
Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

author:Big talk about entertainment

In 1972, 16-year-old Zhang Guoli embarked on a journey to the Guizhou railway section alone with a dream. This young man from an ordinary working family chose to take over his father's mantle and began his own career as a railroad worker.

In this strange land of Guizhou, Zhang Guoli sweated like rain with his peers, digging caves and tunnels, and lived a simple and difficult life. At the end of each day's work, his hands are always covered with blisters, but this has not dampened his enthusiasm.

A twist of fate crept in on an ordinary day. A cultural group came to the construction site, and the young Zhang Guoli stood out with his outstanding eloquence and excellent appearance, and was successfully admitted.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

In this way, he stepped on the door to the road of art and opened a new chapter in his life. With his perseverance and extraordinary talent, Zhang Guoli quickly rose to prominence in the entertainment industry.

His acting skills are superb and his image is distinct, and he soon became a well-known figure in Sichuan. With the passage of time, Zhang Guoli's career is thriving, and he finally ushered in his peak.

He directed the "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview" series of plays as a self-directed and self-acting, which made Zhang Guoli famous and became a film and television superstar in one fell swoop. His acting skills and directing talent have been widely recognized, and "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview" has become a classic that will forever be recorded in the annals of film and television history.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

However, standing at the pinnacle of his career, Zhang Guoli's heart was full of contradictions and confusion. He is keenly aware that despite his brilliant career achievements, he faces great challenges in his family life.

This strong contrast made him start to think about the true meaning of life, and what is the most important thing. Behind the glamour in the spotlight, Zhang Guoli felt a trace of inexplicable emptiness, as if the most precious part of his life was quietly passing.

In 1984, Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie became acquainted with each other because of their cooperation in the TV series "The Secret Is Not Leaked". At first, it was just a simple teacher-student friendship between the two. Zhang Guoli, an actor who is already well-known in the entertainment industry, taught him all his money and unreservedly taught Deng Jie, who was just starting out in the industry, valuable acting experience.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

However, as time went by, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up in the day and night of the crew. Deng Jie's moving Danfeng eyes are like a deep whirlpool, deeply imprinted in Zhang Guoli's heart.

Her unparalleled beautiful appearance and straightforward and sincere personality made Zhang Guoli unable to extricate himself. This growing affection made Zhang Guoli begin to have deep doubts and indifference to his wife Luo Chunxiu.

In the face of her husband's betrayal, the smart Luo Chunxiu has already understood everything. She chose silence and suffered in silence. It wasn't until Deng Jie made a decision to divorce her husband that Zhang Guoli seized the opportunity and decisively filed for divorce from Luo Chunxiu.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

Despite the torment in her heart, Luo Chunxiu still maintained her due dignity. She agreed to the divorce, but put forward a key condition in the divorce agreement: no matter which partner Zhang Guoli chooses in the future, they will not be able to have any more children, and their only son, Zhang Mo, will become the only heir of the Zhang family.

With extreme guilt, Zhang Guoli agreed to this request. Soon after the divorce, Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie soon entered the palace of marriage and began a new life journey.

They began a difficult and warm life in the streets and alleys of Beijing. Although the living environment is simple and simple, it is full of harmonious and warm atmosphere. Every morning, they ride their dilapidated bicycles through the city, trying to find the beauty of life; When she returns home at night, Deng Jie always decorates their little world with flowers, bringing life and vitality to this small rental house.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

With the remarriage of his father Zhang Guoli, the young Zhang Mo was accepted into this newly formed family. However, for this child, who has been pampered since childhood, the dramatic change in the living environment is undoubtedly a severe test.

Once, Zhang Mo sat in a luxury car and mansion and enjoyed all the glory and wealth. Today, those bygone prosperity have vanished, replaced by dilapidated bicycles and rudimentary rental housing.

This huge gap has caused an indescribable psychological impact on the young Zhang Mo. He couldn't adapt to such a living environment, and his inner dissatisfaction grew day by day. After entering adolescence, Zhang Mo chose to rebel to express his dissatisfaction and protest.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

He began to grow long beards, pierced ears, wore tattered clothes, and behaved as a loner at home. These actions undoubtedly angered Zhang Guoli, and the contradictions between father and son deepened day by day, and the conflict intensified.

However, Zhang Guoli, who is at the peak of his career, puts most of his energy into his work. He spends little time with his son and spends little time at home.

Even at home, the relationship between father and son is full of quarrels and fights, almost endlessly. At this critical stage of growth, Zhang Guoli, who should have given his children the right guidance and had more parent-child time, neglected to discipline him due to his busy work.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

This lack of fatherly love and correct guidance in the family environment made Zhang Mo gradually form an impulsive and irritable personality. Zhang Mo's rebellious behavior continues to escalate, and Zhang Guoli is too busy with his career to take care of his son's psychological needs.

This unbalanced family relationship laid the foundation for future tragedies. Zhang Mo grew up in an environment lacking father's love and correct guidance, and his character flaws gradually appeared, laying the groundwork for a series of evil deeds in his future.

This growth experience, which was full of contradictions and conflicts, not only affected Zhang Mo's character formation, but also laid many hidden dangers for his future life path. In 2002, Zhang Mo, who was studying at the Central Academy of Drama, committed a shocking evil act because of the peach-colored rumors with his girlfriend nursery rhymes and the head of the department.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

In full view of everyone, he pulled his girlfriend's nursery rhyme into the corner and threw punches and kicks. The nursery rhyme was bruised all over her body, and she collapsed weakly in the sand pit, begging bitterly: "Don't fight anymore, I really can't stand it......" However, Zhang Mo ignored this and still kicked her to the ground mercilessly until she lost consciousness.

What's even more outrageous is that instead of showing a trace of remorse, Zhang Mo has become more unscrupulous and domineering. This violent incident is just the tip of the iceberg of Zhang Mo's many bad behaviors in recent years.

Since then, he has been involved in a series of scandals such as drug driving, violent injuries, and harassment of journalists. It is embarrassing that the young man who once dreamed of being a singer has now become a slave to drugs and violence.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

Zhang Mo's actions made him infamous in the entertainment industry. His nasty behavior has made people in the industry avoid him, and almost no one wants to contact him. Once a young man in his prime and promising future, he has now become the object of everyone's spitting.

Such a huge contrast can't help but make people sigh. Looking back, Zhang Guoli once had high hopes for his son. He used his extensive connections in the entertainment industry to win Zhang Mo valuable opportunities to cooperate with well-known directors such as Feng Xiaogang and Jiang Wen.

However, Zhang Mo destroyed his future again and again and personally ruined his future in the entertainment industry. Today's Zhang Mo is no longer as high-spirited as he was back then. His series of evil deeds not only ruined his career, but also brought endless pain and suffering to his family.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

He was once pinned on by his father, but now he has become a heavy burden on the family. Zhang Mo's depravity is like a mirror, reflecting the lack of education he received when he was growing up.

From the much-loved rich kid, to the rebellious and unruly troubled teenager, to the now infamous "bad boy", Zhang Mo's life trajectory is embarrassing. His tragedy is not only a personal failure, but also a microcosm of a broken family, reflecting the importance of family education and the profound impact of parental divorce on children's growth.

In the face of his son Zhang Mo's missteps again and again, Zhang Guoli never gave up hope. As a successful actor and father, he goes out of his way to help his son get out of trouble and get back on the right track.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

Zhang Guoli used the extensive contacts he has accumulated over the years in the entertainment industry to create many valuable opportunities for Zhang Mo. He worked hard to win opportunities for his son to cooperate with well-known directors such as Feng Xiaogang and Jiang Wen, hoping to save his son's declining career and reputation in the entertainment industry.

Whenever Zhang Mo got into trouble, Zhang Guoli always stood up as soon as possible and publicly apologized to the media for his son's ugly behavior. He tried to use his influence to save his son's image in the industry, hoping that the public could give Zhang Mo a chance to mend his ways.

However, these efforts have had little effect. Zhang Mo did not wake up because of his father's dedication, but intensified and became more and more crazy. In the end, he was arrested by the police again due to serious consequences caused by drug problems.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

Watching his son slide into the abyss step by step, Zhang Guoguo's heart was like a knife. He began to wonder if it was because of his excessive pampering that he had caused the consequences of today's evil. was once a high-spirited film and television superstar, but now he can only powerlessly watch his son give up on himself, and this sense of helplessness makes Zhang Guoli feel tormented.

Zhang Guoli's efforts were in vain, making him feel deeply frustrated and helpless. He realizes that the intervention of external forces alone cannot really change his son. This cruel reality forced Zhang Guoli to begin to reflect on his responsibilities as a father and his past mistakes in education.

Standing in the twilight of his life, Zhang Guoli finally realized painfully that the tragic life of his son Zhang Mo was closely related to the education methods of him and his ex-wife Luo Chunxiu. As the sun set, he stared out the window, his face revealing endless vicissitudes and self-blame.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

Zhang Guoli sighed deeply: "Those of us who are parents, in fact, for Zhang Mo, are more likely to bring endless distress and harm. He sadly admitted: "If I hadn't stubbornly chosen to divorce his mother without my selfishness, he wouldn't have lived in this broken family."

Looking back, Zhang Guoli realized that they spoiled Zhang Mo too much in the past, blindly satisfying his willful and reckless behavior, and letting him mess around. What's more, in order to be able to take better care of his son, Luo Chunxiu even gave up his career, never married, and became Zhang Mo's full-time agent.

Such a doting education model eventually led to bitter fruits. "Looking back, we treated him the wrong way, and it was our own flesh and blood that ended up being hurt.

Zhang Guoli and Luo Chunxiu only understood Zhang Mo after they divorced, and the tragic life is inseparable from this broken family

Zhang Guoli said bitterly, "If we could have taught him gradually and according to his aptitude, then maybe he would not have to suffer today." The ancient adage of "habitual son is like killing son" aroused strong resonance in Zhang Guoli's heart.

He deeply realized that it was precisely because of his and his ex-wife's educational mistakes that Zhang Mo's tragedy today was created. This cruel lesson made Zhang Guoli sigh deeply, and his heart was full of irreparable regret and remorse.

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