
Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

author:Big talk about entertainment

Zhang Jianing's childhood was like a broken glass, full of cracks and sharp edges. When she was very young, her parents' marriage came to an end. Quarrels in the family came and went, and finally ended in divorce.

This accident made the young Jianing have to face the cruelty of life prematurely. After the divorce, Jianing lived with her mother. However, the hardships of life do not end there.

Jianing's father was indifferent to their mother and daughter, and even if her mother went to ask for child support, she only got a cold "no money". Faced with such a predicament, Jianing's mother made a difficult but great decision - to no longer marry and raise her daughter alone.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

However, fate always seems to refuse to let go of this mother and daughter who depend on each other easily. After a long period of hard work, Jianing's mother became seriously ill and developed a huge benign tumor in her abdomen.

Even in this case, the mother still wanted to save money and was reluctant to have surgery, just so as not to affect Jianing's upcoming college entrance examination. At this moment, Jianing's uncle Zhang Xiaolong was like a beam of light, shining into their lives.

He not only helped solve his mother's health problems, but also gave important guidance to Jianing in her studies and future planning. For Jianing, the presence of her uncle fills the gap in her father's absence and gives her meticulous care.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

This difficult period made Jianing deeply understand the difficulties of the family. She secretly determined to change her fate through her own efforts and repay her mother's nurturing kindness. This firm belief has become a source of motivation for her to continue to move forward on the road of acting in the future.

Zhang Jianing's college years were not as carefree as other students. In order to reduce her mother's burden and realize her dream of acting, she began to look for performance opportunities in addition to her studies.

Every time she auditions for a supporting role, she is nervous, but she understands that this is the only way to her dream. However, the road is not smooth. Once, she missed class time because she was out working part-time.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

happened to be discovered by his uncle Zhang Xiaolong, who was passing by the classroom. mistakenly thought that she skipped class to go out to play, and Zhang Xiaolong severely punished her. When he learned the truth, his uncle's distress and self-blame were overflowing.

He told Jianing earnestly: The most important thing now is to learn, only with solid acting skills can you become a truly excellent actor. These words were deeply imprinted in Jianing's heart and became her motivation to continue to improve herself in the future.

After graduating from college, Zhang Jianing rushed into the showbiz like a wild horse that broke free. Her goal was clear - to buy a house for her mother. To this end, she launched a crazy work mode.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

In just two years, she took on 18 plays with almost no time to rest. From morning to night, from this crew to that crew, she kept spinning like a spinning top.

Finally, the hard work paid off. After two years of hard work, Zhang Jianing saved enough five million and realized his wish to buy a house for his mother. When she handed over the keys to her mother, the joy and satisfaction of that moment could not be described in words.

However, the high-intensity work also took a huge toll on her body. She suffered from shingles, but she didn't say a word, and silently saw a doctor and took medicine. It wasn't until I was participating in an event with my uncle that I couldn't hold on anymore and told the truth.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

Although this period of struggling youth is hard, it has also allowed Zhang Jianing to gain valuable experience and growth. She understands that on the road to chasing her dreams, she must not only have the courage to fight, but also learn to take care of herself.

This experience laid a solid foundation for her future career development. After the careful guidance of his uncle Zhang Xiaolong and his unremitting efforts, Zhang Jianing finally waited for a turning point in his career.

In 2017, she successfully starred in "The Legend of Sea Shepherds". Although there are not many scenes, the production level of this drama far exceeds the works she participated in before, opening up a new acting horizon for her.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

In the same year, Zhang Jianing received an invitation to "The Legend of Ruyi". In this high-profile Qing court drama, she played a powerful Mongolian Gege. This character is arrogant and neat, and Zhang Jianing's performance impressed the audience.

She grasped the characteristics of the role just right, showing the nobility of Gege, but also losing her unique personality charm. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Jianing played the role of Sheng Rulan in the hit drama "Know or Not".

Sheng Rulan has a straightforward personality and is often punished by her father for inappropriate words and deeds. Zhang Jianing vividly interpreted the joys, sorrows and sorrows of this character, especially the scene of being beaten by his father, which made the audience empathize.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

Interestingly, when netizens learned that Zhang Xiaolong was also very strict with Jianing on weekdays, they sighed: "No wonder this scene doesn't look like it's acting!" The success of this series of works has allowed Zhang Jianing to finally gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

The audience began to recognize her acting skills, and her name gradually became more and more well-known. From being unknown at the beginning to becoming famous now, Zhang Jianing has proved with her own strength that she is not only the niece of "Imperial Doctor Wen", but also a potential actor.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Jianing showed amazing acting adaptability. By the time she was 20 years old, she was able to play the role of a woman; And at the age of 34, she can play a student without any sense of disobedience.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

This ability to perform across ages makes her stand out among actors of the same age. Zhang Jianing in this period seems to have found his own stage. In every role, she puts her heart and soul into it; Every time she performs, she strives to break through herself.

She no longer just takes on the role to survive, but begins to enjoy the fun and challenge of playing different roles. From supporting roles to important roles, from obscurity to gradual recognition, Zhang Jianing's acting career is not fast, but every step is steady and steady.

The success of this stage is not only a reward for her years of hard work, but also a solid foundation for her future development. 2023 is a milestone year for Zhang Jianing.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

Years of hard work have finally ushered in fruitful results, and her star journey is becoming more and more brilliant. At the beginning of the year, Zhang Jianing appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and brought the sketch "First Sight Photo Studio" to the audience.

Standing on this stage that attracted the attention of the whole country, she was both excited and apprehensive in her heart. This is not only a recognition of her acting skills, but also a proof of her persistence for many years. When the camera was focused on her, Zhang Jianing smiled confidently and won the love of the audience with her superb performance.

Immediately afterwards, she participated in the popular urban drama "Ode to Joy 4". In this work, Zhang Jianing showed more diverse acting skills. She vividly interpreted the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the character, allowing the audience to see a more three-dimensional and in-depth Zhang Jianing.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

This performance not only cemented her position in the hearts of the audience, but also won her praise in the industry. However, what surprised Zhang Jianing the most was that the movie version of "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star" starring her was released this year.

This youth romance tells a touching love story, in which Zhang Jianing plays the heroine. Although she is 35 years old, she plays the role of a high school student without any sense of disobedience.

Her fresh and natural performance makes the audience seem to see the shadow of their youth. "Zhang Wansen, it's snowing." This simple line became popular on the Internet because of Zhang Jianing's interpretation and attracted a large number of fans.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

She used a delicate expression and just the right tone to vividly interpret the girl's ignorant love. This not only proves her ability to maintain a sense of youthfulness, but also shows her deep understanding and grasp of the role.

In this year, Zhang Jianing's works have continued one after another, and each one has achieved good results. From the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to the TV series, and then to the big screen, she used her hard work and talent to break out of the world in the entertainment industry.

Looking back on the past, Zhang Jianing's heart was full of emotion. From the initial desperate attempt to survive, to now being able to choose high-quality works independently, the sweat and tears she paid have finally paid off.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

Along the way, she has always maintained her love and dedication to her acting career, and this persistence has also made her star journey more and more bright. While Zhang Jianing's career is thriving, her family life has also ushered in a new turn.

In 2020, a happy news came - her mother was going to remarry. Regarding this news, Zhang Jianing not only did not resist at all, but was full of expectations and support.

Recalling that her mother gave up the opportunity to remarry for herself and took on the responsibility of raising and educating her alone, Zhang Jianing's heart was full of gratitude and distress. She knew that if it weren't for herself, her mother might have remarried long ago.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

Therefore, when he learned that his mother had met someone who could be with him for the rest of his life, Zhang Jianing hoped that his mother would be happy more than anyone else. At her mother's wedding, Zhang Jianing not only participated in the whole preparation, but also personally helped her future stepfather successfully propose.

She knew that her mother was not in good health and needed to be taken care of. Now that she has a new family, she can finally take some peace of mind. Looking at her mother's happy smile, Zhang Jianing felt that all the efforts were worth it.

At the same time, Zhang Jianing has not forgotten her uncle Zhang Xiaolong, who has always supported her. From childhood to adulthood, her uncle took care of her like a father. Whether it is in his studies or in his acting career, his uncle has given meticulous care and guidance.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

This family affection made Zhang Jianing always feel warm in the difficult years of growth. In Zhang Jianing's heart, family will always be her warmest harbor and the place she wants to return to after busy work.

Today's Zhang Jianing has become a powerful actor loved by the audience. From the initial desperate to survive, to now being able to choose high-quality works independently, her acting career has become wider and wider.

Looking forward to the future, Zhang Jianing is full of expectations. She hopes to bring more excellent works, constantly challenge herself, and break through the boundaries of acting. Whether it's a sweet and lovely girly character or a mature woman who is strong and strong, she is eager to try.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?

Looking back on the past, Zhang Jianing's growth process aptly interprets the theme of "bitterness comes sweetly". From a broken family to an up-and-coming showbiz, from the struggle to buy a house for her mother to today's family happiness, she has changed her fate with her own efforts.

On the road ahead, Zhang Jianing will continue to move forward with his dreams. She understands that success is not the end, but a new beginning. In her acting career, she will continue to improve; In life, she will cherish her hard-won happiness.

I believe that in the near future, we will see a more shining Zhang Jianing.

Playing a woman at the age of 20, playing a student at the age of 34, buying a house for her mother in 18 dramas in two years, and finally coming to a hard time?