
In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history



It unveils the history of the dregs cave at the foot of Geyue Mountain in Chongqing, and tells the cruel torture and revolutionary struggle suffered by the communists here 70 years ago, as well as the subsequent reconstruction and commemorative activities. Dregs Cave is not only a place name, but also a landmark that witnesses the revolutionary process, and the martyrs' firm faith and sacrifice spirit are admirable. Want to know more about the story of the Dregs Cave? Follow along to uncover this history!

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

Exploring the history of the Dregs Cave

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

In 2007, a flash flood washed away part of the buildings in the scum cave at the foot of Geyue Mountain in Chongqing, and unveiled the "slag" of the scum cave unearthed.

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

What was the dregs hole like 70 years ago? How did the Kuomintang spies brutally torture communists and patriots? Did the flash flood 12 years ago wash away all history?

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

There are still people who have been there, there are people who have been in it, and there are people who have come out alive. They suppressed the history of the scum cave like dross, but after all, they couldn't hide it.

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history
In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

The firm conviction of the Communists and the revolutionary struggle

What do we see through the story of the dregs cave?

We have seen how the martyrs of those years, for the independence of the country and the happiness of the people, fearlessly threw their heads and shed their blood, and fought bravely for the cause of communism.

We have seen how the communists of those days were firm in their convictions, indomitable, daring to struggle, good at struggle, and always putting the interests of the people first.

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

A landmark of revolutionary struggle at the foot of Geyue Mountain in Chongqing

Dregs Cave is not only a place name, but also a witness to a piece of history.

The Dregs Cave bears witness to the revolutionary process of the Communists in difficult and difficult circumstances, including arrest, imprisonment, torture, and struggle.

This used to be the location of a secret radio station temporarily set up by Chen Zhongping, the confidential secretary of the East Sichuan Special Committee, and other comrades. Later, the radio station was targeted by the enemy, and a total of 15 people were arrested here.

Of the 15 captives, it is said that all but four were freed by breaking through the siege, and the other 11 were tortured to death.

In order to cover up the crime, the jailers also threw the dead 11 people into a ditch and burned them. Unexpectedly, after a few days and nights, the bodies of the martyrs were not burned, so the one-armed general Deng Fa discovered the abnormality and hurried over to check. When he found that the martyrs had not been burned, he was filled with grief and indignation, and reluctantly collected the remains of the martyrs, buried them on the spot, and erected a monument to commemorate them.

This is the origin of the Monument to the Martyrs of Dregs Cave.

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

Reconstruction and commemoration of revolutionary sites

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

Is there more history?

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

And, of course.

On the eve of the People's Liberation Army entering the scum cave, the survivors also got the help of the jailers and left this ghost place together smoothly. The one-armed general Deng Fa led the officers and soldiers to rush together and finally liberate the dregs cave.

As a revolutionary site, the Dregs Cave has been valued and protected by future generations. In 1985, the State Council announced the site of the dregs cave as the third batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

In order to let more people know and remember history, and so that history does not repeat itself, we also hold various forms of commemorative activities. On November 14th and 17th every year, the Chongqing Municipal Revolutionary Committee and the Chongqing Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles will organize commemorative activities here to carefully pursue the future and inherit the revolutionary spirit.

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history

The eternal significance and future mission of the scum cave

The dregs cave has now become a solemn revolutionary memorial tower in the Geyueshan Cultural Square in Jiangbei District, Chongqing, and is also an important patriotic education base. We should cherish the era of peace more and continue to pursue and maintain peace.

In recent years, the scum cave was washed away by a flash flood, and a cave was accidentally discovered, and the collection in the cave revealed a painful history


The martyrs of Dregs Cave are shining stars in the history of the revolution, and their firm conviction and revolutionary fighting spirit deserve our eternal memory. Let us remember history, cherish peace, inherit the revolutionary spirit, and jointly build a better future.

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