
Great 10.06 seconds! China's 17-year-old genius surpasses Usain Bolt! Ranked 1st in the history of the world U18

author:Junxi talks about the sports world
Great 10.06 seconds! China's 17-year-old genius surpasses Usain Bolt! Ranked 1st in the history of the world U18

The countdown to the Paris Olympics is coming, and the list of Chinese sports delegations is about to be released. Sadly, Asian record maker So Bingtian will miss the men's 100m, but he will feature in the men's 4x100m relay.

Su Bingtian, the Chinese sprint legend, has competed in three consecutive Olympic Games. In the semi-finals of the last Olympic Games, he broke the Asian record with a shocking 9.83 seconds, a scene that made countless Chinese people cheer. Time is ruthless, the years are unforgiving, and Su Bingtian's career has not been smooth sailing.

Behind his scenery, the shadow of injuries has been haunting him. Recalling his sassy and heroic appearance when he was young, Su Bingtian has now entered the late stage of his sports career. After suffering from injuries again and again, his body has long been full of hidden diseases, and every race is a race against the years. Especially when the epidemic was raging, the event was almost completely suspended, and Su Bingtian lost a lot of points as a result, once again proving that "time is the best coach and the harshest referee".

Netizens have different opinions on Su Bingtian's absence from personal projects. Some people believe that this is an inevitable consequence, and that sooner or later age and injuries will affect physical recovery and competitive fitness. A netizen named "Runner Maniac" wrote on social media: "Su Bingtian is a legend of Chinese sprinting, and his achievements and persistence make us proud. Now he chooses the relay, also for the honor of the team, this spirit we have to learn. ”

Great 10.06 seconds! China's 17-year-old genius surpasses Usain Bolt! Ranked 1st in the history of the world U18

There are also some netizens who expressed regret and puzzlement about his decision. A fan with the screen name "Flying Over the Stars" commented: "Brother Su's speed and stability are what our relay team needs, but the absence of individual events is still a bit regrettable. However, I wish him another great result in the relay race! ”

In Su Bingtian's own opinion, although the absence of individual events is regrettable, the relay event is also his goal. He said in an interview: "There have been ups and downs in my sports career, and I will do my best to bring glory to the country." Whether it is an individual or a group, it is my honor and responsibility. ”

The rise of a new generation is attracting a lot of attention in the world of sports. Xie Zhenye is known for his excellent performance in the 200m event, but competitiveness in the 100m has always been his shortcoming. Some netizens commented on social platforms: "Xie Zhenye is indeed very stable in the 200 meters, but he always has some regrets in the 100 meters, and I hope he can make a breakthrough in future competitions." ”

Meanwhile, a 17-year-old rookie Ho Kam Yen made an impressive performance at the recent National Athletics Grand Prix, winning the title with a time of 10.06 seconds, which not only broke the national youth record, but also made him the first person in the history of the world's Under-18s. Netizens have discussed the new star on major platforms.

Great 10.06 seconds! China's 17-year-old genius surpasses Usain Bolt! Ranked 1st in the history of the world U18

Some netizens "love track and field" commented: "He Jinyan's achievements are eye-catching! 17-year-old can have such a performance, the future is promising! I hope he can continue to make progress and win glory for the country! ”

Another netizen named "track and field fan" also expressed his opinion: "This kind of achievement is indeed not easy, He Jinyan's speed and stability are very good. Hopefully he will continue to excel in future tournaments! ”

He Jinyan's breakthrough not only made people see his potential, but also injected new vitality into Chinese athletics. His performance was not only impressive, but also a challenge and inspiration to the veterans. In this regard, Su Bingtian also expressed his affirmation and expectation for He Jinyan: "The performance of young people is always gratifying, He Jinyan has outstanding talent and potential, I hope he can continue to work hard and become the future star of Chinese track and field." ”

He Jinyan's outstanding performance, the media's attention and expectations for him are simply unprecedented. His astonishing time of 10.06 seconds not only surpassed the legendary Usain Bolt of the same age, but also cast a glorious veil of mystery over the future of Chinese track and field.

In the eyes of veteran Su Bingtian, the rise of Ho Kam Tsuen has given him full confidence in the future of Chinese sprinting. He believes that the outstanding performance of this young champion is not only a victory in the competition, but also a new starting point for the development of Chinese track and field. He said in the interview: "He Jinyan's performance made me see the unlimited potential of Chinese athletics. He is our hope for the future, and I look forward to him continuing to break records and bring glory to Chinese sports in the future." ”

Great 10.06 seconds! China's 17-year-old genius surpasses Usain Bolt! Ranked 1st in the history of the world U18

The discussion about Ho Kam Tong on the Internet is also very lively. Some netizens posted on social media praising his achievements and potential. Someone wrote: "This kid is simply a trapeze of the future!" Chinese track and field finally has new hope! Others are more optimistic, believing that he could become the next global track and field superstar: "It seems that the future of Chinese sprinting should not be underestimated, and we look forward to more exciting performances from Ho Kam Tsuen." ”

Of course, some netizens have reservations about this, believing that it depends on whether he can maintain a stable performance in future competitions: "Results are important, but consistency is the real key." Hopefully he won't lose his form with too high expectations. ”

In general, He Jinyan's outstanding performance is not only a victory in a competition, but also a symbol of China's track and field to new heights. His future will undoubtedly be a highlight of Chinese sports, and let us look forward to him continuing to bring more glory to Chinese athletics.

I still remember that the previous coach Yuan Guoqiang's evaluation of Su Bingtian was to the point. He emphasised So's self-awareness and focus in training, which he considered to be one of his strengths.

Great 10.06 seconds! China's 17-year-old genius surpasses Usain Bolt! Ranked 1st in the history of the world U18

Coach Yuan said: "As long as Su Bingtian has a goal, such as breaking 10 seconds in the 100 meters, he will devote himself wholeheartedly and be strict with himself. This dedication allows Su Bingtian to always maintain a high level of concentration and dedication in training, and not give up easily, which is also the key to his continuous improvement.

There was also a lively discussion on the Internet about Su Bingtian's training attitude. Some people praised his focus and hard work: "Su Bingtian is really a role model worth learning from, seeing him work so the field is very admirable!" Other netizens shared their opinions, believing that Su Bingtian's success is not only talent, but also the result of his unremitting efforts: "Seeing him fight so hard every time he competes, it is definitely not accidental, it is earned by strength and hard work." ”

Of course, some netizens also put forward their own opinions on Su Bingtian's training methods. Some people worry about the pressure of focusing too much on the goal: "The goal of breaking 10 seconds in the 100m is too high, worry about whether he will be too tired?" Others are more optimistic, believing that this kind of goal will help him to keep improving: "Su Bingtian's training attitude is very positive, and his determination will lead him further." ”

Overall, Su's training consciousness and focus have earned him widespread respect and recognition. He is not only a good athlete, but also a role model full of passion and purpose, and I hope he can continue to maintain this dedication and win more glory for the country."

Great 10.06 seconds! China's 17-year-old genius surpasses Usain Bolt! Ranked 1st in the history of the world U18

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