
The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this year, and hid her face and cried after the game

author:Have fun talking


"The battle on the basketball court is not only a symphony of muscles and sweat, but also a collision song of will and dreams!" This sentence was most perfectly interpreted on the stage of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final on June 30.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this year, and hid her face and cried after the game

The Chinese team and the Australian team launched a Mars collision with the earth, and the collision between the two teams was like a fierce war, and every round was full of tension and excitement. Although the final score was fixed at 79-96, the Chinese team unfortunately won the runner-up, but the sparks of the game were flying, and the excitement of the process was endless.

In this fierce confrontation, our superstar Zhang Ziyu endured defensive pressure comparable to that of "Five Finger Mountain". The opponent obviously studied her well, and every time she got the ball, she was defended tightly and even roughly. However, Zhang Ziyu was not crushed by this pressure, but turned the pressure into motivation.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this year, and hid her face and cried after the game

Like an enraged lion cub, she frantically pounded the opponent's basket, responding to the opponent's challenge again and again with accurate shots and tough breakthroughs. In the end, she scored 42 points, plus 14 rebounds, which is simply the reappearance of the "female version of James", which is amazing!

And Zhang Ziyu's teammate Xu Fengwei was not to be outdone, she contributed 9 points and 7 assists in the game. Although her stats are not as dazzling as Zhang Ziyu's, her role on the field cannot be measured by data. She is a low-key master of the field, always giving accurate passes in key moments and creating scoring opportunities for her teammates.

The combination of her and Zhang Ziyu has a bit of the taste of Liangshan heroes in "Water Margin", which makes people see the hope of the future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this year, and hid her face and cried after the game

On the opposite side of the Australian team, the girl named Sears was like she had a scope attached, and she shot an astonishing percentage of 11-of-13 from the field, comfortably scoring 30 points, plus 14 rebounds and five assists. Her performance made the audience exclaim: "This girl is not simple, she is simply the 'Valkyrie' on the court!" "Her presence has brought the Australian team to a higher level of strength, and it has also brought a huge threat to the Chinese team.

However, despite the great efforts of the Chinese team in the competition, they were unable to overcome the strong opponent in the end. After the game, the camera captured Zhang Ziyu hiding his face and crying on the bench, which made many people feel distressed. But don't forget, tears are the catalyst for growth, and today's tears are for tomorrow's glory to shine brighter.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this year, and hid her face and cried after the game

Zhang Ziyu cried not because of defeat, but because she gave her all in the game, she was proud of her performance, and at the same time regretted that she could not bring victory to the team.

It is worth mentioning that in the selection of the best lineup of the event, Zhang Ziyu and Xu Peilin were shortlisted together, and their strength proved everything. And Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this event, which is not only the pride of the Chinese team, but also the best proof of Zhang Ziyu's personal strength.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this year, and hid her face and cried after the game

Netizens also left messages: "Zhang Ziyu, the future is promising, you are our pride!" ", "Xu Fengwei, a low-key master of field control, praise! "Although we lost the game, we won the respect, Chinese women's basketball team, keep coming back!" These messages are full of praise and encouragement to the players, and they also let people see the infinite possibilities of the future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Of course, there are also some netizens who put forward their own opinions on the competition. Some people think that the Australian team targeted Zhang Ziyu and deliberately knocked her down and stabbed her in the eyes and nose. Although this statement is a bit extreme, it also reflects the attention and enthusiasm of the fans for the game.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this year, and hid her face and cried after the game

After all, in the heat of the game, there will inevitably be some physical contact and collisions, which is also part of the game of basketball. It is important that the players are able to stay calm and focused in the game, responding to the challenges of their opponents with quality and performance.

Some people also say that the problem of the coach, how to play when Zhang Ziyu is on the field, how to play when there is no Zhang Ziyu, should be trained in advance. There is some truth to this statement. Coaches do need to develop the right tactics and strategies in the game so that the players can play to their strengths in different situations.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this year, and hid her face and cried after the game

At the same time, the coach also needs to make timely adjustments and changes according to the actual situation of the game to cope with the challenges of the opponent. In this game, the coach's decision-making and command were also followed and discussed by the fans.

We should also give more support and encouragement to the Chinese women's basketball team. They are our pride and hope, and their fighting figures on the field are our heroes. Regardless of the outcome of the game, we should applaud and cheer for them, because they have proven their worth and significance with their strength and performance. Let's cheer for the Chinese women's basketball team and look forward to their more brilliant achievements in future competitions!

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