
Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

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Editor/star from the media

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These characteristics make Japanese cars an ideal choice in the minds of many consumers.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

Japanese cars also have obvious advantages in technological innovation and interior design, which have made them achieve brilliant results in the Chinese market in the past few decades.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

In recent years, with the rise of domestic cars, the domestic sales of Japanese cars have also been steadily declining.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

The data shows that the sales of some Japanese brands have dropped significantly, and some brands have even been unable to sell.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

This phenomenon has attracted widespread attention, with some people believing that this is an inevitable result of the rise of domestic cars, while others are concerned about it.

In the face of this phenomenon, Japanese netizens have expressed their opinions.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

Some netizens firmly praised the advantages of Japanese cars, believing that the setback of Japanese cars in the Chinese market was only a temporary phenomenon.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

They questioned the quality and technology of domestic cars, arguing that Japanese cars still have a big advantage.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

Some sober netizens have begun to reflect and believe that the development momentum of China's auto industry cannot be ignored.

That voice was quickly drowned out by negative comments, though. Some Japanese netizens even believe that there are problems with Chinese cars in terms of quality and sales, and Japanese cars still have an advantage in terms of market share and sales. To a certain extent, this view reflects the misunderstanding and prejudice of Japanese netizens about Chinese cars.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

In recent years, with the government's strong support for new energy vehicles, China's tram industry has developed rapidly.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

Many domestic tram brands have sprung up, not only in the domestic market, but also in the international market.

In the fields of battery technology and intelligent driving, China's electric vehicles have been at the forefront of the world. Many Japanese netizens have also begun to pay attention to the development of Chinese trams and expressed surprise at China's technological innovation.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

In addition to the tram industry, domestic traditional fuel vehicles are also constantly improving.

In terms of engine, suspension system, safety performance, etc., domestic cars have made significant progress.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

More and more consumers are beginning to recognize the quality of domestic cars and regard them as the first choice for car purchases.

In addition, domestic cars also have a high cost performance, which has caused the share of Japanese cars in the domestic market to continue to decline.

The Japanese economy came to a standstill in the 90s of the last century, known as the "lost 30 years".

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

During this time, China's auto industry has been growing.

Today, domestic cars have the strength to compete with Japanese cars.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

The reasons behind this, in addition to policy support, market demand and other factors, are also inseparable from the hard work and active innovation of domestic car companies.

In the face of the rise of domestic cars, some Japanese netizens began to reflect, believing that the Japanese auto industry needs to increase reform, otherwise it will lose its competitive advantage in the Chinese market.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

In Japan, Japanese cars have long been synonymous with quality assurance.

As China's auto market changes, this myth is being increasingly questioned.

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

A Japanese netizen named Yamamoto expressed his opinion on the forum: "I used to think that the quality of Japanese cars was invincible, but in recent years, more and more friends around me have reported that Japanese cars have such and such problems. I can't help but wonder if we are too superstitious about Japanese cars. ”

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately sparked a heated discussion. Some people support Yamamoto, arguing that Japanese cars do have quality problems; There are also those who insist that this is just an individual case, and that the overall quality of Japanese cars is still excellent.

In the face of the decline in sales of Japanese cars, some Japanese netizens began to reflect on their way of thinking.

A netizen named Watanabe said: "We Japanese people are always immersed in the glory of the past and think that our automobile industry is unbeatable. But in fact, times are changing, and the rise of China's auto industry cannot be ignored. If we are still stuck in the thinking of 20 years ago, I am afraid that we will only be obsolete by the times. ”

Japanese cars suffered a major setback in the Chinese market, and Japanese netizens broke their defenses: they couldn't even build engines

This view is shared by some who believe that Japanese people need to renew their ideas in order to adapt to the new market environment.

In the midst of controversy, some Japanese netizens even called for the cessation of importing Japanese cars.

The netizen named Tanaka said: "Since China's auto industry has risen, why do we continue to import Japanese cars? This is not only detrimental to the development of the mainland auto industry, but also can make Chinese consumers dependent on Japanese cars. It's time for our automotive industry to become self-reliant. ”

Although this view seems a bit radical, it also reflects the confidence of some Japanese netizens in domestic cars and their concerns about the Japanese car market.

Doubts from Japanese netizens

In the eyes of some Japanese netizens, there are big problems with the safety and quality of electric vehicles in China.

They argue that China's auto manufacturing industry is not technologically mature enough to compete with an auto powerhouse like Japan.

As a result, voices questioning China's electric vehicles have appeared on the Internet, and some have even described them as a "time bomb". To a certain extent, these doubts have affected the image of Chinese electric vehicles in the Japanese market.

In fact, China's electric vehicle industry has made significant progress in recent years.

Many domestic automobile companies have invested a lot of R&D resources in the field of electric vehicles to continuously improve the technical level and quality of their products.

Today, China's electric vehicles have reached the international advanced level in terms of mileage, charging speed, and intelligence.

The government has also introduced a series of policies to support the development of the electric vehicle industry, making China's electric vehicle market show a vigorous development trend.

Despite the success of Chinese electric vehicles, Japanese cars still have an advantage in terms of market share and sales.

This is mainly due to the good reputation that Japanese car brands have accumulated over a long period of time, as well as their high visibility in the global market.

Japanese cars have obvious advantages in terms of fuel economy, engine technology, etc., making consumers more inclined to buy Japanese brands when choosing a car.

Japanese automobiles in the mainland market have long been known for "high value retention, few breakdowns, and good fuel economy"

It is known for its rigorous craftsmanship and excellent performance to win the favor of consumers.

With the development of the times, the disadvantages of Japanese automobiles in innovation and technology have gradually become apparent. In contrast, Chinese automobiles have achieved remarkable results in the fields of new energy and intelligent networking, gradually narrowing the gap with Japanese automobiles.

Japanese netizens expressed skepticism about the sales data of Chinese cars.

In fact, in recent years, the sales of domestic cars in the domestic market have risen steadily, especially in the field of electric vehicles. According to data from the Continental Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the sales of new energy vehicles in mainland China reached 1.206 million units in 2019, a year-on-year increase of 59.6%. This data is enough to prove the competitiveness of Chinese cars in the market.

Japanese netizens have a certain degree of bias against Chinese cars.

They are overconfident that Japanese cars are superior to Chinese cars in terms of performance, safety, etc.

They seem to ignore the rapid development of domestic cars in technology and quality. In fact, some Chinese car brands have already made their mark in the global market and won the recognition of international consumers. The views of Japanese netizens may need to be re-examined.

The way in which Chinese cars are promoted

In the Chinese automotive market, the promotion methods are diverse and fruitful. From online to offline, from large-scale auto shows to celebrity endorsements, domestic auto brands are increasing their visibility through a variety of channels.

This aggressive marketing strategy has raised some skepticism among Japanese netizens, who believe that Chinese cars rely on publicity and marketing rather than strength to gain market share.

In fact, in the process of promotion, domestic automobile brands not only pay attention to the shaping of brand image, but also make great efforts in technology research and development, quality improvement, etc.

A Japanese netizen's comment has attracted widespread attention. He writes:

"I used to be a big fan of Japanese cars, but with the development of China's auto industry, I gradually realized the advantages of domestic cars. Now, I have become a champion of Chinese automobiles. ”

The awakening of this Japanese netizen has undoubtedly added a touch of color to this controversy.

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