
It's only been 4 days! Once again, "dangerously approaching" the American "Reaper" drone approaching the Russian Su-35 fighter

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

American and Russian fighters "passed by" again in Syria! MQ-9 "Reaper" and Su-35 staged aerial horror

According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency, a thrilling scene of US and Russian fighters "passing by" was once again staged in the skies over Syria. On the morning of June 29, local time, in the territory of Homs Province, Syria, an MQ-9 "Reaper" drone of the US-led coalition and a Russian Su-35 fighter plane made a dangerous approach. At that time, the Russian fighter plane was making a planned flight in Syrian airspace, and the Russian pilot took the necessary measures to evade it in time. Previously, US Air Force pilots had twice activated weapon systems when approaching Russian tactical aircraft, what was going on?

It's only been 4 days! Once again, "dangerously approaching" the American "Reaper" drone approaching the Russian Su-35 fighter

In the war-torn land of Syria, US and Russian warplanes once again staged a thrilling aerial duel. According to the latest report of the Russian Satellite News Agency, on the morning of June 29, local time, an air crisis that almost "passed by" quietly staged over Homs Province in Syria.

It is understood that at the time of the incident, a US-led coalition MQ-9 "Reaper" drone was loitering over Syria, while Russian Su-35 fighters were making planned flights in the area. Suddenly, the two warplanes made a dangerous approach, and the distance was staggering. At this critical moment, the Russian pilots showed superb flying skills and calm judgment, took the necessary evasive measures in time, and successfully avoided a possible mid-air collision.

The incident was not isolated. Not so long ago, U.S. Air Force pilots activated weapons systems twice when approaching Russian tactical aircraft. The move has undoubtedly heightened tensions over Syria and heightened concerns about the military standoff between the United States and Russia in Syria.

It's only been 4 days! Once again, "dangerously approaching" the American "Reaper" drone approaching the Russian Su-35 fighter

So, what is the truth behind this aerial showdown? Why do the United States and Russia frequently experience dangerous proximity over Syria?

First of all, we cannot but mention the complex situation in Syria. Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the country has been mired in years of war. In this war, the United States and Russia supported different factions and engaged in a long-term military confrontation. Especially in key areas of Syria, such as Homs Province, the military forces of the United States and Russia have frequently clashed and competed for strategic points.

Against this background, it is not difficult to understand the frequent dangerous approaches of US and Russian warplanes over Syria. Both sides are trying to assert their interests by flexing their military prowess, while also sending warnings and deterrence to the other. However, this dangerous military confrontation has not only exacerbated the war situation in Syria, but also posed a great threat to peace and stability in the region.

It's only been 4 days! Once again, "dangerously approaching" the American "Reaper" drone approaching the Russian Su-35 fighter

Second, we need to focus on the strategic objectives of the United States and Russia in Syria. The United States is trying to overthrow the Assad regime by supporting the Syrian opposition and realize its own strategic interests in the Middle East. Russia, on the other hand, strongly supports the Assad regime and tries to safeguard its geopolitical interests in the Middle East by maintaining stability in Syria. This strategic confrontation has also led to frequent dangerous proximities between the two sides over Syria.

However, this dangerous military confrontation is not the fundamental way to solve the problem. On the contrary, it will only exacerbate the war in Syria and pose a greater threat to peace and stability in the region. Therefore, we call on the United States and Russia to resolve their differences and contradictions through dialogue and consultation, and jointly promote the peaceful settlement of the Syrian issue.

Finally, we should also pay attention to the suffering of the Syrian people. In this years-long war, the Syrian people have suffered immensely and suffered enormous losses. They want peace, they want stability, they want to rebuild their homes. Therefore, we should work together to contribute to peace, stability, development and prosperity in Syria.

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