
European Cup Carnival Night: The world's first own goal +4 goal reversal, the dark horse is out, and Spain fights Germany

author:Sensitive cheese

In this summer of football enthusiasm, the 2024 Euro Championship is full of smoke, and on the stage of the 1/8 knockout round, every competition is an extreme test of technology and tactics, and it is also a collision of will and courage.

England's comeback and Spain's comeback provided fans with two thrilling football feasts, signaling that the story of this European Championship is far more ups and downs than we imagined.

The showdown between England and Slovakia seems to be a suspenseful detective novel.

European Cup Carnival Night: The world's first own goal +4 goal reversal, the dark horse is out, and Spain fights Germany

The Englishmen woke up in the face of adversity and wrote their own comeback legend with a 2-1 Jedi counterattack.

It was not only a technical and tactical contest, but also a mental contest, with England showing the heart of the champion and silencing all doubters.

In the history of the European Championships, such a comeback has always stimulated the adrenaline of the fans and made the blood pump, which is the charm of football.

European Cup Carnival Night: The world's first own goal +4 goal reversal, the dark horse is out, and Spain fights Germany

The collision between Spain and Georgia is more like a blend of classical music and rock music.

Spain, a country with the blood of pass-and-possession football, and their flawless performances in the group stage have earned them the nickname of the "New Golden Age".

Spain didn't get off to a good start against dark horses Georgia, with an unexpected episode of an own goal filling the match with drama.

European Cup Carnival Night: The world's first own goal +4 goal reversal, the dark horse is out, and Spain fights Germany

But the Matadors didn't panic, they patiently weaved a net of passing, and finally tore through Georgia's iron bucket formation in the second half, scoring four goals in a row to turn around, not only showing the depth of Spanish football, but also their indomitable spirit in the face of adversity.

Georgia, although in the end failed to continue their fairytale journey, their performance in this feast was respectable enough.

European Cup Carnival Night: The world's first own goal +4 goal reversal, the dark horse is out, and Spain fights Germany

In the group stage, Portugal was defeated, and then in the knockout round, the Georgian team used practical actions to explain what it means to be "glorious despite defeat".

Their performance proves that in the world of football, there are no absolute underdogs, only fighters who never give up.

The Georgian players, with sweat and tears, watered the flower of hope for national football, and at this moment, they have become national heroes.

European Cup Carnival Night: The world's first own goal +4 goal reversal, the dark horse is out, and Spain fights Germany

Spain's comeback was a perfect combination of technique, tactics and mentality.

Rodri, Fabian Ruiz, Nico Williams and Olmo, four goalscoring heroes, interpret the multifaceted nature of Spanish football in different ways.

From falling behind to overtaking, the Spanish team's comeback is not only a victory, but also a journey of self-transcendence.

This victory not only boosted the morale of the Spanish team, but also made fans around the world see the ambition of the Matadors to win the European Championship again.

European Cup Carnival Night: The world's first own goal +4 goal reversal, the dark horse is out, and Spain fights Germany

The next semi-final matchups, England vs. Switzerland, Spain and Germany's treble matchup, will undoubtedly push the heat of the European Championship to another peak.

Can England continue to write legends, and can Switzerland regain its true colors as a dark horse? The contest between Spain and Germany will be the pinnacle of technical schools and overall football, and the collision of the two football powers will undoubtedly be a final staged in advance.

European Cup Carnival Night: The world's first own goal +4 goal reversal, the dark horse is out, and Spain fights Germany

Football can always surprise and move us inadvertently.

Whether it's England's Jedi counterattack or Spain's comeback, this summer's European Championship is full of stories and legends.

Let's continue to look forward to those unexpected episodes, those exhilarating moments, because this is football, always full of possibilities and always fascinating.

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