
Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!


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Yan Ni, a female artist who is loved by the audience, has an amazing audience. Whenever she appears on the screen, her kind smile and unique temperament seem to be able to instantly shorten the distance with the audience.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Her every move is always full of unique charm and makes people feel that whatever they do has a reason. I remember once, in an interview, Yan Ni was asked about her choice of some roles, and her answer was sincere and frank, without those gorgeous rhetoric and routines, but simply told her inner thoughts, that is, she wanted to try different roles and challenge her acting boundaries. This pure love for acting made me deeply feel her dedication and sincerity to her acting career, and also made me understand that every choice she made was based on the pursuit of art, rather than other utilitarian factors.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

She always feels so innocent, silly, and without scheming. It's like in a variety show, she and other guests are playing games together, and everyone else is racking their brains to think about how to win, but she just devotes herself to it and enjoys the process of the game.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Speaking of Yan Ni's works, "Wulin Gaiden" is undoubtedly a monument in her acting career. In this drama, the role of Tong Xiangyu played by her is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the authentic Shaanxi dialect, the amorous and kind and lovely image still remain in the hearts of countless audiences. With her excellent acting skills, she performed this role to the fullest, making the audience feel warmth and strength in laughter. Moreover, Yan Ni has always maintained a good reputation on the road of acting, and there is almost no negative news. She used her professionalism and dedication to bring one excellent work after another to the audience, and proved her worth with her strength.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

In the entertainment industry, there is another actress who has similarities with Yan Ni, and that is Qin Hailu. Both of them are actresses with superb acting skills, but they don't pay much attention to awards. In their eyes, the performance itself is the most important thing, and the award is just the icing on the cake. This attitude of pure pursuit of art is really admirable.

Yan Ni's performance in variety shows is equally impressive. Her slightly long reflex arc and her own sense of joy can always create countless jokes. In a popular variety show, the host threw out a brain teaser, and everyone else reacted quickly, only Yan Ni looked confused, and when everyone laughed for a round, she suddenly realized, and then laughed with everyone. At that moment, her authenticity and loveliness were revealed, and the audience was also allowed to see the interesting side of her life.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Yan Ni's charm lies not only in her wonderful performance on the screen, but also in her love and positive attitude towards life.

In the complicated entertainment industry, many artists will be confused by vanity and flashiness, but Yan Ni always sticks to her heart. She does not pursue superficial vanity, but focuses on improving her acting skills and speaking with her works. Just like when she participated in a literary movie, in order to better interpret the role, she went deep into the remote countryside to experience life, eating and living with the local villagers, and there was no star at all. This spirit of willingness to pay for art makes her performance more real and moving.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Her audience popularity is also reflected in her interactions with fans. Yan Ni never puts on a star shelf, and always treats every fan kindly. At a fan meeting, the weather was hot, and Yan Ni saw fans waiting under the scorching sun, so she not only started the event in advance, but also thoughtfully prepared water and small gifts for the fans. She patiently took photos and signed autographs with fans, and also chatted with everyone and shared interesting things in life, so that every fan felt her sincerity and warmth.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Yan Ni's strength in the face of difficulties and setbacks is also moving. There was a time when she received some negative comments because of her figure, but instead of being depressed by this, she managed to achieve a gorgeous turn by working hard. She told us with practical actions that as long as we have determination and perseverance, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

In today's highly competitive entertainment industry, it is not easy for Yan Ni to maintain her unique style and charm. She doesn't follow the crowd, doesn't cater to the world's eyes, and always insists on being her true self. This is also the reason why she has been able to occupy a place in the hearts of the audience for a long time.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Yan Ni's influence is also reflected in her promotion and encouragement of young actors. On the filming set, she always shares her acting experience without hesitation, and gives patient guidance and advice to the younger generations. A young actor once mentioned Yan Ni gratefully in an interview, saying that in the process of working with her, Yan Ni not only helped her understand the role, but also gave moral support and encouragement when she was under great pressure.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Her kindness and enthusiasm have made the entire entertainment industry full of respect for her. In terms of public welfare, Yan Ni also silently contributed her own strength. She has participated in a number of public welfare activities, focusing on the disadvantaged and using her influence to speak for those in need. Yan Ni is such an artist full of charm and positive energy, she uses her actions to interpret what true love and persistence are. As a fan, I am proud and proud to like such a wonderful actress, and I hope that more people can get strength and courage from her.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

As a fan, I learned a lot from Yan Ni. She taught me that no matter what challenges life throws at us, we must be optimistic and positive. Her hard work and persistence make me believe that as long as I have a dream and work tirelessly for it, I will one day realize my value.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

I believe that in the days to come, Yan Ni will continue to conquer more audiences with her talent and charm. She will continue to challenge herself and bring us more excellent works. And I will continue to support her and accompany her through every glorious moment. Let's look forward to Yan Ni's more exciting future, I believe that she will go wider and wider on the road of acting and become an eternal classic!

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Yan Ni, with her own efforts and persistence, she has walked out of her own path in the entertainment industry. Her innocence, her talent, her persistence all inspire me to move forward in my own life. As a fan, I will always support her and look forward to more surprises and touches from her in the future. I believe that there will be more brilliant chapters waiting to be written on her acting career, let us cheer for her together!

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