
It wasn't until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress that I understood that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

author:Did you gossip today?
{"info":{"title":{"content":"直到周迅获得白玉兰最佳女主角,我才明白杨紫不去白玉兰是对的","en":"It wasn't until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress that I understood that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia"},"description":{"content":"近日,上海白玉兰电影节的颁奖典礼如期举行,然而,与往年不同的是,今年的颁奖现场引发了广泛的关注和讨论。本次白玉兰奖的最大...","en":"Recently, the awards ceremony of the Shanghai Magnolia Film Festival was held as scheduled, however, unlike previous years, this year's awards scene has aroused widespread attention and discussion. The largest..."}},"items":[]}