
Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

author:Rose says entertainment

China's wine culture has a long history, dating back to ancient times. In this vast land, wine is not only a drink, but also a carrier of culture, carrying people's joys, sorrows and sorrows.

The old saying "a thousand glasses of wine for a confidant" vividly depicts the Chinese's love for wine. However, as the ancients said, "wine can make things happen and things can also fail", and the harm caused by excessive drinking cannot be ignored.

Under the influence of this deep-rooted wine culture, it is even more difficult for celebrities and artists in the entertainment industry to resist the temptation of alcohol. Some of them, lost in the whirlpool of fame and fortune, used alcohol as a tool to escape reality, and eventually became "wine Mengzi".

Jinggangshan, Tengger and Li Qi, these three artists who were once smash hits, are typical representatives of this phenomenon. Jinggangshan, the singer who once became popular with the song "Only You in My Eyes", was in the double harvest of career and love, but he was infected with the vice of alcoholism in socializing again and again.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

He once boasted on the show that he could drink 20 bottles of liquor at a time, and behind this astonishing "booze" ability is a serious dependence on alcohol. Tengger, a Mongolian man, fell in love with drinking from an early age under the influence of his father.

After becoming famous, he even opened a restaurant, as if to indulge in the world of alcohol more conveniently. Li Qi began to use wine to drown his sorrows because of the depression of his youth, and finally found it difficult to extricate himself.

The experience of these stars is not only a personal sinking, but also reflects some problems in the entire entertainment industry and even society. Excessive alcohol consumption not only affects their career development, but also brings great harm to their physical and mental health and family life.

They vividly illustrate the age-old admonition that "if you drink well, you will hurt your body". Let's follow in the footsteps of these "wine mengzi" and see how they struggle in the sea of alcohol and find the way to rebirth.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

Their stories may give us some insight into how to stay awake in this world of temptation. In the entertainment industry, the road of "wine Mengzi" of many celebrities began when they were young and frivolous.

The story of Tengger and Li Qi shows us how young people step into this road of no return. Tengger, a man from Mongolia, developed a strong interest in wine from an early age under the influence of his father.

During his childhood, he always took advantage of his parents' outings to secretly taste his father's wine. At that time, his eyes flashed with curiosity and excitement, completely unaware of the effect of this behavior on him in the future.

During his school days, under the constraints of his teachers and parents, Tengger's alcohol addiction was not serious. However, when it comes to work, the situation is completely different. Without the constraints of the outside world, Tengger completely let go of himself and could no longer control his body's craving for alcohol.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

This dependence grew worse and worse, eventually turning into a bad habit that was difficult to break. At the same time, the story of another protagonist, Li Qi, shows how young people use alcohol to drown their sorrows.

In the early stages of his career, Li Qi experienced many setbacks and disappointments. Faced with the current situation of depression, he chose to use alcohol to kill his sorrows. Whenever night fell, Li Qi would sit alone in a dimly lit room, drinking liquor glass after glass, trying to numb his nerves with alcohol and forget the bitterness of reality for a while.

When he was young, Li Qi didn't think that drinking alcohol would hurt his body. He often proudly states that he only needs to take a sip to know the strength of the wine. This "skill" shocked many people, but Li Qi admitted frankly that it was just a skill that he had learned from drinking too much.

The young man in his twenties, even if he drank too much and vomited, he was still able to go to work the next day, which strengthened his confidence in the amount of alcohol he had drunk. However, Li Qi did not realize that this seemingly innocuous habit was slowly eroding his health.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

As he grew older, he began to notice that there were various problems in his body. Sadly, when he wanted to quit drinking, his body's dependence on alcohol had reached the point where it was difficult to quit.

Tengger and Li Qi's experiences reflect the helplessness and confusion of many young people in the face of the pressures of life. They use alcohol as an escapist tool, not knowing that it only complicates matters.

The story of these two stars is a wake-up call for us. It reminds us that young people need to learn to face setbacks and stress properly and not seek short-term escapes. At the same time, it also calls on all sectors of society to pay attention to the mental health of young people and provide them with more support and guidance.

In the entertainment industry, stories of overnight success are always desirable. However, with fame and wealth comes often an irresistible temptation. The experience of Jinggangshan is a typical example, showing the dangers lurking behind success.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

Compared with the name Jinggangshan, the audience may be more impressed by his song "Only You in My Eyes". This song made Jinggangshan a household name overnight, and truly realized the so-called "overnight fame".

With the skyrocketing fame, Jinggangshan's love life also ushered in spring, and he successfully married the goddess Liana back home. The double harvest of career and love should have been enviable.

However, Jinggangshan, who was blinded by fame and fortune, contracted the vice of alcoholism in socializing again and again. He once boasted on the show that he could drink 20 bottles of liquor at a time, an astonishing amount of alcohol that made viewers unbelievable.

However, his friend Zhang Hanyu said that Jinggangshan's statement was still too conservative. According to Zhang Hanyu, he had witnessed the high-energy scene of Jinggangshan drinking two large cases of beer more than once.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

This excessive drinking soon had a serious impact on Jinggangshan's career. As we all know, tobacco and alcohol are extremely harmful to singers' throats. Jinggangshan was not spared, and his singing career began to deteriorate.

To make matters worse, one time he vomited on stage the next day because he had drunk too much the night before, which undoubtedly cast a shadow over his career.

Eventually, Liana, who couldn't stand her husband's alcoholism, chose to leave. However, the departure of his wife did not make Jinggangshan lost. He still can't control his addiction to alcohol, even to the point where he can't memorize lines and act without alcohol.

Jing Gangshan, who could no longer continue his singing career, had to transform into a film and television actor. With the fame he had accumulated before, he quickly gained the favor of several directors. However, it is a pity that even when filming, Jinggangshan did not forget to drink.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

Especially during the filming of "Water Margin", he admitted that he was too addicted to alcohol. The other actors drank water, while he drank real liquor. Today's Jinggang Mountain has long lost its former handsomeness.

From a popular singer admired by tens of thousands of people to an Internet celebrity who does not drink or enjoy, this huge gap is embarrassing. The story of Jinggangshan tells us that success does not mean that life is smooth sailing.

On the contrary, it can bring more temptations and pitfalls. How to stay sober in Vanity Fair and how to manage your life at the peak of your career are all questions that everyone who pursues success needs to ponder.

Alcohol not only affects the careers of these celebrities, but also often causes them to engage in some jaw-dropping behaviors. The experiences of Jinggangshan and Tengger show us how alcohol can make people lose their minds and do things that they regret.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

At the peak of his career, Jinggangshan frequently appeared in the public eye because of alcoholism. The most shocking thing was his gaffe on stage. Once, because of excessive drinking the night before, Jinggangshan actually vomited in public on stage the next day.

This scene was witnessed by countless audiences, which not only stunned the audience, but also brought a huge blow to Jinggangshan's professional image. This embarrassing scene not only called into question Jinggangshan's professional ethics, but also made people begin to reflect on the drinking culture that prevails in the entertainment industry.

Tengger's story is even more absurd. After a successful career, Tengger simply opened a restaurant in order to facilitate drinking. At first, under the careful care of his wife, the business of the restaurant was not bad.

However, the good times did not last long, and Tengger soon made a group of friends who drank and meat. Perhaps because of the hospitality of the Mongols, Tengger often entertained these friends and never made them pay.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

Tengger has developed the habit of "drinking a little in three days and drinking a lot in five days". In the midst of such frequent feasting, his behavior became more and more out of control. Once, under the influence of alcohol, Tengger gave away a jade horse worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with a wave of his hand.

This extravagance eventually led to the closure of the restaurant. These incidents of drunken gaffes not only brought a huge negative impact on their career and image, but also brought serious problems to their family life.

Jinggangshan couldn't control his alcohol addiction, which eventually led his wife Lianna to choose to leave. Tengger's wife also left him after the restaurant closed down. These stories vividly illustrate the flip side of the old adage "drunk and spit out": alcohol can make people lose their minds and do things they would never normally do.

They are a warning to us that ordinary people and glamorous celebrities should be cautious about alcohol. Drinking in moderation can boost relationships, but drinking too much can ruin everything.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

The consequences of alcoholism are finally presented in the most brutal way in the lives of these stars. Not only did they suffer a heavy blow in their careers, but they also lost their closest family members and paid a heavy price.

Because Jinggangshan couldn't control his alcohol addiction, he not only made a fool of himself on the stage, but also seriously affected his daily work. Long-term drinking has caused irreversible damage to his voice, and his once moving singing voice has gradually become hoarse, and his singing skills are not as good as before.

Eventually, he had to transform into a film and television actor. However, even on set, he could not escape the temptation of alcohol. During the filming of "Water Margin", he admitted that other actors drank water, while he drank real liquor.

This kind of irresponsible behavior makes it difficult for his acting career to reach a higher level. Even more heart-wrenching, his wife, Liana, eventually couldn't stand his alcoholism and chose to leave.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

Tengger's experience was equally painful. The restaurant he opened closed down due to his profligacy and mismanagement, and years of hard work were in vain. The jade horse, which was worth hundreds of thousands, was easily given away by him in a drunken situation.

The closure of the restaurant not only cost him his career, but also his family. His wife eventually couldn't stand his alcoholism and chose to leave. From the owner of the restaurant to having nothing, Tengger paid a terrible price.

Li Qi's health deteriorated because of long-term alcoholism. He suffered from a variety of ailments such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which were the consequences of long-term excessive drinking. Li Qi once said that looking back, he should have drunk seven or eight thousand catties of wine.

This staggering figure not only reflects his dependence on alcohol, but also reveals the enormous burden his body is undertaking. The experiences of these celebrities tell us that the cost of alcoholism is so heavy.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

It will not only ruin a person's hard-earned career, but also destroy the hard-won family happiness. Losing a career, losing a family, and losing a health often plunge people into deeper despair, forming a vicious circle that is difficult to escape.

Their story is undoubtedly a serious warning to everyone: control your drinking behavior in time and cherish everything that is hard-won. Despite the huge damage that alcohol has taken from these stars, some of them have eventually found a way to get back on track.

Tengger and Li Qi's experience of quitting alcohol shows us the possibility of being reborn from the ashes. After experiencing the double blow of his career and marriage, Tengger finally made up his mind to quit drinking.

The process was not easy, but he persevered. Tengger, who has learned the hard way, has regained the direction of his career, and his singing skills are still there, which allows him to stand on the stage again.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

What's even more gratifying is that Tengger, who quit drinking, ushered in the second spring of his career and love. From a "drunken Mengzi" to a competent husband, Tengger's transformation is admirable.

Li Qi's road to quitting alcohol was even more difficult. His body had developed a severe dependence on alcohol, and he experienced painful withdrawal at the beginning of his abstinence. During that time, Li Qi couldn't eat, couldn't sleep well, and his body seemed to be torn apart.

In the end, he had no choice but to take a step-by-step approach, changing the initial three meals a day to one meal a day. After a long period of hard work, Li Qi finally succeeded in quitting drinking.

In an interview last year, Li Qi said that he no longer touches alcohol at all. The decision allowed him to regain his health and look more energetic than ever.

Drink pleasantly, drink a lot and hurt your body, take stock of the "wine Mengzi" who is addicted to alcohol in the entertainment industry

These experiences of abstaining from alcohol are not only personal rebirth, but also a rethinking of life. It teaches us that even if we have gone astray, there is always the possibility of starting over with determination.

The story of Tengger and Li Qi also brings hope to those who are still struggling with the abyss of alcohol. Finally, let's remember the old adage: Drink well, drink hard.

Drinking in moderation can strengthen relationships, but excessive drinking can bring endless evil. I hope that everyone can keep a clear head and cherish what is really important in life while enjoying good wine.

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