
There was no large-scale return to the hometown, and they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all.

author:Extraordinary fountain pen water

In the process of urbanization, the fate of the countryside affects everyone's heart. "There was no large-scale return to the country, they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all. This sentence speaks to the reality of the current society, and also triggers us to think deeply about the way we live.

There was no large-scale return to the hometown, and they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all.

Behind the bustling city, there are huge pressures and challenges. High housing prices, congested traffic, and fierce competition have left many people exhausted. After migrant workers move to the city, they face problems such as difficulty in finding employment and high cost of living, and their living conditions are worrisome. At the same time, the hollowing out of rural areas is becoming more and more serious, large tracts of land are wasted, and there is a shortage of agricultural labor, which not only threatens the country's food security, but also affects the sustainable development of rural areas.

There was no large-scale return to the hometown, and they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all.

Despite this, rural development has not stagnated. The continuous improvement of infrastructure and the improvement of agricultural mechanization have laid the foundation for the development of modern agriculture. As the foundation of the country, the importance of agriculture is self-evident. Agriculture has always played an irreplaceable role in ensuring food security, maintaining national stability and promoting economic development.

There was no large-scale return to the hometown, and they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all.

Population mobility is a complex phenomenon in the process of urbanization. In search of better education, health care, and employment opportunities, massive numbers of people are flocking to cities. This has led to a widening gap between urban and rural areas, and has also put tremendous pressure on urban management. As the cost of living in cities rises, some retirees are beginning to consider returning to the countryside, which not only relieves the pressure on the city, but also injects new vitality into the countryside.

There was no large-scale return to the hometown, and they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all.

The problem of rural hollowing needs to be solved urgently. It not only causes a waste of land resources, but also affects the social structure and cultural inheritance of rural areas. To solve this problem, it is necessary to rationally plan land use, encourage young people to return to their hometowns to start businesses, and inject new impetus into rural development.

There was no large-scale return to the hometown, and they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all.

As a basic industry, the status of agriculture is unshakable. The stability of grain prices has a direct bearing on peasant incomes and rural prosperity. The development of agriculture can not only ensure national food security, but also promote rural economic growth and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas.

There was no large-scale return to the hometown, and they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all.

The gap between urban and rural areas in terms of education, medical care, and living environment is an important reason why many people choose to live in cities. However, city life is not flawless. Problems such as high housing prices, traffic congestion, and environmental pollution have made people rethink the meaning and value of life.

There was no large-scale return to the hometown, and they all became city people. The younger generation doesn't want to farm at all.

Returning to rural life is not only a way to enjoy a lower cost of living, but also to experience the tranquility of rural life and the joy of self-sufficiency. This lifestyle has a unique charm for those who pursue a healthy, simple life. However, as one netizen said: "I want to go back to the countryside, but unfortunately I don't have any land of my own." This reflects the complexity of the current reform of the rural land system and the realities of the plight faced by returnees.

As an important force in the process of urbanization, the status and living conditions of migrant workers have always attracted social attention. With policy support and rural development, the trend of migrant workers returning to their hometowns is becoming increasingly obvious. They will become an important force in promoting rural development and injecting new vitality and innovative thinking into rural areas.

The development of rural areas is of great significance to the long-term development of the country. The balanced development of urban and rural areas is not only the demand of social development, but also the only way to achieve a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We should continue to pay attention to and invest in rural areas, so that rural areas can become places that people aspire to, and agriculture can become a dignified profession.

In the future, the countryside should radiate new vitality and become an ideal home in people's hearts. This requires the joint efforts of the government, society and everyone. We should re-examine the value of the countryside and recognize that it is not only a base for food production, but also the root of Chinese culture and a carrier of ecological civilization.

In this era of rapid development, are we too much in pursuit of the prosperity and convenience of urbanization? Are we ignoring the value and potential of the countryside? When we look back at our hometown, can we still find our own land? In the face of the imbalance between urban and rural development, how should each of us make our own choices and contributions? These questions deserve deep thought by each of us.