
Trump's tone has changed dramatically and he does not accept Putin's conditions! As long as the election is won, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will be resolved

author:The city is trickling

Trump is really full of confidence this time, and he came up bluntly that if he enters the White House again, this dispute between Russia and Ukraine can be easily resolved. At a rally last year, he even made bold claims, claiming that it would only take 24 hours to pull Putin and Zelensky to a table and let them shake hands.

Trump's tone has changed dramatically and he does not accept Putin's conditions! As long as the election is won, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will be resolved

During his last term, Trump was indeed the first US president to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons. Kudos to him for that. However, when he said that he could quickly resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we had to think about the possibilities and practical difficulties behind this.

Mr. Trump's style has always been direct, and he has publicly accused Mr. Putin of the terms of peace talks as "unacceptable," while saying that if Russia respects the U.S. president, the Russia-Ukraine conflict "will never happen." This statement, his hard-line stance, also implies that he believes that the United States should have greater influence in international politics.

Trump's tone has changed dramatically and he does not accept Putin's conditions! As long as the election is won, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will be resolved

Putin has made it clear that Ukraine does not accept the preconditions they have put forward, and there is no need to negotiate with the withdrawal of troops and the abandonment of the demand to join NATO. He has suggested that pressure could be exerted to force Ukraine to accept peace talks by cutting military aid to Ukraine. Whether this strategy will actually work is still unknown.

In the face of such an international chess game, Trump's self-confidence may stem from his business background, and he is accustomed to solving problems through transactions. The complexity of international politics is far more complex than the game of the mall, involving the interests and balance of multiple parties, which cannot be solved by simple transactions.

Trump's tone has changed dramatically and he does not accept Putin's conditions! As long as the election is won, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will be resolved

Trump also mentioned that if he is elected, he will reassess the way the United States supports Ukraine, possibly by lending rather than direct aid. This change shows that he hopes that Ukraine will have more autonomy and self-reliance while receiving help.

Trump's tone has changed dramatically and he does not accept Putin's conditions! As long as the election is won, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will be resolved

As for his opponent, the Biden administration has adopted a different strategy and continues to support Ukraine without a bottom line, which to some extent also reflects the fundamental differences between the two parties on foreign policy. Trump clearly wants to differentiate himself from the current administration on this issue, in order to appeal to voters who are critical of the current administration's foreign policy.