
The 8 provinces with the lowest bride price in China are ranked first! See if your home is on the list!

author:Feel free in the spring breeze

Marriage is a social system and a cultural phenomenon. In large eastern countries, marriage has always carried multiple functions such as family continuity, interpersonal relationships, and social status, and the bride price customs in weddings are even more distinctive, reflecting the cultural traditions and values of different regions. In recent years, with the development of society and the renewal of concepts, people's understanding of marriage and weddings is also quietly changing, and more and more people are beginning to realize that marriage should not be measured by the amount of the bride price, but more importantly, the sincerity and understanding of both parties, which is more important for establishing a healthy marital relationship.

In a country with a long history and diverse culture, such as a large country in the East, the bride price customs in different regions have their own merits, including the exchange of money and materials, as well as the transmission of emotions and friendly blessings between families. Nowadays, with the diversification of economic development and cultural concepts, the bride price customs are also quietly changing, and some places have begun to advocate simple weddings, paying more attention to the sincerity and emotional expression of marriage, rather than the high amount of bride price. So, in such a diverse marriage context, what are the bride price customs in different regions? What are the places that have begun to advocate simple weddings and pay more attention to the sincerity and emotional expression of marriage? Let's unveil this mystery and find out.

The 8 provinces with the lowest bride price in China are ranked first! See if your home is on the list!

Guangxi: The custom of bride price reflects the economic strength of the family

The 8 provinces with the lowest bride price in China are ranked first! See if your home is on the list!

Guangxi is a place where Zhuang and other ethnic minorities live, and the bride price customs here are diverse and interesting, and it is also an important way to reflect the economic strength of the family. Generally speaking, the bride price in Guangxi is between 88,000 and 100,000 yuan, while some families with poor conditions may be between 22,000 and 66,000 yuan, which also includes some other "bride price", such as candy, wine, pigs and sheep, etc.

The 8 provinces with the lowest bride price in China are ranked first! See if your home is on the list!

In Guangxi's bride price customs, there is a very interesting "kissing" ceremony, the groom should take a group of brothers, come to the door of the bride's house, carry out a fierce "robbery" activities, only through the bride's family "test", in order to successfully "grab" the bride. In this process, both the groom and the bride's family can feel each other's sincerity and friendliness, which also adds a joy and excitement to the wedding.

The 8 provinces with the lowest bride price in China are ranked first! See if your home is on the list!

Beijing: Marriage should not be measured by the amount of the bride price

The 8 provinces with the lowest bride price in China are ranked first! See if your home is on the list!

Compared with Guangxi's higher bride price, Beijing's bride price customs are relatively simpler, and most families want to reduce the financial pressure on both parties by controlling the cost of marriage. Generally speaking, the bride price in Beijing is between 3 and 60,000 yuan, including some necessary "bride price", such as tea, candy, wine, etc.

The 8 provinces with the lowest bride price in China are ranked first! See if your home is on the list!

In Beijing's bride price customs, there is also a very interesting "counter-offer" link, where the bride's family will ask for a certain amount of bride price at the beginning, while the groom's family will "counter-offer", and finally the two parties can reach an agreement, which also represents the harmony and smooth future marriage of both parties. Through such a "counteroffer" link, people can also realize that marriage should not be measured by the amount of the bride price, but more importantly, the sincerity and understanding of both parties, only in this way can a healthy and equal marriage relationship be established.

Tibet: Weddings pay more attention to emotional expression and friendly wishes

As an ethnic region, Tibetan weddings have always been less luxurious, but more focused on emotional expression and friendly wishes, which is also reflected in their bride price customs. Generally speaking, the bride price in Tibet is mainly based on cattle and sheep and jewelry, and when choosing a bride price, you also need to pay special attention to the color and quantity, for example, red represents festivity, white represents purity, and the number "8" means wealth and good luck.

In the Tibetan bride price customs, there is a very interesting "gift" link, whether it is the bride price of the groom's family, or the bride's family return gift, all need to be "gifted", and through such a "gift" link, not only can enhance the feelings of both parties, but also can reflect the friendship and blessing between the family, but also bring a special meaning to the marriage.

Sichuan: Marriage should pay more attention to equality and respect

Compared with other places, Sichuan's bride price customs are more casual, it is understood that 80% of the woman's family does not ask for the bride price at all, and the remaining 20% do not care about the high amount of the bride price, generally speaking, only need to be about 20,000 yuan.

In the bride price custom in Sichuan, there is also a very interesting "crossing the door" ceremony, the groom needs to put some symbolic items at the gate, such as sugar and preserves, and the bride needs to put some other items in the room, such as fruits and flowers, and through such a "crossing the door" ceremony, not only can add to the joyful atmosphere of the wedding, but also can make people realize that marriage should pay more attention to equality and respect, only in this way, can establish a healthy and harmonious marriage relationship.

Hainan: Marriage should pay more attention to sincerity and sincerity

Hainan is a beautiful tropical island, and the bride price custom here is not significant, generally speaking, the bride price is between 10,000 and 50,000 yuan, and in Hainan weddings, people pay more attention to the sincerity and sincerity of the marriage, rather than the high amount of the bride price.

In Hainan's bride price customs, there is a very interesting "tea ceremony", the bride needs to give tea to the groom's parents, and in this process, the groom's parents will also give the bride some blessings and suggestions, and through such a "tea ceremony" ceremony, not only can enhance the feelings of both parties, but also make people realize that the beauty of marriage requires the joint efforts of both parties, and the support and blessing of family and friends, only in this way can we enter the palace of marriage and start a happy life.

The 8 provinces with the lowest bride price in China are ranked first! See if your home is on the list!


Marriage is a kind of emotional blending, but also the embodiment of responsibility and responsibility, in the palace of marriage, the bride price custom is important, but more important is the understanding and support of both parties, as well as the blessing and encouragement of family and friends. Whether it is in Guangxi, Beijing, Tibet, Sichuan, Hainan, behind every bride price custom, there is a rich cultural connotation and human feelings, and it also tells the beauty and happiness of marriage.

In today's pluralistic society, we should gradually change the concept of over-valuing the bride price, and pay more attention to the sincerity and emotional expression of marriage, only in this way can we establish a healthy and equal marriage relationship, and make marriage truly a beautiful part of life. I hope that every couple can work together in the palace of marriage, support each other, and write their own happy story together.

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