
Netanyahu's latest statement: the fighting will not end until then

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Firmly support Biden's ceasefire plan, Hamas is the biggest obstacle to the release of the hostages

Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at a cabinet meeting that Israel fully supports the ceasefire plan proposed by US President Joe Biden and stressed that Hamas is the only obstacle to the release of the hostages. He vowed to ensure the release of all Israelis detained in Gaza through political and military means, and reiterated that Israel would not end the current fighting until all objectives were achieved.

Netanyahu's latest statement: the fighting will not end until then

Recently, the situation in the Middle East has once again attracted the attention of the world. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an important speech on the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict at the government's weekly cabinet meeting on June 30, CCTV News reported. He firmly stated that Israel fully supports the ceasefire plan proposed by US President Joe Biden on May 31 to ensure the release of detainees, and will continue to promote its implementation.

In his speech, Netanyahu bluntly pointed out that the Hamas organization is the biggest obstacle to the release of the hostages at the moment. He stressed that Israel would spare no effort to ensure the release of all Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip through political and military means. This statement is undoubtedly a solemn warning to the Hamas organization and is also the Israeli Government's firm commitment to safeguarding national sovereignty and the security of its people.

When talking about the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Netanyahu firmly said that Israel will stay the course until all its goals are achieved. He reiterated that Israel will not end the current fighting until all objectives are achieved. This statement not only demonstrates the determination and courage of the Israeli Government, but also reflects the complexity and severity of the current situation in the Middle East.

Netanyahu's latest statement: the fighting will not end until then

It is worth mentioning that Hamas has not responded to Netanyahu's speech for the time being. However, this does not mean that Hamas is unresponsive to the current situation. Instead, they may express their positions and demands in other ways. At this critical juncture, the eyes of the world will be focused on the Middle East, and it is hoped that the Palestinians and Israelis will find a way to solve the problem as soon as possible.

For the Israeli Government, the immediate priority is to ensure the safety and release of the Israeli hostages being held. To that end, the Government of Israel will take all necessary measures, both political and military. At the same time, Israel will actively maintain communication and cooperation with the international community and strive for the support and assistance of more countries and organizations.

Netanyahu's latest statement: the fighting will not end until then

At this critical juncture, we should also realize that the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will not happen overnight. It requires joint efforts and compromise on both sides, as well as the broad participation and support of the international community. Only through dialogue and consultation can we find a way to solve the problem and realize the beautiful vision of peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel.

Of course, we should also realize that the root cause of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in problems left over from history and ethnic contradictions. Therefore, in order to fundamentally resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it is also necessary for the two sides to strengthen communication and understanding and enhance mutual trust and cooperation. Only in this way can we gradually eliminate differences and contradictions and achieve the goal of peaceful coexistence and common development.

In short, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech once again expressed the Israeli Government's attitude and position on the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We hope that the Palestinians and Israelis will find a way to resolve the issue as soon as possible and achieve the goal of peaceful coexistence and common development. At the same time, we also call on the international community to pay more attention to and support the Middle East region and contribute more wisdom and strength to the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.