
On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

author:Maleonn talks about history

In rural China, traditional beliefs are deeply ingrained, and marriage is often decided by the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers. The story of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan unfolds in this context.

Zhang Ding, a 32-year-old rural man, is introverted and not good at words. He lived a simple and regular life, working at sunrise and sunset every day, working with the land and crops. His social circle is small, with little contact with the outside world except for a few friends and relatives in the village. Zhang Ding's father, a traditional rural elder, was anxious when he saw that his son was over 30 years old and had not yet started a family. In the eyes of the father, the son's marriage is a major event in the continuation of the family and a manifestation of his responsibility as a father.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

Wang Pan, a woman who is also from a rural area, has a cheerful personality and is good at communicating with people. She loves the village fair, chatting with her neighbors, and participating in various activities in the village. Wang Pan has a wide social circle, and her friends are all over the village, and even people in neighboring villages know her. However, Wang Pan's marital problems are also a headache for her family, although she has a cheerful personality, she has never met the right person.

Under the arrangement of Zhang Ding's father, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan had their first blind date. The location of the blind date was chosen at a small restaurant at the head of the village, which is the meeting place of the villagers and the social center of the village. Zhang Ding's father and Wang Pan's mother are both regular customers of the restaurant, and they hope that through this blind date, the two young people will have a chance to get acquainted.

On the day of the blind date, Zhang Ding was wearing his best clothes and looked a little nervous. He came to the restaurant early and sat in the corner, waiting for Wang Pan's arrival. Wang Pan walked confidently into the restaurant with her signature smile. She saw Zhang Ding at a glance and walked towards him.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

The blind date between the two started to be a little awkward, and Zhang Ding's introversion made him look a little restrained in front of Wang Pan. Wang Pan tried to break the silence by asking Zhang Ding about the crops, asking about the news in the village, trying to find common ground. As time passed, Zhang Ding gradually relaxed, began to respond to Wang Pan's questions, and even began to share his own thoughts and feelings.

Wang Pan found that although Zhang Ding was not good at words, he had a deep affection for the land and a unique insight into crops. His introversion is not indifference, but a deliberate composure. And Zhang Ding was also attracted by Wang Pan's cheerfulness and enthusiasm, he appreciated her love of life and admired her social skills.

As the blind date deepens, the two begin to discover each other's strengths. Zhang Ding's steadiness and Wang Pan's liveliness are in stark contrast, but this difference does not become an obstacle between them, but makes them more curious and interested in each other. Zhang Ding began to imagine whether life would become more colorful if he was with Wang Pan. And Wang Pan is also wondering if Zhang Ding's stability will bring her a sense of stability.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

The blind date between the two did not immediately come to a conclusion, but the goodwill between them has quietly taken root. Zhang Ding's father and Wang Pan's mother were also relieved to see the two children talking happily. They know that marriage is not something that happens overnight and takes time to nurture and understand.

With the end of the blind date, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan did not immediately decide anything, but they agreed to meet again next time. Their story has only just begun, and the future is full of endless possibilities. The acquaintance and blind date of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan is not only the meeting of two young people, but also the collision and integration of two personalities and two lifestyles. Their story may bring some new enlightenment to the traditional concept of rural marriage.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

In a remote village in China, the story of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan unfolds quietly. They are all authentic farmers who live in this land full of earthy atmosphere. Zhang Ding, a 32-year-old man, is introverted and not good at expressing his emotions, and his social circle is limited to a few old friends and relatives in the village. His life was simple and repetitive, working with the land every day, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. In his world, in addition to crops, are those farming tools that have accompanied him for many years.

In stark contrast to Zhang Ding is Wang Pan, a cheerful and enthusiastic woman. Wang Pan's social circle is very extensive, she likes to communicate with people, whether it is the elderly or children in the village, they can mingle with her. She enjoys participating in the village's activities, whether it is a festival or a daily market. Wang Pan's life is full of laughter, and her personality makes her the darling of the village.

Zhang Ding's father, a traditional rural elder, was anxious when he saw that his son was over 30 years old and had not yet started a family. In the eyes of the father, the son's marriage is a major event in the continuation of the family and a manifestation of his responsibility as a father. So, he began to ask around, hoping to find a suitable partner for Zhang Ding. After some hard work, he finally found Wang Pan, a woman with an excellent reputation in the village.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

Wang Pan's family is also worried about their daughter's marital problems. Although Wang Pan has a cheerful personality, she has never met the right person. Her parents hope that she will be able to start a family and live a stable life as soon as possible. So, under the arrangement of the parents of both parties, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan had their first blind date.

The location of the blind date was chosen at a small restaurant at the head of the village, which is the meeting place of the villagers and the social center of the village. Zhang Ding's father and Wang Pan's mother are both regular customers of the restaurant, and they hope that through this blind date, the two young people will have a chance to get acquainted.

Zhang Ding's life began to change because of the appearance of Wang Pan. He began to try to step out of his comfort zone and participate in Wang Pan's social activities. He found that communicating with people was not that difficult and that he was able to have fun with them. And Wang Pan also began to appreciate Zhang Ding's steadiness and thoughtfulness, and she felt that such a character could bring her a sense of security.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

The relationship between the two slowly developed, and they began to participate in village activities together, discussing the cultivation and harvest of crops together. Zhang Ding's father was extremely relieved to see the changes in his son. He sees this as a sign of his son's growth and his pride as a father.

Wang Pan's family also expressed their appreciation for Zhang Ding's steadfastness and steadfastness. They felt that such a man could bring Wang Pan a stable life. The two families also became more frequent, and they began to discuss the marriage of their two children, and although the decision has not yet been finalized, everything seems to be going in a good direction.

The story of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan became a good story in the village, and they became role models for the young people in the village. They use their experiences to show people that personality differences are not obstacles, but opportunities to grow and complement each other. Their story continues, their relationship is slowly deepening, and the road ahead is still long, but they are ready to go on together.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

In rural China, 32-year-old Zhang Ding is unmarried, which is considered a late marriage age in the village. Zhang Ding's father, a traditional farmer, was very anxious about his son's marital problems. He hopes that Zhang Ding can start a family as soon as possible and continue the family's bloodline. Therefore, he began to inquire around, looking for a suitable woman, hoping to arrange a blind date for Zhang Ding.

Zhang Ding's father learned about Wang Pan's situation through relatives and friends in the village. Wang Pan is a cheerful, hardworking and capable woman, her family background is similar to Zhang Ding, both are simple peasant families. Zhang Ding's father thought that Wang Pan was a good candidate, so he began to actively arrange a blind date between the two.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

The location of the blind date was set in the courtyard of Zhang Ding's house. Zhang Ding's father started preparing a few days in advance, cleaning the yard, arranging tables and chairs, and even went to the town to buy some fresh fruits and snacks. He hoped that this blind date could leave a good impression on Wang Pan.

On the day of the blind date, Zhang Ding put on the new clothes that his father specially bought for him, although he was a little nervous, but also full of expectations. Wang Pan wore her favorite flower dress and came to Zhang Ding's house with a bright smile. Under the guidance of Zhang Ding's father, the two sat at the table in the courtyard.

At first, Zhang Ding seemed a little reserved, he was not very good at communicating with people, especially on such a formal blind date. However, Wang Pan's cheerfulness and enthusiasm soon eased Zhang Ding's nervousness. She took the initiative to find a topic, asked Zhang Ding about the cultivation of crops, talked about interesting stories in the village, and even shared some of her own experiences and opinions.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

As the conversation deepened, Zhang Ding gradually relaxed and began to respond to Wang Pan's questions and share his views on agriculture and life. Wang Pan found that although Zhang Ding was introverted, he had a deep understanding and love for agriculture, his unique opinions, and an indescribable emotion for the land. Zhang Ding was also attracted by Wang Pan's cheerfulness and enthusiasm, and he appreciated her love for life and positive attitude.

The blind date between the two took place in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Zhang Ding's father was very relieved to see that the two children were able to talk happily. He felt that this blind date was very successful, and maybe this was the daughter-in-law he had been looking forward to for a long time.

After the blind date, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan did not make a decision immediately, but they agreed to meet again next time. Their relationship got off to a good start in this blind date, and both developed a crush on each other. Zhang Ding's father and Wang Pan's family were also satisfied with the outcome of this blind date, and they saw the tacit understanding and possibility between the two children.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

As time passed, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan began to see each other more often. Together, they participate in village activities, discuss the planting and harvesting of crops, and even start planning for their future lives. Zhang Ding's father was very happy to see the change in his son. He sees this as a sign of his son's maturity and his pride as a father.

As time passed, the relationship between Zhang Ding and Wang Pan gradually warmed up. From the initial blind date, to the later acquaintance, and then to the current love, every step has been steadfast and firm. The two continued to get to know each other in their interactions, and their mutual affection deepened day by day. Wang Pan's cheerfulness and enthusiasm make Zhang Ding's life more colorful, and Zhang Ding's stability and steadfastness also make Wang Pan feel at ease and warm.

On a moonlit night, Wang Pan plucked up the courage to confess his past to Zhang Ding. She used to be married and had a lovely daughter. Wang Pan was worried that this past would affect her relationship with Zhang Ding, but in Zhang Ding's eyes, she saw understanding and tolerance. Zhang Ding held Wang Pan's hand tightly and told her that he loved her now, and her past would not change his feelings for her. Zhang Ding's acceptance and understanding moved Wang Pan, and she knew that she had found someone who could be entrusted for life.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

The relationship between the two was deepened by this candid exchange. They began to think seriously about the future, considering the possibility of getting married. After careful consideration, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan decided to get married and entered the palace of marriage together. This decision was supported and blessed by both families, especially Zhang Ding's family, who attached great importance to this wedding.

Zhang Ding's father believes that although Wang Pan has been married once, this does not affect her from becoming a member of their family. He insisted on preparing the wedding according to the scale of the first marriage to show respect and acceptance for Wang Pan. The preparations for the wedding are in full swing, from choosing an auspicious day to setting up the wedding banquet, every detail is full of anticipation and attention to this wedding.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

Zhang Ding and Wang Pan also began to prepare for the wedding. Together, they choose wedding dresses, design invitations, and discuss the wedding menu. In the process, the relationship between the two is deeper, and they are full of longing and expectation for their future life. Wang Pan's daughter is also very supportive of the union between her mother and Zhang Ding, she likes Uncle Zhang Ding and feels that he is a person who can be trusted.

In the process of preparing for the wedding, Zhang Ding's family and Wang Pan's family were also more closely linked. They participate in the preparation of the wedding and share the joy together. The integration of the two families makes this wedding not only the union of two people, but also the connection of two families.

The people of the village are also full of anticipation for this wedding. The story of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan has become a good story in the village, and their love story inspires the young people in the village. They use their experiences to show people that true love can transcend all obstacles, including past marriages and family backgrounds.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

As the wedding approached, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan became more and more excited. They knew that the wedding was not just a ceremony, it was the beginning of a new life. Together, they will face the challenges of the future and work together to create a loving and warm family.

The preparations for the wedding are finally coming to an end with the joint efforts of both families. Zhang Ding and Wang Pan stood on the stage of the wedding, facing the blessings of relatives and friends, and their hearts were full of gratitude and happiness. They knew that the wedding would be one of the best memories of their lives. And their stories will continue to circulate in this land and become a good story for future generations.

As the relationship between the two deepened, the relationship between Wang Pan and Zhang Ding became closer and closer. They work together in the fields, attend village gatherings together, and enjoy the sunrise and sunset together. In these common times, Wang Pan felt Zhang Ding's sincerity and kindness, and she knew that it was time to confess her past to him.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

One quiet night, the moonlight sprinkled the whole village, Wang Pan and Zhang Ding sat under the old locust tree at the head of the village, enjoying this tranquility. Wang Pan took a deep breath, mustered up her courage, and began to tell Zhang Ding about her past. She told Zhang Ding that she had been married once and had a lovely daughter. There was a tremor in her voice, but more of a steadfastness and honesty.

Zhang Ding listened quietly, there was no trace of surprise in his eyes, more understanding and tolerance. When Wang Pan finished speaking, Zhang Ding held her hand tightly and told her in a firm tone: "I won't judge your past, I only know that you are now you who I love." Your daughter is also the family I will love. Zhang Ding's words were like a warm current, warming Wang Pan's heart, her eyes were filled with tears, gratitude and happiness were intertwined.

This candid exchange made the relationship between the two stronger. Zhang Ding's acceptance and understanding made Wang Pan feel unprecedented peace of mind. She knew she had found a shoulder to lean on, a partner who was willing to face the future with her.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

As time passed, the relationship between the two grew deeper. They begin to plan their future together and discuss the possibility of getting married. After Zhang Ding's family learned about Wang Pan's situation, although they were a little surprised, they chose to support their son when they saw their son's firmness and happiness. In their opinion, Wang Pan's past is not important, the important thing is that she can give Zhang Ding happiness.

Wang Pan's daughter has also become an important link in the relationship between the two. Zhang Ding's love and acceptance of the little girl made Wang Pan feel extremely warm. He not only accepted Wang Pan, but also accepted her daughter, and this broad mind made Wang Pan more determined to spend his life with Zhang Ding.

The two began to prepare for the wedding. Zhang Ding's family attaches great importance to this wedding, and they hope to welcome Wang Pan and her daughter as part of the family in the most grand way possible. The people in the village are also full of expectations for this wedding, they saw the sincere love between Zhang Ding and Wang Pan, and saw their courage to face life bravely despite difficulties.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

During the preparation of the wedding, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan selected the wedding dress together, designed the invitation together, and discussed the wedding banquet menu together. In the process, the relationship between the two is deeper, and they are full of longing and expectation for their future life. Wang Pan's daughter is also very supportive of the union between her mother and Zhang Ding, she likes Uncle Zhang Ding and feels that he is a person who can be trusted.

In the relationship between Zhang Ding and Wang Pan, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, as hot and bright as the summer sun. Every moment they are together is full of sweetness and warmth, whether it is the tacit cooperation when working in the fields, or the affectionate conversation under the stars at night, it makes their hearts closer and closer.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

As time goes on, the two begin to think seriously about the future, and they want to build a home together, a haven of love and warmth. In an affectionate hug, Zhang Ding proposed to Wang Pan, and his words were simple and sincere: "Wang Pan, are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me?" Wang Pan's eyes were hazy with tears, and she nodded in agreement, she knew that this was the moment she had been looking forward to.

The news of the decision to get married quickly spread among the two families, and Zhang Ding's family attached great importance to the wedding. In their eyes, the wedding is not only a symbol of the union of two people, but also the beginning of the union of two families. Zhang Ding's father, a traditional rural elder, insisted on preparing the wedding on the scale of his first marriage, and he hoped to give Wang Pan a grand and memorable wedding as a way to show respect and acceptance for her.

Preparations for the wedding began quickly, and Zhang Ding's family and relatives were engaged in the grand preparations. They picked an auspicious day and invited relatives and friends from the village, and even some relatives from afar. Zhang Ding's father personally went to the town to select the best ingredients and prepare a sumptuous wedding banquet. He also brought in the best chefs in the village to make sure that every dish at the wedding banquet was full of praise.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

Wang Pan also actively participated in the preparation of the wedding, she and Zhang Ding selected wedding dresses together, designed invitations together, and discussed the wedding menu together. In the process, the relationship between the two is deeper, and they are full of longing and expectation for their future life. Wang Pan's daughter is also very supportive of the union between her mother and Zhang Ding, she likes Uncle Zhang Ding and feels that he is a person who can be trusted.

The people of the village are also full of anticipation for this wedding. The love story of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan is a good story in the village, and they use their own experiences to show people that true love can overcome all obstacles, including past marriages and family backgrounds. The young men and women of the village see hope in their stories and see the power of love.

In the process of preparing for the wedding, Zhang Ding's family and Wang Pan's family gradually integrated, and they participated in the preparation of the wedding and shared the joy together. The integration of the two families makes this wedding not only the union of two people, but also the connection of two families. The people of the village were also actively involved in the preparation of the wedding, they helped set up the venue, they helped prepare the food, and the whole village was immersed in the joy of this grand wedding.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

On the day of the wedding, the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing. Zhang Ding was wearing a neat suit, and Wang Pan was wearing a white wedding dress, and the two walked into the wedding hall hand in hand under the witness of relatives and friends. At the wedding, Zhang Ding's father delivered a touching speech, in which he expressed his acceptance of Wang Pan and his blessings to the two children. Wang Pan's daughter also took the stage to speak, and she expressed her expectations for the new family and her love for Uncle Zhang Ding in immature words.

The wedding took place in a joyous and laughing scene, with the people of the village singing and dancing to celebrate the couple's big day. Zhang Ding and Wang Pan exchanged rings with the blessings of everyone and made a lifelong commitment. They know that from now on, no matter what the storm will be, they will walk hand in hand and face every challenge of life together.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

This wedding is not only a witness to the love between Zhang Ding and Wang Pan, but also a symbol of the integration of the two families. It demonstrates the respect that rural society has for the traditional concept of marriage, while also embodying the pursuit of personal choice and happiness. The story of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan, like a warm poem, flows slowly in this small village, inspiring more people to pursue their own happiness.

On the eve of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan's wedding, everything seems to be going smoothly. However, just four days before the wedding, Wang Pan suddenly disappeared. Her disappearance was like a boulder thrown into the calm surface of a lake, causing ripples. Zhang Ding was so anxious that he looked around for Wang Pan's traces, but Wang Pan was like evaporating from the world, leaving no clues. Shocked and outraged, Zhang Ding's family began to doubt the authenticity of the marriage and demanded that the Wang family return the bride price they had paid.

Zhang Ding's family was originally puzzled by Wang Pan's onboarding and alighting ceremonies, because in their concept, these were not necessary wedding procedures. But at Wang Pan's insistence, Zhang Ding's family still respected her request and prepared the money in a patchwork manner. They thought that this was a respect for Wang Pan and the importance they attached to this marriage, but they didn't expect it to become a thorn in their hearts.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

When Zhang Ding finally learned the truth about Wang Pan's disappearance, he felt betrayed and deceived like never before. It turned out that Wang Pan was not a second marriage as she said, but had already been married three times. This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Zhang Ding, and he couldn't accept that the person he loved loved was hiding such an important thing. He felt that he had been deceived, and his trust and love for Wang Pan collapsed in an instant.

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Ding made a difficult decision - to withdraw from the marriage. It wasn't an easy decision, as it meant facing disappointments from his family, questions from friends and family, and deep pain in his own heart. But Zhang Ding knows that he can't spend the rest of his life with someone who cheats on him, and he needs not only a partner, but also someone he can trust and rely on.

Zhang Ding's family also supported his decision after learning the truth. They began to demand the return of the bride price from the royal family through legal channels, and the wedding, which was supposed to be full of joy and blessings, became complicated and painful because of deception and remorse.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

The story of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan caused an uproar in the village, and people began to discuss the issue of integrity before marriage, and discussed trust and responsibility in marriage. This premarital conflict and repentance is not just a matter of two people, it touches on the values and morals of the entire community.

In this story, we see the severity of premarital conflict, which can not only lead to the cancellation of a wedding, but can also have a profound impact on both families. We also see the importance of a prenuptial agreement to help both parties clarify their respective responsibilities and expectations and avoid conflicts due to misunderstandings and concealments.

The story of Zhang Ding and Wang Pan continues, and they need to face not only the cancellation of their wedding, but also the reconstruction of their future lives. This story teaches us that marriage is not child's play, it requires sincerity and frankness on both sides, and it needs to be built on trust and respect. Only in this way can marriage become a happy harbor for two people.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride ran away, and the groom asked for a 200,000 bride price and was refused: no refund, give me another 100,000

In some parts of China, the customs of marriage are very rich, among which the boarding ceremony and the disembarkation ceremony are unique to the wedding ceremony in some places. Zhang Ding's family, although they were not familiar with these customs and even had some doubts, decided to follow these traditions out of respect for Wang Pan and their expectation of this marriage.

The boarding ceremony usually refers to a gift given by the groom to the bride when he picks up the bride at the bride's house, symbolizing the welcome and acceptance of the bride by the groom's family. The drop-off ceremony is a gift given by the groom to the bride again after the bride arrives at the groom's house, representing that the bride has officially become a member of the groom's family. There is no uniform standard for the amount of these two types of gifts, and it is often determined by the two families through negotiation according to the actual situation.

Zhang Ding's family can be said to have worked hard to prepare these two gifts. They not only have to consider the amount of money to conform to local customs and standards, but also consider the auspicious number of the gift money in order to get a good fortune. It is mentioned in 13 that the amount of the boarding ceremony and the getting off ceremony may include 20,000 yuan, 40,000 yuan, 60,000 yuan, 80,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, etc., which provides a certain reference for Zhang Ding's family. Although these expenses are a lot of expenses for ordinary families, Zhang Ding's family believes that it is all worth it for the sake of their son's happiness.

In the process of paying for the boarding and getting off the bus, Zhang Ding's family also experienced some twists and turns. They need to communicate with Wang's family to understand each other's expectations and requirements. In the process, there may be some disagreements, but in the end, both families will be able to find a mutually acceptable solution for the happiness of the couple.

When Zhang Ding's family paid these gifts, they also reflected the importance they attached to this marriage and their respect for Wang Pan. They hope that in this way, Wang Pan can feel accepted and cherished. At the same time, it is also a kind of respect and inheritance of traditional customs, and they hope that through such a ceremony, the wedding will be more solemn and meaningful.

However, just after Zhang Ding's family gathered and paid the boarding and disembarking gifts, they unexpectedly learned a secret of Wang Pan - she was not a second marriage as she said before, but had already been married three times. This news is undoubtedly a huge blow to Zhang Ding and his family. They felt deceived, and their trust in Wang Pan was seriously tested. Under such circumstances, Zhang Ding began to re-examine the relationship, and he didn't know if he could continue to trust Wang Pan and whether he could still enter the palace of marriage with her.

This sudden change made the originally festive wedding atmosphere tense and uncertain. Zhang Ding's family is deeply conflicted and entangled, and they don't know how to deal with this problem or how to face the upcoming wedding. And Wang Pan's disappearance makes all this confusing and elusive.

In the premarital conflict between Zhang Ding and Wang Pan, the tension between the two families reached a peak. Zhang Ding's family felt extremely disappointed and angry after learning that Wang Pan not only concealed his marriage history, but also deceived him on the bride price issue. They demanded that the Wang family return the bride price and, with the assistance of the TV station staff, arranged a meeting, hoping to solve the problem face-to-face.

Realizing that this was a hot issue that could attract public attention, the TV station staff decided to step in and hope to help the families reach a settlement through mediation. Under their arrangement, Zhang Ding's family and Wang Pan's family met in the TV studio.

However, the atmosphere of the meeting was not harmonious. Zhang Ding's family was full of anger and disappointment, and they believed that Wang Pan's behavior was a great deception of Zhang Ding's feelings and an insult to their family's dignity. Wang Pan's family felt aggrieved and helpless, and they tried to explain Wang Pan's hardships, hoping to get Zhang Ding's family's understanding and tolerance.

Under the guidance of the TV station staff, the two families began a heated argument. Zhang Ding's father was the first to speak, and he expressed his disappointment and anger in a trembling voice, believing that Wang Pan's behavior was disrespectful to the marriage and a great harm to Zhang Ding. He demanded that the Wang family return all the bride price and publicly apologize to Zhang Ding.

Wang Pan's mother, with tears in her eyes, tried to explain Wang Pan's difficulties, hoping to gain sympathy from Zhang Ding's family. She said that the reason why Wang Pan concealed her marriage history was out of deep love for Zhang Ding and fear for the future. She believes that although Wang Pan's behavior is wrong, it is also out of helplessness, and hopes that Zhang Ding's family can be understanding and tolerant.

Both families were arguing in the studio, and they were very emotional. The TV crew tried to control the situation, hoping to ease the emotions of both parties through mediation and find a mutually acceptable solution. However, the mediation process was very difficult due to the fact that the positions of the parties were too different.

During the argument, Zhang's family insisted on the return of the bride price and said that if the Wang family did not agree, they would resolve the issue through legal means. Wang Pan's family believes that the bride price was given voluntarily by Zhang Ding and should not be returned because of Wang Pan's past. They think that Zhang Ding's family is making trouble unreasonably and is morally kidnapping Wang Pan.

The station's staff mediated back and forth between the two sides, and they came up with a variety of solutions in the hope of finding a compromise. However, it was difficult to reach an agreement due to the high level of emotion on both sides. During the argument, Zhang Ding and Wang Pan also expressed their own thoughts and feelings. Zhang Ding felt that he had been deceived, and his trust in Wang Pan had been broken. Wang Pan, on the other hand, felt misunderstood, lost and helpless about the future.

The controversy continued for a long time in the television studio, but in the end the families still could not come to an agreement. The staff of the television station regretted it very much, they did not expect that this mediation would be so difficult. Families on both sides are also very tired and frustrated, and they don't know what to do next.

This meeting and argument not only did not resolve the contradictions between the two sides, but only made the relationship between the two sides more tense. Zhang Ding's family was even more distrustful of Wang Pan's family, and Wang Pan's family was also disappointed in Zhang Ding's family. This pre-marital conflict has made the wedding, which should have been full of joy and blessings, full of contradictions and strife. And Zhang Ding and Wang Pan, the lovers who once loved each other deeply, also fell into deep pain and confusion because of this conflict.