
One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge"! It's uncomfortable to look at

author:Yiqin watches movie entertainment
{"info":{"title":{"content":"一人毁了整部剧!《执行法官》里的“拉垮”女一号!让人看着难受","en":"One person ruined the whole show! The \"down\" female number one in \"Executive Judge\"! It's uncomfortable to look at"},"description":{"content":"央视近期推出的法治剧《执行法官》引发了观众们的热议。这部剧以法官职业为题材,旨在展现他们在法律执行过程中的挑战和责任。然...","en":"CCTV's recently launched rule of law drama \"Executive Judge\" has sparked heated discussions among the audience. The drama is based on the profession of judges and aims to show their challenges and responsibilities in the process of enforcing the law. Correct..."}},"items":[]}