
Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

author:The stars are from the media

Text/star from the media

Editor/star from the media

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These three failures have dealt a blow to South Korea's space industry, but they have also allowed them to learn from their failures and continue to improve.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

Finally, on the fourth attempt, Starship was successfully launched, attracting the attention of the world.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

This success not only demonstrates the resilience of South Korea's space industry, but also earns them an international reputation.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

6,000 years of science and technology leading the world.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

After the successful launch of Starship, Korean netizens showed great self-confidence.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

They believe that South Korea has a 6,000-year history of science and technology and has always been a world leader in science and technology.

The successful launch of the starship is a testament to South Korea's strength in the aerospace field. This self-confidence, while exaggerated, also reflects the pride of the South Korean people in the country's scientific and technological prowess.

In the process of the successful launch of Starship, SpaceX, a private space company, and its founder Elon Musk contributed a lot.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

In the face of repeated failures, they still insisted on R&D and improvement, and finally made a breakthrough. Musk's space dream and persistence have set an example for the global aerospace industry.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

The success of SpaceX has also made people see the huge potential of private enterprises in the space field.

A key step in reusing technology:

The successful launch of Starship marks a key step forward in reusable technology.

This means that in the future, in the field of space exploration, we will be able to use resources more efficiently and reduce costs.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

It is of great significance for the popularization of space travel, as well as the exploration of distant planets such as Mars.

SpaceX has been developing reusable rocket technology for a long time, and now it has finally made a breakthrough that undoubtedly sets a new milestone for the global space industry.

The successful launch of Starship means that the cost of space travel and Mars exploration will be greatly reduced.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

In the past, high costs limited human exploration of space.

With the breakthrough of reusable technology, the launch cost of rockets will be effectively controlled, so that more people have the opportunity to achieve space travel, and it will also make the exploration of distant planets such as Mars more realistic.

The ridicule of the international ridicule team:

On major social platforms, members of the international ridicule team have gone online, and they commented on the successful launch of the starship in a humorous and witty way.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

Someone joked: "It seems that the cosmic power is not blown, even the explosion of a starship can become a show!" ”

Some people joked: "Is South Korea going to counterattack the United States and take the lead in realizing interstellar travel?" ”

American netizens showed a strong movie complex in the discussion forum, and they compared the success of this starship launch with science fiction movies, saying:

"Isn't this the real-life version of Interstellar?"

Some people also said: "Musk is asking us to immigrate to Mars and realize the scene in the movie!" ”

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

Indonesian netizens expressed their heartfelt praise for the success of the Starship launch, and they said: "Great! Humanity is one step closer to space travel! ”

Others praised: "This is the embodiment of scientific and technological progress, contributing to the exploration of the universe by mankind!" ”

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

In this incident of the successful launch of the starship, netizens in the stronger countries generally showed an attitude of blessing and appreciation, while netizens in the weaker countries had a bit of a sour grapes mentality.

Someone commented: "A strong country is a strong country, and the strength of science and technology is there." ”

Some netizens sarcastically said: "It seems that we should develop things on the earth with peace of mind, and let the powerful countries worry about space affairs." ”

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

Thai netizens behaved relatively rationally in this heated discussion, pointing out:

"The Western media always like to praise the United States, but this time South Korea's achievements are really commendable."

Another person said: "We should look at the scientific and technological progress of various countries objectively, instead of blindly pursuing or belittling them." ”

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

For the successful launch of the starship, Korean netizens were extremely excited.

They proudly say: "This is proof that our 6,000 years of science and technology are leading the world!" ”

Another person said: "I hope that this successful launch will allow us to occupy a place in the international space field and realize the dream of space exploration." ”

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

Although there is still a certain gap between reality and dreams, the enthusiasm of Korean netizens can be seen.

Under the news of the successful launch of the starship, the interaction and ridicule of netizens from various countries formed a unique landscape.

American netizens seem to have a natural attachment to the plot of this magnificent scene, and they have posted various space movie posters in the comment area, as if to say:

"That's our American style!" And in addition to their praise for the successful launch of Starship, they did not forget to ridicule the "scientific and technological confidence" of Korean netizens.

Indian netizens once again showed their "virtue" in this incident.

Starship Explosion Show? Korean media: South Korea's successful launch after three failures means that science and technology counterattack the United States?

They found all kinds of faults in the comment area, and as a result, they were scolded by netizens in other countries. Some people even compared the development of India's aerospace industry, leaving Indian netizens speechless.

Korean netizens showed a high enthusiasm for space, saying: "We also want to have such technology!" ”

However, they seem to ignore the reality gap between their own country's space industry and SpaceX.

This also sparked ridicule from netizens in other countries, with some people laughing and saying: "Korean netizens, are you sure you're not here to be funny?" ”

In all kinds of interactive ridicule, there is no lack of rational voices. Thai netizens behaved quite reasonably, pointing out the attitude of the Western media to the success of the launch, saying:

"It feels like they can fight for the sake of "licking America". Such a comment makes people smile.

SpaceX's difficult journey

SpaceX,全称为Space Exploration Technologies Corp.,是一家美国私营航天企业,其创始人埃隆·马斯克怀揣着探索太空的宏伟梦想。

SpaceX's success didn't happen overnight.

In its early days, SpaceX faced a number of challenges, including a lack of funding, technical difficulties, and launch failures.

Musk and his team never gave up, and they gradually overcame various problems step by step, building SpaceX into the world's leading space company.

As the soul of SpaceX, Musk has always cherished a space dream.

He firmly believes that if human beings want to achieve sustainable development, they must explore space resources and become a transstellar species.

It is this firm belief that allows Musk to persevere in the face of SpaceX's difficulties.

Not only did he drive technological innovation within the company, but he was also personally involved in research and development, laying the foundation for a successful launch of Starship.

Starship's R&D team is a team full of passion and talent. Under Musk's leadership, they continue to break through technical difficulties and strive to improve the performance of Starships.

In the context of the Starship launch failure, the team was not discouraged, but worked harder to find the problem and improve the design. It was their hard work that made the fourth launch of Starship a complete success.

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