
Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

author:Rose says entertainment

In 1951, in an ordinary family in Qingdao, Shandong, a boy who was destined to be associated with art fell to the ground. This boy is Jin Chaoqun, and his life trajectory has been different from the beginning.

Although born in Qingdao, the young Jin Chaoqun moved with his family to Taiwan because of his parents' work, where he spent his childhood and adolescence. In the hearts of his parents, Jin Chaoqun should study hard like the other four siblings and become a stable intellectual when he grows up.

However, fate seems to have already arranged another path for him. Whenever his parents urged him to study, the mischievous Jin Chaoqun always sneaked to a nearby stage and obsessively watched opera performances.

This love for art planted the seeds of chasing his dreams in his heart. Despite facing scolding and dissuasion from his parents, Jin Chaoqun's love for art has not diminished in the slightest.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

After graduating from high school, at the age of 18, he made a decision that shocked and worried his parents - to give up a stable life and resolutely embark on an unknown acting career. With a love for the stage, the young Jin Chaoqun began his artistic career.

He not only serves as an actor, but also serves as a director, stage manager and other positions, proving his determination and ability with practical actions. With the unique hard work and dedication to art of young people, he quickly gained a firm foothold in Taiwan's theater.

However, Kim's ambitions don't stop there. In order to let more audiences see his performances, he began to get involved in the film and television industry, starting as an actor and serving as an assistant director at the same time.

In 1976, he entered the television industry and began to work as a TV editor. This all-round development laid a solid foundation for his future success. Hard work pays off.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

In 1977, with his own efforts and talents, Jin Chaoqun was signed by Taiwan's Zhonghua TV and became its artist. For the 26-year-old, this is undoubtedly an important milestone in his artistic career and the first major reward for him to hold on to his dream.

Despite entering the TV station, Jin Chaoqun's career has not been smooth sailing. Due to the lack of resources and connections, he can often only play some villain roles, and his career development has always been tepid.

One year, during the Chinese New Year, he was even so poor that he had no money to celebrate the New Year, which shows how difficult the situation was at that time. However, a turning point of fate came quietly in 1993. This year, the 42-year-old Jin Chaoqun was invited to participate in the TV series "Bao Qingtian".

No one expected that this work not only completely changed the trajectory of his career, but also brought him unexpected love. In the play, the image of Bao Zheng played by Jin Chaoqun is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he vividly interprets this role of a clean and honest official and an iron-faced selfless person.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

The hit broadcast of "Bao Qingtian" made Jin Chaoqun famous in one fell swoop, not only won the love and support of the audience, but also won the Best Actor award at the Taiwan Radio and Television Golden Bell Awards.

From obscurity to household name, the 42-year-old Jin Chaoqun finally ushered in the peak moment of his career. However, "Bao Qingtian" brought Jin Chaoqun not only career success, but also unexpected love.

In the crew, he met Chen Qi, a young actress who played "Pang Guifei". At that time, Chen Qi was only 19 years old, a full 23 years younger than Jin Chaoqun. This age gap was supposed to be a barrier between them, but love broke all boundaries.

Although the outside world has a lot of complaints about this year-old love, and Chen Qi's parents are also strongly opposed, Jin Chaoqun and Chen Qi have come together firmly. Their desperate courage and perseverance make this love seem extraordinarily moving.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

Not long after falling in love, the two began to prepare for marriage, and responded to all doubts and disapprovals with practical actions. After marriage, Jin Chaoqun and Chen Qi chose to become a "Dink couple" and devoted all their energy to each other's lives and careers.

This decision allowed them to better enjoy the world of the two, and also provided more possibilities for Jin Chaoqun's career development. In this way, at the age of 42, which seems to have missed the golden period, Jin Chaoqun not only made a qualitative leap in his career, but also gained sweet love.

This year is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Jin Chaoqun's life, and it is also a beautiful reward for his persistence for many years. With the success of "Bao Qingtian", Jin Chaoqun's acting career seems to have opened, showing an unprecedented upward momentum.

Since 1995, he has starred in a series of works related to Bao Qingtian, including "New Bao Qingtian", "Bao Gong's Patrol", "Bao Gong's Strange Case" and so on. These roles not only consolidated his image of "Bao Gong" in the hearts of the audience, but also made him the spokesperson for spreading Bao Qingtian culture.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

Jin Chaoqun has deep feelings and unique understanding of the role of Bao Qingtian. In his view, Bao Qingtian is not only a dramatic character, but also an important representative of Chinese culture.

He once said passionately: "Bao Qingtian is not just a drama story, he is Chinese culture, and there are so many things that can be told in it." This kind of love for the character and respect for the culture makes Jin Chaoqun always give new life to the character when he plays Bao Qingtian.

In 2010, when "Bao Qingtian's Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness" was completed, Jin Chaoqun revealed his "Bao Gong Complex" to the media. He said: "Bao Qingtian I have filmed 700 episodes, and if I have fate, I hope to shoot 1,000 episodes."

These words not only reflect his dedication to this role, but also show his determination to inherit the spirit of Bao Qingtian through continuous interpretation. In order to better interpret the role of Bao Qingtian, Jin Chaoqun even did not hesitate to invest all his savings and established the "Chaoqun Film and Television City" in his hometown Qingdao.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

This film and television city is different from other commercial film and television bases, it has a clear positioning: it is only used to shoot dramas related to Bao Qingtian, not rented, and not welcomed. This decision fully reflects Jin Chaoqun's dedication to Bao Qingtian's role and his dedication to cultural inheritance.

As he grew older, Jin Chaoqun had new thoughts about continuing to act. He said: "At my age, I continue to act, I act with a conscience, I always hope that what I talk about is of some significance to society, not just entertainment, not just making money, otherwise why do it?" These words express his sense of social responsibility as an actor, and also reveal the deep reasons why he insists on playing Bao Qingtian.

Through the continuous interpretation of the role of Bao Qingtian, Jin Chaoqun has not only achieved his acting career, but also become the spokesperson of the traditional virtues of justice, honesty, and being the master of the people.

In his own way, he integrated the spirit of Bao Qingtian into modern society, giving new vitality to this ancient cultural symbol. In 2017, the 66-year-old Jin Chaoqun encountered the biggest challenge in his life.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

He used to have an excellent memory, but he began to be forgetful frequently. Once, during a commercial performance in Bangkok, Thailand, he even forgot the lyrics he had memorized for more than 20 years, which made him feel extremely confused and uneasy.

In addition to memory loss, Jin Chaoqun often felt dizzy and headaches. Under the repeated persuasion of his wife Chen Qi, he finally decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. The results came like a bolt from the blue – he was diagnosed with a brain tumour and doctors advised him to have a craniotomy as soon as possible.

Faced with this potentially life-threatening diagnosis, Jin Chaoqun's heart was filled with fear and unease. Not only did he have to face the high risks of the surgery itself, but he also had to take into account his age of 66.

Every day, he pondered the question: "What will happen to his wife if he is gone?" With deep concern for his wife, Jin Chaoqun found Chen Qi before the operation and left his last words in advance.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

He said to his wife, "Kiki, if the operation fails, after I leave, you can find someone to remarry." But you must remember that you must not look for a little white face, I am afraid that he will not take good care of you.

These words contain both deep love for his wife and his concern for the future. Fortunately, the surgery was very successful. During the hospitalization for more than a month, Chen Qi stayed by her husband's side every step of the way and took care of her.

Jin Chaoqun's physical condition also gradually improved under active treatment, and he finally recovered successfully. This life crisis not only tested Jin Chaoqun's will, but also made him cherish life more and cherish every moment with his wife.

After experiencing the test of life and death, Jin Chaoqun's life rhythm has changed significantly. Now 71 years old, he is no longer as busy with work as he used to be, but has chosen a more laid-back lifestyle.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

Although he is still active in the entertainment industry, he rarely performs on stage or participates in the filming of film and television works. Jin Chaoqun put more energy into the operation of the "Super Qun Film and Television City".

In order to ease the workload, he invited his brother and other family members to participate in the management, which made his later life easier and fulfilling. However, whenever he sees other actors performing Bao Gong's opera on stage, or when a new Bao Qingtian-related work comes out, Jin Chaoqun still feels an itch, as if he has returned to that high-spirited stage.

Despite this, Jin Chaoqun is also soberly aware that it is difficult for him to have the opportunity to return to the stage to play Bao Qingtian. But this does not mean that he has given up his love and inheritance of Bao Qingtian culture.

On the contrary, he turns this passion into support and encouragement for young actors, creating opportunities for those younger generations who also love Bao Qingtian culture. At home in Qingdao, Jin Chaoqun and his wife Chen Qi, who is 23 years younger than him, live a plain and happy life.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

Now 48-year-old Chen Qi is still by her husband's side as she was at the beginning. The two have been together for nearly 30 years and have long been accustomed to each other's existence. Although life is uneventful, the two people who are in love with each other still feel extremely happy.

For Jin Chaoqun and Chen Qi, the ups and downs of their careers are no longer so important. The most precious thing is to be able to continue to be there for each other and face each day of life together. Their stories not only interpret sincere love, but also show the diversity of life values.

Although he has faded out of the public eye, Jin Chaoqun is still concerned about the spread of Bao Qingtian culture. He believes that the spirit of justice, honesty and being the master of the people that Bao Qingtian represents will never go out of style.

Even if he no longer acts in person, he is still passing on this cultural heritage in his own way. In this quiet old age, Jin Chaoqun found a balance between career, family and personal values.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

His story tells us that no matter how old we are, as long as we maintain our love for life and the pursuit of our ideals, life will always be full of meaning. Jin Chaoqun's life trajectory, from resolutely stepping into the showbiz at the age of 18 to today at the age of 71, shows the persistence and growth of an artist.

His story is not only the epitome of personal struggle, but also reflects the changes of the times and the inheritance of culture. In terms of artistic pursuit, Jin Chaoqun has always maintained his love for performance.

From stage plays to TV dramas, from behind the scenes to in front of the stage, he puts his best into every position. Especially in the role of Bao Qingtian, he not only performed more than 700 episodes, but also regarded it as a mission to spread traditional Chinese culture.

As he said: "Bao Qingtian is not just a drama story, he is Chinese culture, and there are so many things that can be told in it." "This dedication to art and a sense of responsibility to culture is worth learning from everyone who pursues their dreams.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?

In their love life, the love story between Jin Chaoqun and Chen Qi, who is 23 years younger than him, breaks the prejudice of the world and interprets the power of sincere feelings. Their marriage has experienced doubts from the outside world and faced the test of life and death, but they have always insisted on supporting each other.

This love that spans ages shows that the essence of love lies in mutual understanding and companionship, rather than age matching. Jin Chaoqun's life experience tells us that success does not lie in age, but in perseverance and hard work.

He only became popular at the age of 42, and Proves practiced the truth of "as long as you work hard, it is never too late". At the same time, the courage and love of life he showed in the face of life crisis at the age of 66 also inspired us to cherish the present and face every challenge in life bravely.

Today's Jin Chaoqun, although he has faded out of the entertainment industry, his love for art and his sense of responsibility for cultural inheritance are still undiminished. His story teaches us that true value lies not only in personal achievement, but also in the contribution to society and culture.

Entered the industry at the age of 18, became popular at the age of 42, and suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 66, how are you doing now?