
What you need to know when staying in a hotel! Aunt Cleaning Revealed: These 4 items are dirty beyond imagination


The reporter conducted an in-depth investigation in a well-known chain hotel, and found some shocking hotel hygiene problems through exchanges with a number of cleaning aunts. In the survey, the cleaning aunts have said that the hygiene of some hotel items is indeed worrying, and it can even be said that it is "dirty beyond imagination".

What you need to know when staying in a hotel! Aunt Cleaning Revealed: These 4 items are dirty beyond imagination

1. Mouthwash cup: The cleaning method is staggering

In the course of the investigation, the reporter found that the mouthwash cup has become the "hardest hit area" of hotel hygiene. The cleaning aunt revealed that due to the large number of hotel rooms, in order to improve the cleaning efficiency, some cleaning staff will use some unconventional cleaning methods. For example, use the work clothes you are wearing, a bath towel that has been wiped down the toilet, or even a rag that has wiped the soles of your shoes to wipe down your mouthwash cup. What's even more unacceptable is that some cleaning staff even use shampoo and other detergents to clean mouthwash cups in order to save trouble.

What you need to know when staying in a hotel! Aunt Cleaning Revealed: These 4 items are dirty beyond imagination

A cleaning aunt, who asked not to be named, said: "We have to clean a lot of rooms every day, and time is tight. Sometimes, in a hurry, you have to use some unhygienic methods to clean the mouthwash cup. However, we know that this is not right, but there is really no way to do it. ”

2. Kettle: Boil panties and socks into a "sterilized" way

In addition to mouthwash cups, hotel kettles have also become the "hardest hit area" of hygiene problems. The reporter learned that some residents will put bottles, socks and other items directly in a kettle filled with water to boil to "disinfect". However, these behaviors pose a serious health hazard to the kettle.

What you need to know when staying in a hotel! Aunt Cleaning Revealed: These 4 items are dirty beyond imagination

"We often find strange smells and colors in the kettle, and sometimes we can see some unknown objects. We don't know exactly what the last guest did with it, but to be on the safe side, we usually choose to pour out the water and refill it. ”

3. Towels and bath towels: use should not be used as a "source of pollution"

Towels and bath towels are essential items in hotel rooms, but they have also become the "hardest hit areas" for hygiene. The reporter learned that some residents will throw towels and bath towels directly on the ground or use them to wipe the floor and wipe the toilet after using them. Not only do these behaviors lead to contamination of towels and bath towels, but they can also pose health hazards for the next guest.

What you need to know when staying in a hotel! Aunt Cleaning Revealed: These 4 items are dirty beyond imagination

"We wash and disinfect towels and bath towels every day, but some of the guests really give us a headache when they use them. Sometimes we find stains or smells on towels and bath towels, which makes us frustrated. ”

4. Slippers: becoming a "hotbed" for the spread of "athlete's foot"

In the investigation, the reporter also found that slippers have also become the "hardest hit area" of hotel hygiene. Many hotels provide slippers for guests, but these slippers often become a conduit for fungal diseases such as "athlete's foot".

What you need to know when staying in a hotel! Aunt Cleaning Revealed: These 4 items are dirty beyond imagination

"Slippers are reusable items, and if the previous guest has a disease such as athlete's foot, the slippers will become a source of infection. Although we wash and disinfect our slippers, we cannot completely avoid this risk. ”

In the face of these hotel hygiene problems, how should we avoid them? Aunt Cleaning gave the following advice:

1. Bring your own toiletries: In order to avoid possible hygiene problems with the use of mouthwash cups, kettles and other items provided by the hotel, we can bring our own toiletries. For example, you can bring disposable mouthwash cups, water cups and other items to ensure your health.

2. Double-check towels and bath towels: Before using the towels and bath towels provided by the hotel, we should double-check their hygiene. If you find that the towels and bath towels have stains or smells, you should report them to the front desk or the cleaning aunt in time and ask for a replacement.

3. Use disposable slippers: In order to avoid the risk of spreading fungal diseases such as "athlete's foot" that may exist with using slippers provided by the hotel, we can choose to use disposable slippers. Not only will this ensure your own health, but you will also avoid potential harm to your next guest.

4. Pay attention to personal hygiene: In addition to paying attention to the hygiene of hotel items, we should also pay attention to our own personal hygiene habits. For example, disposable toilet mats can be laid out before using the toilet; Slippers are allowed when using the public baths. These small actions can effectively reduce the risk of transmission of bacteria and viruses.

What you need to know when staying in a hotel! Aunt Cleaning Revealed: These 4 items are dirty beyond imagination

Through this survey, it is not difficult for us to find that the hotel hygiene problem does exist and cannot be ignored. As consumers, we should be vigilant and take appropriate measures to protect our health. At the same time, we also call on the hotel industry to strengthen management and supervision to ensure a safe and hygienic accommodation environment for consumers.

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