
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

author:Mystery milk tea
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

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Pre-match preparation

Before the game, Wu Yanni showed great concentration and firm confidence. In the track and field training hall of Tianjin Tuanbo Sports Center, she worked closely with coach Yang Hui to conduct high-intensity training.

Xia Sining looked at Wu Yanni's expression a little funny, it felt like you were too serious, big sister!

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

Every time she starts and every time she crosses, Wu Yanni strives for perfection and constantly challenges her limits. In training, she lost the publicity and self-confidence on the field, and replaced it with seriousness and concentration. She knows that this competition is not only a test of her strength, but also a crucial step towards the Paris Olympics.

Race moments

On the day of the final, Wu Yanni stood on the sixth starting line, and she was not afraid to face the top athletes from all over the country. The starting gun sounded, and although Wu Yanni's start was not particularly good, she quickly adjusted her state and quickly overtook her with her excellent speed and explosiveness.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

Halfway through the race, she showed perfect scissor leg technique, and every leap seemed so unhurried. In the end, in the cheers of the audience, Wu Yanni crossed the finish line with a time of 12.74 seconds and won the championship. At this moment, she proved with her own strength what true speed and passion are.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

CCTV media deliberately reposted the video of her competition.



Standing on the podium, Wu Yanni held the gold medal with a confident smile on her face. This gold medal is not only an affirmation of her personal efforts, but also the best reward for her persistence in her dream over the years.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

At the award ceremony, she held the gold medal high and greeted the audience, and at that moment, she was so dazzling. The crowd on the podium applauded and cheered for her, and her name resounded through the audience again.

Post-match interview


She admits that in recent training, especially in the starting stage, she has been running in and adjusting, and although her performance is sometimes acceptable, there is still room for improvement. She knows that her opponents have great sprints, and that's something she needs to learn from.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

Looking back on yesterday's competition, Wu Yanni said that due to some self-factors and external factors, she was not able to play her best, and she was a little dissatisfied with this. But she also understands that as an athlete, it is normal to face challenges and difficulties, and the key is how to learn from them and improve yourself.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

For the upcoming competition, Wu Yanni is full of expectations. She said it would be an important opportunity to test her preparations for the Olympics. She is eager to regain her confidence and create good results in the excellent arena of Rizhao, Shandong, with the cheers of the audience and fans.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

Wu Yanni also talked about her responsibility as a member of the Chinese track and field team to represent the country in the Olympic Games. She said that the goal of herself and her teammates is to use their strength to meet the Olympic standards, and then stand on the Olympic stage to win glory for the country. She firmly believes that the level of Chinese women's hurdles is constantly improving, and it is gradually moving closer to the world's European and American players.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

Finally, Wu Yanni expressed her heartfelt thanks to all the spectators and fans who supported Chinese track and field and women's hurdles. She said that she will continue to train hard, constantly improve her strength, and contribute to the brilliant future of Chinese track and field. At the same time, she also hopes that more people can pay attention to and support Chinese track and field, and jointly witness the rise and glory of Chinese track and field.

Discussion among netizens:

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

I feel that Wu Yanni has finally been released, and it is a little floating.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

Finally, congratulations to Wu Yanni for winning the championship with an astonishing time of 12.74 seconds, setting a new personal best record.

Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?

And created the best record in this Asian event this year. The victory was not only the best reward for Wu's long and hard work, but also a major milestone in her career. Keep up the good work!

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Fryer! Wu Yanni's comment area is hotly discussed: To hell with the doubts? What did she say?
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