
Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

author:Historical Society

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

The old photos of the factory workshop three years ago record the real life at that time and remind us to cherish the happy days now

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

After the release of the movie "Popular Red Dresses on the Street", red dresses became popular among girls across the country. After that, young men and women began to pursue trench coats and bell bottoms again

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

I miss the old days, when people were very welcoming, and everyone worked together to build society and help each other. When I see someone pulling a cart, I will step forward to help push it. Although life is a bit hard, everyone feels happy and happy. The social atmosphere is good, and the people are in a good mental state, equal to each other, united and friendly. The relationship between people is harmonious, friendship and innocence are willing to think about others and treat each other sincerely. At that time, everyone's happiness was really high

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

They are witnesses to the growth of New China, and they sincerely miss the era of spiritual abundance despite material poverty. It was 30 years of struggle and enthusiasm, and heroes and models emerged one after another, changing with each passing day. The hard work of the older generation has built a solid industrial foundation for us and brought today's prosperity. High respect to the older generation!

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

No matter what people say, China has a very remarkable history. At that time, everyone worked hard and was not afraid of blood and sweat, so that our country became industrially developed from nothing. Without their dedication, we would not be able to live the good days we have now. This history cannot be forgotten!

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

In the past, everyone was simple and enthusiastic, helped each other, and the society was harmonious and stable. At that time, the village was equipped with reed horns, and the sound was clear. Now the production team's broadcast, the sound is not clear

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

Without the first 30 years, China would still be very backward, and all the daily necessities were foreign goods, and even weapons were imported

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

The Shanghai cameras used by the two young people to take pictures were only more than 40 yuan, which were particularly popular

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

After looking at the old photos from the 70s, I feel like I have returned to that era full of enthusiasm. Everyone always has a satisfied smile on their faces, and life is easy and full of youthful vitality

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

When I see these old photos, I think of that passionate era, which is really nostalgic. In the 70s, everyone's life was getting better and better, and the daily necessities made in the factory were also very easy to use. These photographs record previous lives and people's feelings

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

In the past 50 years, although life is not rich, everyone is very energetic and energetic! At that time, the clothes were warm even though they had patches. The food is simple but filling. It's not like some people are talking nonsense, there is nothing. The photo really records the life of the common people at that time, the clothes are simple but there are many things on the market, and everyone is happy on their faces

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

I remember that at that time, although the living conditions were not as good as they are now, we were very comfortable in learning and living, and we didn't have any homework after class. The teacher always instructed us to study hard, contribute to the construction of the motherland in the future, realize the four modernizations, and make the country richer and stronger. Decades later, I saw that my original dream had come true, and it was even better than the teacher thought

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

In the 70s and 80s, our village changed a lot. There was electricity in the village, and many people came to me to buy bicycles and sewing machines. Everyone replaced the mud houses with brick houses. When I came home from the army for the first time in '74, my friends invited me to dinner and drink, which showed that life in the village was getting better and better. Although there is still a gap compared to now, isn't life getting better day by day?

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

Every old photo reveals kindness and simplicity, and people are full of happiness on their faces. Peasants, ploughing the fields, workers working, social harmony, harmonious relations between the government and the people, and a clean and upright atmosphere. These photos are reminiscent of those vibrant eras, and every time I look at them, my heart is sweet and precious

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

Nostalgia may be due to the fact that you once had, you give wholeheartedly, and you enjoy the good, or it may be because you have lost or experienced pain. In the first 30 years of reform and opening up, different people had different experiences and feelings, and now they have become history and can be commented on

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

This set of photos is very real, recording the previous life, looking like going back to when I was a child, there is a familiar feeling, but time has passed and will not come back, which is quite nostalgic

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

The boat in the Summer Palace is really nostalgic. When I was a child, I rode a bicycle with my classmates, and when the flowers bloomed, I lined up to row a boat, and it was fun to row by myself, and I was very excited to row for a few hours every time. I really hope there can be a hand rowing boat in the Summer Palace!

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

Precious history is recreated, and the heart is surging, and we will never forget!

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

In the past, people were kind and didn't take money too seriously. Now everyone is afraid to leave their relatives, for fear that they will not get a good face if they don't spend money, and they may be angry if they spend money. Although everyone does not have to worry about food and clothing, their thoughts and spirits are very empty. I still miss the old days when I was kind and didn't value money

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

At that time, we loved to read, and there were many shadows of us in books. Although we don't have a lot of money, we are very satisfied, and reading books is a part of our lives

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

Look at the people of the past, although they did not eat, drink and dress as well as now, they lived really happily. Everyone was smiling and stressful when they ran in the morning. At that time, everyone often did work and recess exercises together, and many people went for morning jogging. When you work, you concentrate on your work, and everyone works together; Rest well when you rest. Chairman Mao called on us to do more exercise and strengthen our bodies. When I was in junior high school, this sentence of Chairman Mao was written on the school playground. At that time, sports were meant to make people physically stronger, not a tool to make money. Even if the conditions are not good, there are free sports fields and equipment in the park

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

The roads we have walked, the sweat we have shed, and the land we have worked so are really nostalgic. People must know how to be grateful and not forget their roots. I think that in those days, we educated youths went to the countryside to work in the fields with farmers, and worked together to repair water conservancy, control salinity, and harvest crops. At that time, our youth and blood were sprinkled on that land, how could we not miss it? Although the land has changed now, we still remember the land we once struggled for

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

The faces of the people in these precious photos are simple and lovely

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

In the era when the red flag was fluttering, everyone was full of energy and worked together to build the motherland, and wanted to live a good life as soon as possible. Recalling that time, people always had a sweet smile on their faces, and life was simple and happy, and we were a nation with faith, pursuit, and hope

Why do people who have experienced the first 30 years miss that period of history and experience?

People in the '60s have experienced those thirty years of struggle and dedication. Although the days are hard, everyone works together to be a model worker and a hero, and attaches great importance to honor. At that time, we had no worries, even if we were tired and tired, we were in a good mood, and the relationship between our neighbors was very harmonious

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