
The blind date market has already changed! No one wants "high-quality women" after the 80s, and there is no man in the blind date

author:Extraordinary fountain pen water

The blind date market is changing, and the situation of "high-quality women" after the 80s has attracted widespread attention. Once upon a time, these women with high education, high income, and good looks were regarded as the sweets of the marriage market. Now it is facing an embarrassing situation where no one cares. In a blind date event, there was no man present, this phenomenon can't help but make people think deeply.

Appearance plays an increasingly important role in today's society, especially in the marriage market. People often say "love at first sight", but in fact, it is mostly "love at first sight". However, age seems to have become the "original sin" of many post-80s women. They have careers, knowledge and charisma, but they are repeatedly rejected because of their age.

Financial pressure has become a heavy burden for many men in the marriage market. Pre-marital preparation items such as houses, cars, and bride prices discourage many men. They want to find a partner who can share the pressures of life, not a one-sided giver. This gap between reality and ideals makes many men hesitate in the marriage market.

The blind date market has already changed! No one wants "high-quality women" after the 80s, and there is no man in the blind date

The rise of feminism has brought new variables to the marriage market. More and more women are realizing their own worth and no longer see marriage as the only choice in life. They strive for equality, respect and self-fulfillment. However, this shift in perception has also sparked some controversy. Some people think that some women are too demanding and ignore mutual tolerance and understanding in marriage.

The emergence of the phenomenon of "fishing for women" has made the marriage and love market more complicated. Some women place too much emphasis on material conditions and see marriage as a shortcut to changing their life situation. This behavior not only causes criticism from society, but also disappoints and confuses many people who are sincerely looking for a partner.

The plight of the post-80s "high-quality women" reflects the contradiction of social concepts. They have independent economic ability and thought, but they are often labeled as "leftover women". The ageism of women in society has deprived many outstanding women of the opportunity to show themselves. They face the pressure of time, but they are not willing to compromise their principles in order to get married.

The blind date market has already changed! No one wants "high-quality women" after the 80s, and there is no man in the blind date

Women's views on marriage are changing. More and more women are choosing to be independent and no longer see marriage as a necessity in life. They pursue career success and self-fulfillment, believing that happiness should not be built on the basis of seeking perfection from grievances. This change in concept has made some people with traditional thinking feel uncomfortable.

A netizen's comment sparked heated discussions: "Why eat leftovers at the same price?" This quote reflects the prejudice that some people have against older women. However, the value of a person should not be measured solely by age. Everyone is unique and deserves to be respected and cherished.

The changes in the blind date market reflect the progress of society and the renewal of ideas. We need to look at marriage and love with a more open and inclusive mind. Both men and women should have the right to choose their own lifestyle. Marriage should not be the measure of a person's success.

The blind date market has already changed! No one wants "high-quality women" after the 80s, and there is no man in the blind date

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness. The situation of the post-80s "high-quality women" makes us think: should we break the boundaries of age and gender, and look at marriage and love with a more equal and rational eye? Should society give everyone more understanding and support, instead of judging others by stereotypes?

Love is the spice of life, not the whole story. Whether you choose to get married or be single, it should be a free choice for the individual. We look forward to a more enlightened and inclusive society where everyone can find their own path to happiness.

Have you ever been troubled by the dating market due to age, gender, or other factors? How do you think these issues should be viewed and addressed? Let's think together and contribute to creating a more equal and harmonious marriage and love environment.

The blind date market has already changed! No one wants "high-quality women" after the 80s, and there is no man in the blind date