
In two days, many major events occurred, Israel broke into a catastrophe, and the countries of the Middle East finally united

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

Israel is in trouble! Middle Eastern forces have joined forces to fight back, and the situation in Gaza has escalated

In recent days, Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip have triggered a strong backlash from Middle Eastern countries. Allah, pro-Iranian forces in Iraq, Houthis in Yemen and other forces have moved in action, and Arab countries such as Turkey, Egypt and Jordan have also rallied in a rare way to put pressure on Israel. The escalation of the situation in Gaza has re-escalated tensions in the Middle East.

In two days, many major events occurred, Israel broke into a catastrophe, and the countries of the Middle East finally united

Recently, the war in the Middle East has been rekindled, and this time the focus is on the conflict between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza Strip. On 30 June, the Israeli army reportedly launched a fierce military operation in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 43 deaths and hundreds of injuries. The day before, on 29 June, the Israeli army had also shelled a Palestinian refugee camp, killing five innocent lives.

This series of military actions has undoubtedly escalated tensions in the Middle East again. And in the face of Israel's aggressiveness, the forces of the Middle East countries could not hold back.

In two days, many major events occurred, Israel broke into a catastrophe, and the countries of the Middle East finally united

The first to stand up was Allah. As an important political and military force in Lebanon, Allah has always had a deep grudge with Israel. This time, Allah took the lead and fired rockets at military bases inside Israel as a sign of strong dissatisfaction and counterattack against Israel.

In addition to Allah, pro-Iranian forces in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen have also moved. Not only did they attack ships in collusion with Israel, but they also launched military operations against Israel in several areas. These actions, although small in scale, have put unprecedented pressure on Israel.

In two days, many major events occurred, Israel broke into a catastrophe, and the countries of the Middle East finally united

Even the Jihad forces, which are not superior in strength, have also shown good strength in this conflict. They reportedly succeeded in taking out a commander of an Israeli army, which was undoubtedly a major blow to Israel.

In the face of a joint counterattack by the countries of the Middle East, Israel's situation can be described as precarious. However, it was at this time that Turkish leader Erdogan stepped up. He vowed to fight alongside Allah against Israeli aggression. At the same time, he also imposed drastic sanctions on Israel, and bilateral trade was stopped, so that Israel felt strong pressure from Turkey.

In two days, many major events occurred, Israel broke into a catastrophe, and the countries of the Middle East finally united

In addition to Turkey, Arab countries such as Egypt and Jordan have also put aside their grievances with Iran for the time being and put pressure on Israel together. They made it clear that Israel had no intention of encroaching on Gaza's post-war administration. This statement undoubtedly made Israel feel an unprecedented sense of isolation and predicament.

Tensions in the Middle East have been raging for decades, and this conflict has escalated the situation to unprecedented proportions. In the face of joint counterattacks and sanctions by countries in the Middle East, Israel's future can be described as full of uncertainties and challenges.

In two days, many major events occurred, Israel broke into a catastrophe, and the countries of the Middle East finally united

However, we should also be aware that peace and stability in the Middle East are in the interest of all countries. It is only through dialogue and consultation that a solution to the problem can be found. Therefore, we hope that all countries in the Middle East will remain calm and exercise restraint, resolve differences and conflicts through diplomatic channels, and jointly promote peace and development in the Middle East.

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