
Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship! The captain's proflamity was not sparked

author:Visionary look at sports
Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship! The captain's proflamity was not sparked

In the final of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, the Chinese youth women's basketball team launched a fierce competition with Australia. Zhang Ziyu turned the tide in the game, and her inside performance was eye-catching, but in the end, she could not lead the team to the crown.

In the first half of the game, the Chinese team once fell into a passive situation. The Australian team showed strong offensive firepower, scoring frequently on the outside and inside, and quickly took the lead. The Chinese team's defense was a bit passive at the beginning, failing to effectively limit the opponent's offensive tempo, resulting in a gradual increase in the score. Zhang Ziyu worked hard to grab the board on the inside, and her tough attack once helped the team narrow the difference, but overall, the Chinese team still looked weak on the defensive end.

Netizens expressed their views and opinions on social media during the match. It was pointed out that China's performance in the first half was worrying, and although Zhang Ziyu was excellent on the offensive end, it was clear that the defensive strategy of the whole team needed to be improved. One netizen commented: "Zhang Ziyu's efforts alone are not enough to support the whole team, and the whole team needs to work more closely together to deal with Australia's team offensive." ”

The second half of the game was a very different story. Under the leadership of the team, Zhang Ziyu took the lead in boosting morale, and her strong performance on the inside made opponents feel the pressure. The Chinese team gradually found the rhythm of the offense, and the fast break and interior cooperation frequently scored, gradually chasing the score closer. Under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu, the Chinese team even overtook the score at one point, which gave fans the hope of winning the championship.

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship! The captain's proflamity was not sparked

In the crucial fourth quarter of the game, the Chinese team narrowed the score gap to only 4 points many times, but it was never able to complete the reversal. The situation on the pitch was extremely tense, and the Chinese players went all out to fight for every possession, hoping to turn the game around. Every moment of approaching the opponent was skillfully defused by the Australian team.

At the critical moment of the game, captain Wang Jiaxin chose singles twice, but failed to score. In the face of her opponent's strong defense, she failed to find an effective opportunity to shoot, but instead gave her opponent the opportunity to counterattack, further widening the gap in the score. Some netizens discussed on social platforms: "Wang Jiaxin's performance in those key moments was a little disappointing, she may be too impatient, and she should rely more on teamwork." ”

After the game, Zhang Ziyu was emotional and couldn't cry. She showed her exceptional individual ability throughout the game, contributing 42 points and 14 rebounds, but the final result was a disappointment for her. On social media, there are fans who have expressed their opinions and comments. One fan wrote: "Zhang Ziyu's performance is very good, but unfortunately the cooperation of the whole team is still a little lacking. Another said: "Captain Wang Jiaxin should be more calm at critical moments, and the team needs more unity." ”

The commentators conducted an in-depth analysis and criticism of Wang Jiaxin's tactical choice. They believe that in critical moments, as a captain, you should trust your teammates more and not rely too much on individual ability. A commentator said bluntly: "Wang Jiaxin may consider passing the ball to Zhang Ziyu in those key offenses, her ability on the inside is unmatched." ”

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship! The captain's proflamity was not sparked

Comprehensive analysis can show that the Chinese youth women's basketball team is not inferior in terms of technical strength and individual performance, but there is indeed some room for improvement in the tactical application and adaptability of the finals. After the game, there was a variety of discussions and comments on social media.

Some netizens expressed their understanding and support for the team's performance, believing that the Chinese players showed a tenacious fighting spirit in the game. Someone said: "Zhang Ziyu is really not easy, she almost single-handedly supported the entire inner line." Another netizen also said: "Wang Jiaxin, as the captain, also went all out, and everyone did their best." ”

There are also many fans who questioned Wang Jiaxin's performance at critical moments. Someone commented: "Wang Jiaxin chose singles twice in the match, and this strategy obviously did not suit the atmosphere of the scene. Another bluntly said: "As a captain, you should trust your teammates more instead of blindly relying on your own abilities." ”

The commentators also commented on Wang Jiaxin's leadership ability. One commentator said: "Wang Jiaxin may have been a little too impatient in the tense atmosphere of the game, which affected her decision-making at crucial moments. "They believe that as captains, they should respond calmly in times of crisis and not act hastily.

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship! The captain's proflamity was not sparked

Overall, the Chinese youth women's basketball team showed unity and strength in this competition, but failed to lift the championship trophy in the end. This defeat is not only a reflection on the technical and tactical level, but also a profound reflection on leadership and teamwork. In the future, the team needs to further strengthen its tactical response and intra-team cooperation, in order to achieve better results in the next game and contribute more glory to the development of Chinese basketball.

I still remember that Zhang Ziyu was only 14 years old before, and he was already as tall as Yao Ming. This amazing growth rate surprised and envied many netizens. Some netizens ridiculed: "With her height, primary school students can be teachers directly!" In the school, Zhang Ziyu has also become a beautiful landscape, and the classmates have watched one after another, and many people can't help but ridicule: "Zhang Ziyu, you are as tall as the basketball court!" ”

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship! The captain's proflamity was not sparked

Zhang Ziyu's family has become the focus of public opinion, and some netizens asked curiously: "Are her parents also 'super long legs'?" Otherwise, how could there be such a high gene? Although Zhang Ziyu herself is a little worried about her height, she has also begun to enjoy this feeling of "superiority", she joked: "Now every time I want to take a photo with my classmates, I have to find a high place to stand." ”

In basketball, Zhang Ziyu's height has become her unique advantage. Many basketball fans have high hopes for her future development, and some people commented: "The Chinese women's basketball team needs such a tall player too much, and I hope she can become a new star in Chinese basketball in the future!" For Zhang Ziyu, such expectations and pressure also made her work harder, she said: "I will continue to work hard and hope to play for the national team." ”

In general, Zhang Ziyu's height has become a "trump card" for her to basketball. Her growth and future development is not only her personal efforts, but also the focus of attention and anticipation of her family, coaching team and basketball fans. With the passage of time, whether Zhang Ziyu can become the hopeful star of the Chinese women's basketball team as she wishes remains to be determined by her own efforts and the choice of fate.

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship! The captain's proflamity was not sparked

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