an important strategic fulcrum of the country, the aerospace industry not only carries the country's scientific research expectations, but also a scenic line for the country's image display. Both the United States, which has always shown a tough image, and Japan, which likes to be harmonious but different, have invested a lot of manpower, material, and financial resources in the aerospace field. As an important field in which it is in head-to-head confrontation with world powers, the achievements of the aerospace industry directly demonstrate a country's soft power in science and technology.

In our country, the aerospace industry carries the dreams of generations and is a solid step for us to move towards a modern and powerful country. Especially since the official establishment of the space agency of the eastern powers, every progress in the aerospace industry is like winning a prestigious battle for the country, which not only makes the Chinese people proud, but also silently demonstrates to the world our determination to catch up and surpass in science and technology.

This has been fully confirmed in the Chang'e-6 mission. The astronauts traveled back and forth between the earth and the moon, fully demonstrating the growing strength of the eastern powers in space technology. Coupled with the unexpected surprise that the lunar soil sample successfully brought back, Chang'e-6 successfully unloaded its historical mission amid the praise of all parties. And this accolade doesn't just stop at the technical level.

Boil! How good is the return of Chang'e-6! Some countries have already begun to return Chinese cultural relics!

Show soft power and lead the world trend

Judging from the reaction of international public opinion, the media reports on the Chang'e-6 mission have invariably been appreciative and respectful. This is undoubtedly good news for us, who have been under pressure in the space industry, and it is also an opportunity to show ourselves on the international stage.

If the Chang'e-6 mission is interpreted from a purely technical point of view, it is indeed not a remarkable achievement. However, when we put it in a larger context, that is, as a move by the great powers of the East to the center of the world stage, its impact is much greater.

Through the return of cultural relics and space exploration, the great powers of the East have shown themselves to the world as confident, open and inclusive, and have set a positive example for the international community. When countries see that we are going further and further in the accumulation of their own civilization, and that we have become an indispensable part of the world's top powers in the high-end field of space exploration, they cannot help but feel a sense of awe for us.

In the past, whether it was our inextricable struggle with the United States on the South China Sea issue, or some ominous voices about developments in the defense field from time to time, world public opinion was full of doubts and provocations against us. However, all this seems to have become unbearable after the success of the Chang'e-6 mission. Both the United States, a great power, and Japan, which has been seeking peace all day long, have invariably begun to examine their relations with the major powers in the East and are trying to find win-win opportunities in space cooperation.

Boil! How good is the return of Chang'e-6! Some countries have already begun to return Chinese cultural relics!

Unlock more international cooperation

After the success of the Chang'e-6 mission, perhaps the greatest gain in the aerospace industry of the eastern powers is this international recognition. Judging from past experience, whether it is the successful landing of a probe on Mars or the successful spacewalk of an astronaut, after these landmark events, countries around the world have expressed their desire to strengthen cooperation and in-depth exchanges with the major powers in the East.

However, there are very few projects that can actually be implemented, and there are many reasons for this, such as the two sides still have differences at the policy level, or the other side does not sincerely cooperate, but just wants to use the achievements of the eastern powers in the space industry to improve their status in the international community.

This time, however, things seem to be different. We have learned from various sources that a number of countries or regions have taken the initiative to send letters of invitation, hoping to conduct in-depth research with the space agencies of the eastern powers on the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-6. As they say, "This is a sample from the far side of the moon!" It may contain the information we need to unlock the mysteries of the universe. ”

The meaning behind this positivity and enthusiasm is self-explanatory. If the achievements of the eastern powers in the aerospace industry in the past can only be regarded as a one-way recognition, then this time it can be understood as a real opening of a cooperation model that fights side by side with the world powers and jointly explores the future.

Even if there will be insurmountable gaps and disagreements in the course of future cooperation, this is no longer important. The important thing is that this exchange itself has already begun to take place, and it is taking practical actions to promote the development of the respective countries in the field of space. It can be said that Chang'e-6 is not only opening up a path for the progress of the aerospace industry of the eastern powers and building a bridge for countries around the world to unlock the mysteries of the universe, but more importantly, it is establishing a good image for the eastern powers and promoting various international cooperation.

Boil! How good is the return of Chang'e-6! Some countries have already begun to return Chinese cultural relics!


The success of Chang'e-6 is not only a space mission, but also a demonstration of the country's soft power and the beginning of international cooperation. Through the aerospace industry, the eastern powers have demonstrated a self-confident, open and inclusive image, setting a positive example for the international community. It is hoped that in the future, the success of Chang'e-6 will open up more opportunities for cooperation in the development of the aerospace industry of the eastern powers, jointly explore the mysteries of the universe, and promote the progress of the world's aerospace industry. Support!

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