
A girl spends 470 yuan to take 1 fish to the hospital to see a doctor: emotional value surpasses money

author:Chang'an Fang

On June 29, Ms. Lin from Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, took a parrot fish that had been with her for five or six years to a pet hospital for medical treatment, an act that attracted widespread attention on social media.

It is reported that Ms. Lin's parrot fish recently grew a mass suspected of being a tumor, and the mass gradually increased, which caused her concern. Although the fish was originally purchased for only 25 yuan, Ms. Lin's emotional bond with it is far beyond money. She decided to take it to a pet hospital for treatment, and although the cost of treatment was as high as 470 yuan, she considered it a necessary investment.

A girl spends 470 yuan to take 1 fish to the hospital to see a doctor: emotional value surpasses money

For Ms. Lin, this parrot fish is not just a pet fish, but a part of her life. Its cute appearance, especially that smiling mouth, brings endless joy to Ms. Lin every time she feeds it. Faced with the seriously ill parrot fish, Ms. Lin did not choose to give up, but chose to accompany and treat.

A girl spends 470 yuan to take 1 fish to the hospital to see a doctor: emotional value surpasses money

After careful treatment in the pet hospital, the parrot fish's condition was effectively controlled, the lump gradually shrank, and the small fish also regained its vitality. Ms. Lin was very relieved to see the parrot fish regain its health. She said that this experience made her cherish the emotional bond with the parrot fish even more, and also made her deeply appreciate the importance of pet companionship.

A girl spends 470 yuan to take 1 fish to the hospital to see a doctor: emotional value surpasses money

The incident sparked heated discussions among netizens on social media. Many netizens have said that they did not expect that there are now pet hospitals that can treat fish, which reflects the society's attention and attention to pet welfare. At the same time, some netizens expressed their appreciation for Ms. Lin's actions, believing that she showed respect for life and deep love for pets.

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