
In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains


TOKYO, Japan — Recently, an incident about the tragic death of Wang Yi, a female master at China's 985 university, in Japan has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Wang Yi died of starvation in his rental house due to long-term hardship. What is even more shocking is that her parents, after learning the news, signed a power of attorney to renounce the claim of the body in grief.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

Wang Yi, born in 1990 in an ordinary family in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, China, has been brilliant since childhood and has excellent academic performance. She was admitted to a well-known 985 university in China with excellent results, and showed extraordinary talent in the field of materials science. After graduating, she successfully entered Wuhan University to study for a master's degree, and successfully obtained her degree in only three years. However, it was such a talented female master who encountered misfortune in a foreign country.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains
In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

According to local media reports in Japan, Wang Yi chose to go to Japan for further study or work after graduation. However, due to various reasons, her life in Japan was not satisfactory. Due to language and cultural differences, it was difficult for her to find a suitable job, and her life gradually fell into trouble. Although she tried to improve her living situation through part-time jobs and online help, she was ultimately unsuccessful due to lack of funds and huge mental pressure.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

During his last years in Japan, Wang Yi's physical condition deteriorated dramatically. Due to the chronic lack of nutrition and medical care, she became so thin that she could not even walk independently. Her landlord finally decided to call the police after being unable to reach her several times. When the police arrived at the scene, they found that Wang Yi had been dead for a long time.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains
In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

After learning the news of their daughter's tragic death, Wang Yi's parents were devastated. They quickly contacted the Chinese Embassy in Japan and asked for assistance in handling their daughter's remains. However, after learning about their daughter's living situation in Japan, they made a shocking decision: to sign a power of attorney to renounce the claim of her body.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains
In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

According to Wang Yi's parents, they made such a decision because they could not accept the suffering and humiliation their daughter suffered in Japan. They believe that the cause of their daughter's death was not simply starvation, but related to the indifference and discrimination of Japanese society. They expressed the hope that in this way, they would seek justice for their daughter, and at the same time called on all sectors of society to pay attention to the living conditions of international students.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains
In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

This incident has aroused widespread concern and discussion. Many netizens expressed sympathy and regret for Wang Yi's experience, believing that she was a talented young woman who had embarked on the road of no return for various reasons. At the same time, some netizens expressed their understanding and support for Wang Yi's parents' decision, believing that they were seeking justice for their daughter, and also called on more people to pay attention to the mental health and survival of international students.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

In fact, in recent years, it has been not uncommon for international students to encounter difficulties in foreign countries. Due to differences in language, culture, economy, etc., many international students face great challenges and pressures abroad. Not only do they need to adapt to a new living environment and learning style, but they also need to face psychological problems such as loneliness, anxiety, and depression. However, due to various reasons, these problems are often not solved in a timely and effective manner, leading some international students to take extreme paths.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

In response to this problem, experts called on all sectors of society to strengthen their attention and support for international students. First of all, schools and parents should strengthen mental health education and counseling for international students to help them better adapt to life and study in a foreign country. Second, the government and social organizations should strengthen services and guarantees for international students, and provide them with more help and support. Finally, the media should also strengthen their coverage and attention to the problems of international students, so that more people can understand their plight and needs.

In 2023, 985 female geniuses starved to death in Japan, why did their parents sign a letter of authorization to renounce the claim of the remains

Wang Yi's tragedy makes us deeply regret and reflect. We should learn from this incident, strengthen our attention and support for international students, and create a safer, healthier and friendly learning and living environment for them. At the same time, we should also call on more people to pay attention to the mental health and survival of international students, and provide them with more help and support.

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