
Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

author:Big talk about entertainment

Xie Yilin's childhood was completely different from the happiness that most people imagined. In her memory, her mother was an incomprehensible being. Different from the traditional image of gentleness and love, Xie Yilin's mother always dresses sexy, has a hideous face, and beats and scolds her and her sister at every turn.

"When I was a child, I was always looking for my biological mother." Xie Yilin once recalled. She couldn't believe that this beautiful but crazy woman in a backless outfit and fishnet stockings could be her mother.

In her young mind, her mother should be earthy, chubby, and gentle like water. However, the reality is far more cruel than imagined. Xie Yilin's mother suffered from mental illness and was extremely emotionally unstable, and even tried to end her life many times.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

Little Xie Yilin and her sister had to constantly watch out for their mother's suicide attempts, living under constant fear and pressure. The mother's way of raising is also extraordinary. In her theory, above the neck is self-esteem, and below is education.

Therefore, except for the neck, Xie Yilin and his sister's bodies are almost everywhere with injuries. Such an environment has brought indelible psychological scars to the sisters. Xie Yilin once hated her mother, and even thought in her heart: "She doesn't want to commit suicide, then it's up to her."

But when she really saw the traces of charcoal burning on the ground and the rope hanging from the beams of the house, her reluctance to her mother completely exploded, and she couldn't help crying. It wasn't until later that Xie Yilin learned that his grandfather had been a depressed patient and died as a result.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

Only then did she realize that her mother was just sick, and this was really her biological mother. Although he understands his mother's situation, the shadow of childhood has always been with Xie Yilin. This painful experience has become an important factor in the formation of Xie Yilin's character.

She longs for pleasure, for bringing laughter to others, because she knows what it feels like to be miserable. At the same time, the pursuit of a happy family has also become her almost "morbid" obsession.

Xie Yilin uses his own way to get rid of the shadow of childhood and find the light of life. "I really want to make people happy." This simple sentence expresses Xie Yilin's original intention of becoming a comedian.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

After a painful childhood, she chose to use laughter to heal herself and bring joy to the audience as well. This decision became a turning point in her life. In 2011, Xie Yilin appeared on the stage of "College Students", this show made her, and she also made this show.

Xie Yilin appeared in the finale, and with his wonderful performance of a one-second declension and the sentence "I want to hold the whole scene", he successfully became popular in Taiwan, China. The click rate of the program video directly exceeded 1.01 million in just 10 days, and Xie Yilin himself also got a well-known name - "HOLD Sister".

This popularity seems to have opened up Xie Yilin's wonderful life. She began to travel in many variety shows, and her performance style based on being ugly and funny was deeply loved by the audience.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

Xie Yilin's funny ability is so strong that even Xiao S, who is known as the "Queen of Variety Shows", is jealous of her. In addition to variety shows, Xie Yilin also stepped into the path of an actor. Her first film and television work is the much-talked-about "Little Times", and director Guo Jingming even turned his face against her and the crew.

This experience not only did not hit Xie Yilin, but allowed her to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry and become an artist with multi-habitat development. However, becoming a comedian is not only a job, but also a mission for Xie Yilin.

She understands the power of laughter and hopes to bring joy to the audience through her performances. While bringing joy to the audience, she also began to understand her responsibilities as a comedian.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

Xie Yilin's comedian road is a path to find happiness from pain. In her own way, she transforms the haze of childhood into light on the stage. Every joke, every funny, is her love of life and her desire for happiness.

In this process, Xie Yilin not only healed himself, but also brought laughter and warmth to countless audiences. Xie Yilin's pursuit of a happy family is almost obsessed to the point of "sickness".

This dedication stems from the lack of her childhood, and it has become an important goal in her life. In the show, Xie Yilin revealed his desire to have children many times, and even exaggeratedly said: "My dream is to have 12!" Although such remarks attracted many netizens to question her, calling her a "fertility machine", Xie Yilin didn't care, but silently proved her determination with her actions.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

In the early morning of March 19, 2018, Xie Yilin brought a surprise to fans. She made her marriage public on social media without warning, simply writing: "Married, bless me and congratulate me!" This sudden news surprised many people, but also sincerely happy for her.

After getting married, Xie Yilin immediately began his envisioned birth plan. She fulfilled her promise with her actions, and in just 3 years, she held two babies - the first child is a daughter and the second child is a son.

Such a speed of childbirth makes people have to admire her determination and perseverance. With the establishment of a family, the focus of Xie Yilin's life also began to change. She gradually reduced her work in the entertainment industry and devoted more energy to her family.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

This choice seems to have allowed Xie Yilin to find inner peace and satisfaction. She enjoys spending time with her husband and children, as if she finally has the happy family she has always longed for.

However, life is always full of uncertainties. Just when Xie Yilin thought that she was about to start a happy family life, fate played a cruel joke on her.

The dream family she pursued was about to face a huge test. Despite this, Xie Yilin still insists on his family dream. She interprets love and family affection in her own way, and strives to maintain hard-won family happiness.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

This experience of marriage and childbirth is not only an important chapter in Xie Yilin's life, but also a proof of her inner strength. Just when Xie Yilin was immersed in the happiness of being a newlywed and the joy of being a parent, fate played a cruel joke on her.

A few years ago, her husband was suddenly diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, instantly shattering the happy life that Xie Yilin had built up with great difficulty.

Myasthenia gravis may not sound serious at first glance, but when Xie Yilin checked the information, the word "paralysis" appeared in the search results. What's even more desperate is that Xie Yilin revealed that her husband is still suffering from the most serious kind, and he may not recover for the rest of his life, and can only watch himself gradually paralyzed.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

Faced with her husband's illness, Xie Yilin once said bitterly: "Once, I almost thought I was going to lose him completely. Behind these words, there is endless fear and despair. However, as a wife and mother of two children, Xie Yilin did not choose to give up.

She resolutely chose to leave the entertainment industry for the time being and take care of her husband and children wholeheartedly. However, the reality is harsh. No job means no income, and the husband's treatment and the raising of two young children are significant expenses.

Xie Yilin revealed that in the past three years, their family has been in a state of making ends meet, and their savings have long been urgent. The financial pressure, coupled with the double burden of caring for patients and raising children, made Xie Yilin feel unprecedented pressure.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

She realized that she had to go back to work and find a new source of income for her family. However, three years of silence have given her a lot of distance from the rapidly changing entertainment industry.

Faced with such a predicament, Xie Yilin had to stand at the crossroads of his life again. She had to make a difficult balance between family and career, taking care of her ailing husband and young children, and getting back to work.

This kind of double pressure is undoubtedly a severe test for Xie Yilin. Despite this, Xie Yilin was not defeated by the predicament. She chose to face it bravely and get back on her feet for the sake of her family.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

This comedian, who once brought laughter to the audience, is interpreting strength and courage in his own way. This opportunity means a lot to Xie Yilin. She not only returned to the familiar variety show stage, but more importantly, rediscovered her value.

With the help of Yang Mi, Xie Yilin seemed to have regained his life and rekindled his enthusiasm for his career. Subsequently, Xie Yilin's job opportunities gradually increased. She has participated in many variety shows such as "All Acceleration" one after another, and gradually regained her former vitality.

On March 29, Xie Yilin also promoted "National Games Acceleration" on social media that day, and called himself "Lady Luck" in the copy. Behind this title is Xie Yilin's determination and courage to reinvigorate.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

Xie Yilin, who returned to the entertainment industry, seems to have regained the style of the "HOLD sister" she once was. Even after experiencing the trauma of life, she was still able to wipe away her tears and make everyone laugh in her own way on stage.

This strong and optimistic attitude makes people applaud her. However, the return to the entertainment industry has not been without its challenges. Xie Yilin needs to find a balance between work and family, taking care of her ailing husband and young children, and dedicating herself to her work.

This double pressure tests Xie Yilin's will and perseverance. Despite this, Xie Yilin still maintains a positive attitude. On April 5, after the earthquake, in order not to worry fans, she insisted on posting a message to report her safety even in the early morning.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

On May 23, when her friend Yang Mi's "Fox Demon Little Red Lady" was launched, Xie Yilin promoted her on social media and said that she would watch it in a private room, showing her support and gratitude to her friends.

Xie Yilin's re-establishment is not only her personal victory, but also a story of hope and perseverance. She proved with practical actions that no matter how hard life hits, as long as you don't give up, there is always a chance to get back up.

Today's Xie Yilin is standing at a new starting point in life. She struggled to balance work and family, taking care of her ailing husband and young children while reworking in the entertainment industry.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

The road is not smooth, and every step is full of challenges. However, Xie Yilin faces more than just real-life difficulties. What worries her even more is that she may have inherited her mother's depression.

Xie Yilin once revealed that her grandfather was a depressed patient and died as a result. This family history is like a hidden "time bomb" that may detonate at any time and bring a new impact to her life.

Faced with this possibility, Xie Yilin chose to face it bravely. She once said firmly: "I can't have one more patient in the family!" This sentence is not only helpless, but also determined.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

Xie Yilin knows that as the pillar of the family, she must stay strong. Despite the uncertainty ahead, Xie Yilin still chooses to move forward bravely. She actively interacts on social media and promotes her new work for her friends, showing her strong side.

This positive attitude is not only an encouragement to yourself, but also a commitment to your family. Xie Yilin's story continues. Will she be able to regain her former glory? Can you successfully balance family and career? The answers to these questions are still unknown.

But what is certain is that no matter what the future holds, Xie Yilin will continue her life journey with her unique sense of humor and strong will. Xie Yilin, who is now starting again, does not know whether what awaits her in the future is the "flower road", or thorns, whether she will re-embark on the road of becoming popular, or she will be silent and gradually disappear in front of the audience.

Xie Yilin: My husband has muscle weakness, my mother is mentally disturbed, I can't have another patient in the family!

But what is certain is that in the future, she will take her husband and children, overcome her inherited depression, and continue to move forward! Just like every smile she blooms on the stage, Xie Yilin's life also blooms with a unique brilliance in the midst of suffering.

Her story is a hymn to strength, courage and hope, inspiring everyone who is facing adversity.

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